26 Dec 2022


Environmental Ethics, Conservation, and Renewal of Resources

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Academic level: University

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 677

Pages: 2

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Ethics, environmental conservation, and renewal of resources are the significant vital factors that organizations should abide by to achieve an ecologically stable environment. Ben and Jerry’s is among the most ethical and responsible companies. The organization, which was founded in 1978, is a leading organization in the manufacture of ice cream and yogurt. The two founders of the organization have considered corporate social responsibility as a way to run the organization ethically, and they work together with other businesses that observe ethical responsibilities. The two partners grew from a humble beginning into what is currently a multinational organization that produces more than 40 different products. 

The organization practices a variety of corporate social responsibilities, which include factors such as the use of fair trade ingredients (Carroll, 2008). This aspect helps in solving regulation issues in workplace environment with organizations that are in different states and sell the same to their own countries. Employees are assured of safety at work as their rights are protected. The fact that Ben and Jerry’s organization take part in the community using projects that promote members of the community shows that the organization ethical and socially responsible. Moreover, the organization donates part of its profits before tax to corporate philanthropy as a way to practice social responsibility. The organization’s charity program helps young organizations within the country to be reliable and sustainable. This initiative is in alignment with Ben and Jerry’s aim to protect the environment and sustain the food system. 

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The organization’s practices are in alignment with the biblical world view in that it is a socially responsible organization as per the biblical expectations. Charitable works such as volunteering, which is a common practice by Ben and Jerry’s, are encouraged in the bible. People should offer help to those that are still struggling. The bible verse in Deuteronomy 15:18 that states that “but you shall freely open your hand to him, and shall generously lend him sufficient for his need in whatever he lacks” shows that God expects people to help the less fortunate through charity events as seen in Ben and Jerry’s organization. The organization’s efforts to volunteer with local organizations and other people in society are an indication that it aligns with the biblical worldview (Cohen, Greenfield & Maran, 1998)

Social responsibility creates value for the organization, and its partners boost the profit levels. The benefits are a way to motivate employees through charitable activities, which drive them to work harder in achieving organizational goals. Philanthropic activities such as charitable events play an essential role in employee’s productivity at work (Bain & Dandachi, 2014) . Such events motivate employees and make the company gain a good reputation. Voluntary programs can as well improve employees’ quality of life, which enhances the success of a business. Research has it that employees feel a sense of commitment and dedication when the organization gets involved in social cause issues. 

The organization takes advantage of global opportunities by producing ice-creams that have the most excellent quality that gets manufactured from a wide variety of unique and innovative flavors. Moreover, the organization operates in a manner that recognizes the critical role of other businesses in society. The organization has initiated creative ways that help it to enhance a good life locally and across the globe. In addition to this, the company operates on a financial model of growing profits, which boosts the value to shareholders. 

The main corporate social responsibility challenges faced by the organization are the fact that it has faced challenges sticking to its initial beliefs. Most of their views have conflicted with Unilever, which is their parent company. Moreover, the organization faces a challenge in maintaining its charity events since it is no longer an independent organization. There has been a decline in the organization’s corporate social responsibility activities since it was taken over by Unilever. Unilever is a British- Dutch company that gets its revenue from food, ice-cream, beverages and energy drinks. The organization owns over 400 brands and is now a diverse organization that provides goods all over the world. The founders of Ben and Jerry’s agreed to sell the company to Unilever in 2000 and the global food giant became in charge up to today. Unilever as a global corporation works in accordance to its values. It is a diverse organization when it comes to management. 


Bain, C., & Dandachi, T. (2014). Governing GMOs: The (counter) movement for mandatory and voluntary non-GMO labels.  Sustainability 6 (12), 9456-9476. 

Carroll, A. B. (2008). A history of corporate social responsibility: Concepts and practices.  The Oxford handbook of corporate social responsibility , 19-46. 

Cohen, B., Greenfield, J., & Maran, M. (1998).  Ben Jerry's Double Dip: How to Run a Values Led Business and Make Money Too . Simon and Schuster. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Environmental Ethics, Conservation, and Renewal of Resources.


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