9 Sep 2022


How to Civilize Them with a Stick - The Atlantic

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Academic level: College

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Words: 277

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In the modern era, the role of formal curriculum is no longer effective and the need for inclusion of the hidden curriculum is imperative. Getting degree is no longer a big issue as it was several years ago. Virtually post-secondary student have degree. However, what is becoming more and more important is the need for values and virtues that can keep students fit into the ever-dynamic world. Hidden curriculum offers a promise because it has been established that good behavior in students is better reinforced through hidden curriculum rather than the harsh punishment such as the use of sticks ( Dog and Erdoes, 1990) . Hidden curriculum has a tremendous impact on the students' behavior and even learning. The schools, therefore, needs to employ hidden curriculum in modifying the behavior of the students and not they use of harsh punishments since harsh punishments are not an effective approach in the behavior modification in students. 

It is also important to note the modern world is becoming more diverse as people from different nationalities, races, and ethnicities meet for either study purposes or business. Ability to tolerate and relate well in such environment expects students who not only possess basic academic qualification but also additional skills, virtues and values. Such skills, virtues and values can be achieved through hidden curriculum 

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The city college of San Francisco focused on cultural enrichment and life skills besides their core mission of lifelong learning unlike the other community colleges in California whose main aims is to prepare their students for jobs. Their mission have been revised and some enjoyable classes such as music have been introduced which means that the attitude of the learners have improved unlike the in the other colleges whereby the mission is centered to their careers only. 


Dog, M.C., and Erdoes, R. (1990). Civilize Them with a Stick. In, Lakota Woman . Atlantic Inc. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). How to Civilize Them with a Stick - The Atlantic.


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