13 Sep 2022


Washington's Farewell Address: A Close Reading

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Critical Thinking

Words: 849

Pages: 3

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The pioneer of the American presidential system acted as a role model to the United States of American people through the formation and running of the government. His actions reflected the future of America regarding politics and relationships with other foreign countries. George Washington was the first president of the United States of America. His legacy still surpasses every president that ever graced this noble nation. Washington’s Farewell Address , his last speech declaring the act of stepping down from the presidential seat at the end of the term, initiated the need for a clear comprehension of politics regarding unity and party formations. Washington’s Farewell Address presented Washington’s political principles and optimism for the United States of American nation regarding politics, and social life. 

The address acted as a pioneer to a two-term presidency in the United States of America. George Washington made it clear through the speech that he respects the action of people towards him and grateful for the support they have rendered him for the last eight years as their president . I am influenced by no diminution of zeal for your future interest, no deficiency of grateful respect for your past kindness (Washington, 1796). The conviction by Washington is noble and dwells on the perception of people. The approach he used at the beginning of the speech through apologies reflects on his ideal principles as a political leader. His decision to step down acted as adherence to the constitution and people’s will. The 1787 law stated that stability and continuity in the governing of a country were the ideal actions that leaders should respect (McClellan, 1989). Ruling for two terms with perfect governance and stability prompted Washington to step down to avoid disputing his legacy through greed. The United States of American government still applies the two-term presidency as pioneered by Washington. 

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The provision of appreciation through thanking people in a speech contributed to the perfect aspect of an address. Washington’s Farewell Address shows an appreciative element. The strategy has led to the inclusion of appreciation in almost all presidential speech in the United States of America ( Russell, 2018). The approach is also a reflection and the emulation of a method introduced by Washington in his speech. It shows the principles of the father of the nation. It also presented the need to apply principles in the process of governing the United States of America. Washington thanked the people for accepting him as their leader for the last eight years and wished for the bright United States of American future full of political justice, liberty and order. Many presidents in America have applied this approach in addressing the people. For instance, the former president Barack Obama stressed on the word Thank you in most of his speech. Washington’s Farewell Address , therefore, formed a legacy for appreciating the United States of American people as an etiquette applied by the presidents. 

Uniting Americans for the future endeavors also formed part of Washington’s Farewell Address. The United States of American constitution joined people through the protection of their rights and the realization of equality and respect to the law. Washington stressed the need for unity in his speech as an impeccable principle that every leader should yearn to uphold (Washington, 1796) . Washington further perceived the constitution as a comprehensive document that should address the demands of everybody regardless of the difference. His insistence on the possibility of amending the law if it fails to honor everybody in the country was noble and aimed at unifying the country. If, in the opinion of the people, the distribution or modification of the constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let an amendment correct it in the way which the c onstitution designates (Washington, 1796). The phrase is a presentation of the openness of Washington regarding the law as a unifying document. 

The effects of political parties and relationships with foreign nations in the United States of American have been controversial. Washington hated the prospect of political parties but anticipated the less influence of the United States of America towards foreign nations, as shown in Washington’s Farewell Address (Lindsay, 2019). The society has applied the terms isolationisms to describe Washington’s idea and perception of politics and foreign nations. Excessive partiality for one foreign nation and excessive dislike of another cause those whom they actuate to see danger only on one side (Washington, 1796). Washington asserted the world to clarify the need for comprehending the method used to maintain and stabilize the relationship with other foreign nations. The political parties, as he said, were divisive. The perception is evident in the United States of American today. Republicans and Democrats have divided people across racial and political lines. The speech ends with an appreciation of the constitution that leads to unity, acceptance of people. 

Conclusively, Washington’s Farewell Address focused on unity, appreciation, obedience to the constitution, and the realization of a perfect future of the United States of America regarding politics and social services. George Washington narrated this speech in an ingenious manner to provoke a positive emotion and anticipation among the people he ruled. His choice of words through the use of polite tone and an appreciative gesture contributed to the perfect composition of such an address that engaged every United States of American and other nation’s five senses. Unity and the need for honoring the law, therefore, formed ideal factors that guided George Washington and need to transfer them to future Americans. 


Lindsay, J. M. (2019).  The 223rd Anniversary of George Washington’s Farewell Address . Council on Foreign Relations.  https://www.cfr.org/blog/223rd-anniversary-george-washingtons-farewell-address 

McClellan, J. (1989). Liberty, Order, and Justice: An Introduction to the Constitutional Principles of American Government . Online Library of Liberty. 

Russell, J. (2018). “Content Analysis of Presidential Speeches: Term to Term Changes.” Senior Honors Theses. 206. https://digitalcommons.brockport.edu/honors/206 

Washinton, G. (1796). Washington’ s Farewell Address 1796 . Avalon Project - Documents in Law, History, and Diplomacy.  https://avalon.law.yale.edu/18th_century/washing.asp 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Washington's Farewell Address: A Close Reading.


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