4 Jan 2023


Servant Leadership Project: How to Lead with Purpose and Passion

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Servant Leadership and Its Impact on Police Organization 

Leadership is referred to as the state of being a leader or an action of leading a group of people or an organization (Rude, 2004) . Leading requires numerous aspects that are necessary for showing the direction to the group or organization being led and playing the representative role as well. Nevertheless, to obtain the position of a leader, an individual is required to portray a number of traits that define one to be effective for the respective position. General leadership varies from servant leadership where the difference is determined by the aim or the main objective of the individuals in the leadership position. For instance, servant leadership entails leaders whose main objective is to serve. In general or traditional leadership, the main objective of the respective leaders is either to thrive or to achieve a certain goal other than serving the members of the organization. Leadership philosophies are different and vary in relation to the main objective of the leaders regarding the organization and the group being led. Consequently, this paper identifies different traits of leadership, analyzes servant leadership and its traits and the impact of servant leadership in a police organization. Also, the paper presents a brief plan that would be necessary for the implementation of change facilitated by the ideas of servant leadership. 

Major traits of a leader 

In a leadership position, a leader should possess different traits that are necessary for leading a group or an organization. One of the major traits includes integrity. A leader should demonstrate unquestionable integrity and honesty in different activities and responsibilities assigned to him or her. As an individual responsible for showing directions to a group of people or an organization, a leader should demonstrate upright morals that can be used as an example for the upcoming generation or the organizational environment. Moreover, an effective leader should have confidence that is substantial for ensuring others follow the commands given by the leader (Sylven & Crippen, 2018) . When a leader is unsure of his/her qualities or decisions, he might not earn the trust of the group or the organization in charge. Additionally, a leader should inspire others. Inspiration is characterized by the trait of persuading others to follow a certain route that would lead to their success. In return, a leader should motivate others to learn more, dream more and put extra effort to attain a significant achievement (Russell et. al, 2002)

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Additionally, a leader should demonstrate total commitment and passion for the responsibilities accorded to them. As a leader, the organization looks up to you and follow your footsteps in the respective environment. Therefore, when a leader is committed and has a passion for the respective responsibilities and roles, they are likely to achieve great success in the organization. Moreover, a leader should demonstrate great decision-making abilities. Each organization depends on the decisions made by the leader (Brod, 2018) . In return, a leader should be able to make informed decisions on different activities in the organization. Last but not least, a leader should be creative and innovative. This applies in business organizations or any other organization that require innovativeness for good quality service to the members of the organization. 

Major traits of servant leadership 

Servant leadership is among the leadership philosophies in which serving is the main goal of the leader. Moreover, the leader interacts with members of the organization with the aim of achieving authority rather than power. The main objective here entails enriching the lives of individuals and building better organizations creating conducive environments that attract the success of the organization. In order to demonstrate servant leadership, a servant leader should possess the following traits. To begin with, a servant leader cultivates a culture of trust. The main aim of a servant leader is to promote the well-being of those around him or her. In return, trust is a core trait that a servant leader should portray in the servant leadership system (Sylven & Crippen, 2018) . Moreover, a servant leader values diverse opinions. This is enhanced through considering the views and opinions of members of the organization while making decisions that enhance the well-being of the respective members. Also, a servant leader should demonstrate empathy in the leadership system. The leader should have the ability to understand the emotions and recognize the feelings of each member in the organization under his/her leadership. Consequently, empathy incorporates care, which is in line with the main objective of a servant leader to promote the well-being of others. 

Also, a servant leader should demonstrate awareness of their strengths, values, weaknesses and a great sense of self-awareness. Moreover, a servant leader should recognize and appreciate others in leadership. Since servant leaders need cooperation to serve others and promote the well-being of others in the organization, they need to recognize and appreciate others in the leadership. An additional trait includes community building where a servant leader promotes the unity of people who come together for a common purpose (Walsh & Vito, 2018) . Moreover, servant leaders are able to create a sense of belonging for the members of the organization since due to their determination to achieve their objectives. Furthermore, a servant leader has foresight as one of the main traits. It enhances the ability to connect the present to the future and helps in formulating strategies that would promise the best for the best of the organization. Moreover, servant leaders encourage and help others with their life issues. 

Comparison between servant leadership and leadership traits of Good to Great book, Good to Great policing and the Meese text. 

Based on business management principles, the publications comparing with servant leadership present leadership philosophies that have distinct differences and induce different perceptions regarding leadership. According to “Good to Great” book, leadership requires an individual who makes productive contributions through knowledge, skills, and talent and work habits for the benefit of the organization. On the contrary, servant leadership requires a capable individual who makes productive contributions with the aim of promoting the well-being of others in the organization. The book presents a leader as a subject who presents the best for the benefit of the respective organization whereas servant leadership is based on the benefit of individuals in person. 

In addition, Good to Great book presents a leader as an individual who contributes individual capabilities with the aim of achieving team or group objectives through working effectively with other members of the group. In comparison, servant leadership focuses on improving or else facilitating a more synergistic relationship among members of the organization by promoting their well-being. Furthermore, in servant leadership, a leader focuses on different situations in the organization governed by the perspective of a servant first and the organization later. In contrast, the book asserts that a leader should handle situations in an organization with the organization being given the first priority. 

In servant leadership, a leader focuses on the needs and requirements and addresses them first addressing leadership later (Russell et. al, 2002) . The leadership philosophy discussed in the book considers leadership of the organization first then the wants of the members of the organization later. 

Obtained from the “Good to Great” policing, leadership involves enhancing organizational cultural discipline. The leader5r is expected to conserve the culture of the organization throughout the leadership. Getting the right people into the bus is a phrase that has been presented in the policing book that describes the role of a leader in the respective organization. In contrast, servant leadership ensures the well-being of everyone in the organization without selecting who to be included in the defined strategies (Winston, 2019) . In addition, the policing book associates leadership with the concept of greatness. The leader is presented as a subject of power unlike servant leadership, which is based on authority subject to serving the members of the organization. In general, the books present leadership as a subject to power where leaders aim to attain greatness in the organization. In contrast, servant leadership entails objectives that are laid to provide service to others and ensure that the services provided benefit the respective group (Mareus et. al, 2018)

Impact of the notion of servant leadership in a police organization. 

Introducing the notion of servant leadership in the police organization would induce a great positive change in the way they undertake their responsibilities and handle their duties. Servant leadership advocates for the achievement of authority. The current police organization is under power-driven leadership. If the organization would consider servant leadership, police would definitely assume different traits including listening, empathy, and stewardship (Borins, 2002) . The notion would induce numerous benefits especially in consideration of different approaches to how they handle the law enforcement duty. Moreover, servant leadership encapsulates different traits defined in the Christian worldview. The act of promoting the well-being of others and achieving authority is among the traits that enhance societal peace and community cooperation as well (Walsh & Vito, 2018) . In return, considering servant leadership for the police organization would induce numerous benefits for the organization and the society at large. 

Furthermore, servant leadership in police organization would concentrate on improving the well-being of police in different departments (Greggory Stone et. al, 2004) . As a result, it would facilitate a great change in how police handle different duties in different departments in the organization. Therefore, bringing the notion of servant leadership in the police organization would facilitate different impacts through change and the traits of leaders in different departments. 

Benefits of servant leadership in police organizations. 

Over the years, the leadership of police organizations has been based on power, barking orders and leaders dominating every discussion that involves the members of the organization. However, introducing servant leadership in the organization would attract the following benefits. 

First, servant leadership would boost the morale of police officers in different departments (Sendjaya & Sarros, 2002) . According to servant leadership, a good leader is committed to ensuring personal growth. Consequently, when leaders in the police organization concentrate on the personal growth of their officers, the officer’s morale increases automatically as they can see the commitment of their leaders to promote their well-being (Russell, 2019) . Furthermore, when a leader in the police organization leads with others in mind, there will be the elimination of the strategy of barking orders and in return replace them with a balance between the leaders and the servant officers. 

Secondly, servant leadership will pave a way for positive change in the police organization. When an organization wants to make a positive change, a servant leader is the best for such a move. This is because begins with “me and you.” Considering the well-being of the officers in different departments will promote improve their morale and their positivity for any change required in the organization. Moreover, change is viewed as a top-down policy. Consequently, when leaders value diverse opinions and cultivate a culture of trust in the organization, there are high chances of inducing a positive change in the organization through servant leadership (Winston, 2019) . Furthermore, a leader in servant leadership also concentrates on developing other leaders. Consequently, when leaders in the police organization develop other leaders, a positive change will be introduced that will not be based on the need for power but a change determined to achieve authority. 

Also, servant leadership will improve productivity in the police organization. In this case, productivity will be based on the activities carried out in the organization and the relationship between leaders and officers in different departments. For instance, leaders who observe servant leadership end to gain trust and respect from the members of the organization. Consequently, the organization will increase its productivity in service among themselves in the organization and law enforcement services to the society at large (Brod, 2018)

Furthermore, servant leadership will attract cooperation between the leaders and officers from different departments in the police organization. Cooperation will result from the aspect of the involvement of the leaders in different activities carried out by officers in different departments. Moreover, when leaders will operate for the needs of the police officers in the organization, the increased morale will enhance cooperation among the officers and help in service improvement (Walsh & Vito, 2018) . A servant leader will consider other leaders and officers while making decisions for the organization. Consequently, the decisions made will favor everyone in the organization since they have been made in their notion hence promoting cooperation. 

Another benefit of servant leadership in police organization is that it will promote loyalty among leaders. The police department is known to have various cases that do not portray loyalty including barking of orders and power leadership. Nevertheless, servant leadership will be necessary for improving loyalty in the organization. When leaders will consider the officers’ needs to be of primary importance, the officers will in return remain loyal to the leaders considering the fact that the leaders are concerned with their well-being (Walsh & Vito, 2018) . Lastly, servant leadership will improve diversity in the police organization. This is applicable in cases where leaders treat everyone in the police organization equally and conserve their rights regardless of cultural, racial or ethical differences. In general, servant leadership would induce numerous benefits inducing a positive change in the police organization. 

Pitfalls of servant leadership in a police organization. 

Despite numerous benefits supporting servant leadership in the police organization, various pitfalls are evident concerning the nature of the leadership philosophy defined in the context. In the police organization, not everyone has the traits of making a servant leader. Especially, considering the fact that police organization has a long-lasting culture of barking orders and power leadership, introducing servant leadership can be hard to implement. Furthermore, police leaders including commissioners and police chiefs are not connected following the existing culture separating different departments and the traditional leadership culture. Therefore, servant leadership would eliminate the existing culture that maintains the operation of the police organization. 

Moreover, servant leadership takes time to fully implement in the required organization. Especially in the police organization where the traditional leadership has its roots deep in the department grounds, servant leadership can be very hard to execute. Servant leadership advocates for services to others and meeting the needs of other people in the organization (Greenleaf, 2002) . If a similar case takes place in the police organization, there are chances that police officers will concentrate on promoting the glory of others. In return, self-glory and self-care might be omitted to eliminate police officers who would make good leaders and receive rewards for their leadership through recognition. 

Additionally, servant leadership would make many leaders in the police organization fail. Let’s consider power-hungry leaders in the police organizations who are always committed in order to attain a certain leadership position. When servant leadership which concentrates on the well-being of others and less of self-glory is integrated with the leadership system, many police officers in the category described might end up losing interest in their responsibilities. Therefore, many officers might not fit the organization upon introduction of servant leadership (Sylven & Crippen, 2018) . Understanding the role of a leader as a servant might not favor most of the officers in the police organization since a considerable percent are committed in their duties foreseeing a great promotion awaiting them. In return, servant leadership would be challenging in the police organization. Law enforcement is the major role of police officers. The traditional leadership plays a significant role in promoting law enforcement effectiveness (Van Dierendonck, 2011) . When servant leadership is introduced, there is a risk of relaxation in the line of duty that might affect the performance of the officers in the police organization. 

Plan for implementing the change necessary for servant leadership in police organizations. 

The following steps would be necessary for implementing servant leadership in the police organization. 

First, define the vision of the police organization and the roles defining the responsibilities of every leader in the organization. Although plans and vision are formulated in a top-down hierarchy, create awareness of the vision and plans to the organization. 

Develop other members of the organization. This will incorporate all leaders and members of the police organization. Value each member in line with their responsibilities. 

After defining the roles, educate them on the importance of servant leadership and its benefits as well. 

Build a community through enhancing cooperation in different activities including decision making and idea generation. In addition, understand the members of the organization and the existing relationships between them. It will be effective for demonstrating empathy. 

Share leadership in order to develop other leaders for the police organization. Sharing leadership will be in line with servant leadership and will demonstrate an approach to enhancing servant leadership. 

Lastly, consider the needs of the officers being led above your self-interests and servant leadership will effectively work. 


Blanchard, K. & Hodges, P. (2003). The servant leader. Nashville, TN: Countryman. ISBN: 9780849996597. 

Borins, S. (2002). Leadership and innovation in the public sector.  Leadership & Organization Development Journal 23 (8), 467-476. 

Brod, T. J. (2018).  Police Managers' Transformational Leadership Impact on Change Initiatives in Police Organizations  (Doctoral dissertation, Capella University). 

Greenleaf, R. K. (1998). The power of servant leadership. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers. ISBN: 9781576750353. 

Gregory Stone, A., Russell, R. F., & Patterson, K. (2004). Transformational versus servant leadership: A difference in leader focus.  Leadership & Organization Development Journal 25 (4), 349-361. 

Mareus, R., Patterson, K., Firestone, S., & Winston, B. E. (2019). Exploring servant leadership in a top-down environment.  Servant Leadership: Theory & Practice 6 (1), 4. 

Moisan, L. J. (2007). Leadership is a covenant: Leading people and living life more effectively. Bloomington, IN: Authorhouse. ISBN: 9781434310767. 

Rude, W. (2004). The connection between servant leadership and job burnout.  Servant Leadership Research Roundtable. Trinity Western University, School of Leadership Studies

Russell, E. J. (2019). The Responder’s Servant Listener. In Command of Guardians: Executive Servant Leadership for the Community of Responders  (pp. 41-48). Springer, Cham. 

Russell, E. J., Broome, R., & Russell, J. (2018). Servant Leadership and the Wellbeing of Police Officers: A Case Study.  Servant Leadership: Theory & Practice 5 (2), 5. 

Russell, R. F., & Gregory Stone, A. (2002). A review of servant leadership attributes: Developing a practical model.  Leadership & Organization Development Journal 23 (3), 145-157. 

Sendjaya, S., & Sarros, J. C. (2002). Servant leadership: Its origin, development, and application in organizations.  Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 9 (2), 57-64. 

Sylven, L., & Crippen, C. (2018). First to serve and protect, then to lead: Exploring servant leadership as a foundation for Canadian policing.  Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being 3 (2), 22-26. 

Van Dierendonck, D. (2011). Servant leadership: A review and synthesis.  Journal of Management 37 (4), 1228-1261. 

Walsh, W. F., & Vito, G. F. (2018).  Police Leadership and Administration: A 21st-century Strategic Approach . Routledge. 

Winston, B. E. (2019). Parable of the Talents: Integrity, Credibility, and Accountability. In  Biblical Principles of Being an Employee in Contemporary Organizations  (pp. 59-63). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. 

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