12 Jul 2022


A Security Plan for Maryland Public Safety Education Center

Format: APA

Academic level: University

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 2287

Pages: 9

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An overview of the organization 

The Maryland Public Safety Education and Training Center is a government agency situated in Sykesville, Maryland (Benny, 2013) . It is under the management of the Maryland Police and Correctional Training commissions, a division of the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services. The facility rests on seven hundred acres of land and has two units which are the Firearms Training Facility (FTF) and the Drivers Training Facility (DTF). The facility’s physical assets include offices, classrooms, shooting ranges, sports fields and several computer-based driving simulator stations (Brownsword, Scotford & Yeung, 2017) . The Firearms Training Facility’s buildings include staff offices, classrooms, an armory, weapon cleaning area, computer-based shooting simulation stations and an outdoor range. 

The Academic and Administrative Complex (AAC) is situated in the Maryland Springfield State (Mental) Hospital, operated by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (Brownsword, et.al., 2017) . The facility contains offices and classrooms, computer labs, a kitchen and a dining hall, graphic arts and video broadcasting studio, and maintenance shops. There are also boarding facilities on campus, a gym, offices, classrooms, a standard basketball gym, weight training areas and a swimming pool and a running track and obstacle course outside grounds include (Benny, 2013) . The center employs a hundred and twenty two people and handles over four hundred students daily in law enforcement and correctional training programs. The paper will examine how these assets can be protected against intruders, damage and their security intensified. It will examine the emergency response and planning steps that should be undertaken during an emergency and the OSHA regulations that the center needs to follow to ensure the facility is safe for living and working in. It also examines the hiring and training practices at the center and legal issues unique to the site and makes recommendations based on the findings of the examination. 

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Physical plant intrusion 

Organizations need to secure their premises against intruders but physical security is often overlooked and technology-oriented security countermeasures given more precedence. Corporations will invest millions in securing their facilities against hackers and less on protecting their physical plants against intruders (Benny, 2013) . Safety measures are critical in protecting data, tools and equipment, people, systems and other company assets from burglars or damage by ill-intentioned individuals (Shostack, 2014) . The adoption of technology in data storage for both personal and official use makes the risk more imminent, and the Maryland Public Safety Education and Training Center is no exception. The possibility of tech devices like hard drives, laptops, mobile phones and other gadgets containing unencrypted data being stolen or unauthorized data downloads taking place is high (Brownsword, et.al., 2017) . The center acknowledges the risk and has put various physical security measures to safeguard the premises against intruders. 

Intruders can gain access through unsecured entry points, by tailgating, hacking into unauthorized access control smart cards or by breaking in through doors or other spaces (Shostack, 2014) . The facility has installed physical intrusion detection devices along with their perimeters which notify the security guards whenever any intruder tries to force entry into the premises. They have also installed alarm systems all over the facilities, and man traps all meant to bar the entry of unauthorized people in the facilities (Brownsword, et.al., 2017) . They also employ Radio frequency identification systems and cable locks meant to protect and track tech devices with sensitive information against unauthorized access and theft (Benny, 2013) . Additionally, the center has other security measures in places like the issuance of badges to visitors and name tag badges to personnel accessing the premises (Shostack, 2014) . The badges ensure that the security team can monitor who gets into the building and for what purpose, therefore, avoiding intruders from gaining access. The personnel badges also facilitate the entry of personnel into restricted areas where without the badge and the password intruders cannot enter (Benny, 2013) . The center utilizes the annualized loss expectancy method to determine the cost versus benefits of installing a security system against physical plant intrusion. The probability of loss of the devices and equipment also determines the amount invested in the security system (Brownsword, et.al., 2017) . For instance, if the probability of getting robbed is 5% and the cost is $50, 000 then the facility invests $500 on securing the item annually otherwise any amount below or beyond that is money wastage. 

Property damage, interior, and exterior 

An organization’s properties are one of their most important assets since without them no work can be done (Shostack, 2014) . The property damage could occur through vandalism, mishandling or through accidents in every day work activities or by natural causes and comprises of both damage to the tangible and intangible property like electronic data (Shostack, 2014) . To protect tangible property from vandalism, the organization employs security patrols during and after the working hours. This bars the entry of unauthorized people and helps monitor the property against internal damage by those authorized to access the center (Benny, 2013) . The proximity of the facilities to communities increases the probability of vandalism which calls for the installation of a surveillance system working around the clock to ensure that the patrol teams have eyes on the property all the time (Brownsword, et.al., 2017) . The center, however, lacks proper perimeter protection to keep intruders and vandals out like the Academic and Administrative Complex have no separation from the mental hospital which could lead to property damage in case of a break out of the mentally challenged patients. 

Personal security 

Personal security entails assuring the safety of individuals who visit or work at the premises from harm (Brownsword, et.al., 2017) . The PSETC is obligated to ensure that all the people on their grounds are safe from internal and external harm to be it visitors, employees, volunteers or any other stakeholders (Shostack, 2014) . To maximize the safety of these people the organization should install security cameras for round the clock surveillance to ensure that anything or anyone who poses a threat to these individuals is caught before causing any harm (Benny, 2013) . The supervision not only acts as an identifier of safety threats but also acts as a deterrent since people will be on their best behavior when they know that they are being watched and any misbehavior recorded. 

It is imperative to have procedures to deal with any eventuality that threatens personal security within the organization (Brownsword, et.al., 2017) . Incidence reporting can be in the form of installation of direct emergency phones connected to the security offices for victims to report any form of harassment on (Shostack, 2014) . In case of crises that are likely to endanger personal security, there should be a crisis management team with a defined chain of command and open communication channels (Benny, 2013) . There are fire assembly points, exit passages fitted in buildings in case of emergencies and a continuous security engagement is also essential (Brownsword, et.al., 2017) . Personal security regarding data can be strengthened by ensuring that the center is protected by outside intrusion and the information technology systems are password protected such that hackers and other malicious people cannot access it. 

Although the organization has no stand-alone legal duty to bear the cost of replacing or repairing employees’ personal property that has been lost, stolen or damaged at work, they can be held liable for negligence charges (Benny, 2013) . It is therefore important for the organization to put up signs to reinforce the message that employees are responsible for their properties and have a clause that states that they are not liable for loss or damage of personal items in the contract. They are however liable for their employees’ wrongful acts when at work (Brownsword, et.al., 2017) . Therefore to avoid lawsuits they should provide maximum security and involve law enforcement in case an employee is accused of destroying another person’s property on the center premises. 

Information/records security 

In this digital era, most of the information is stored digitally but there still are records that are kept in hard copies and due to the sensitivity of the information security around the information storage needs to be maximized (Benny, 2013). The organization will ensure that information and records are secure by providing the employees with access codes and passwords so that only authorized people to have access to the official information (Brownsword, et.al., 2017). The information technology will provide each employee with a unique password and login detail so that their digital footprint can be traceable in case of any illegal information access or use (Shostack, 2014). All gadgets used in the center will be firewall protected to keep hackers off and antivirus software installed to protect the data from malicious parties. Information will be backed up and the hard copies placed in secure storage where they can only be accessed by authorized personnel (Brownsword, et.al., 2017). The data center and server rooms will be out of bounds for unauthorized individuals and the hard copy storage rooms installed with CCTV cameras to avoid the misuse of the files by employees with access to them. 

Emergency planning and response 

Disaster preparedness and crisis communication are important aspects of the continuity of every organization (Shostack, 2014). It is critical to inform employees, visitors, students and anyone else in the facility how to respond to emergencies of any nature. Occupant emergency plans are guidelines that direct how people should respond to specific emergency situations (Brownsword, et.al., 2017). Since electricity is a fundamental need for the center since the running all machines depend on in case of a power outage, there should be a backup generator to ensure that the activities go uninterrupted (Benny, 2013). The facility needs to install smoke, fire and heat detectors so that they can monitor the increase of these elements to levels dangerous to human life. Fire awareness lessons should be a must for all employees so that they can learn how to respond and mitigate damages in case a fire breaks out (Shostack, 2014). The evacuation and exit routes should be made known to all personnel so that in case of a fire they know how and through which routes to evacuate the buildings. Fire extinguishers should be installed in all the corridors and rooms and the staff members directed on the different types of fires and their suppressants (Brownsword, et.al., 2017). Fire detectors should also be installed so that they can go off and alert people of danger if the temperature reaches and exceeds certain degrees. 

OSHA standards and violations 

The occupation safety and health policies are aimed at minimizing chemical, physical and agronomical hazards in the workplace through improvement of working conditions and creation of a good working environment (Brownsword, et.al., 2017). To minimize physical hazards clear signs directing restricted areas will be put up. The handling of equipment including guns in the shooting range will be detailed in the orientation process of new law enforcers training at the academy to reduce instances of self-injury or injury to other parties (Shostack, 2014). Personal protective gears like noise canceling head phones at the shooting range and other equipment required for the sporting and training processes will be provided (Brownsword, et.al., 2017). The buildings will be well ventilated, safe work and exercise equipment provided depending on the tasks and personal protective gear provided depending on the training activity (Benny, 2013). The center will, therefore, do everything in its power to provide a safe and secure learning and work environment for the employees and the students who will enroll at the center. 

Hiring practices 

The Maryland Public Safety Education and Training Center has an independent personnel system, so it does not adhere to state/governmental hiring practices (Brownsword, et.al., 2017). Before being hired an agency head is required to complete an application for certification form for a police officer hired by a law enforcement agency in the State to get provisionally certified. The agency head then submits the application within a year, and if the applicant meets the set selection standards, they are provisionally certified (Brownsword, et.al., 2017). A provisionally certified employee is however not allowed to carry a firearm or perform police duties. After the provisional certification, an officer is put on probation for a year waiting to get trained as required by the law and regulations of the police force (Shostack, 2014). To qualify for the certification, the applicant must be twenty-one years of age and above, be an American citizen, and be a member of a law enforcement agency (Benny, 2013). They should also at least have a high school diploma recognized by the state education board. The applicant must have a clean bill of health physically and mentally, have no criminal past, posses a driving license, and pass an oral interview and a drug test (Shostack, 2014). Once they pass these tests the applicant after the year in probation is certified to work as a police officer. 

Training practices 

The law enforcers are required to undergo entrance level training approved by the commission (Benny, 2013). These include firearms training and field training which is assessed and performance graded with the applicants requiring a score of at least seventy percent to be eligible to proceed for certification. The training is started after the applicant's physical and mental health is assessed and proven fit for training and successful training after two years leads to academy certification (Brownsword, et.al., 2017). The law enforcement officers are also required to take 18 hours of Commission-approved in-service training and Police Officer Firearms Training per year. 

Legal issues unique to the site 

The site is legally required to be conducive for learning and safe providing an atmosphere that is learner friendly and with proper lighting, acoustics, and ventilation (Brownsword, et.al., 2017). The site should also meet health safety requirements regarding sanitation and hygiene and should at least provide twenty-five square feet of classroom space for each student (Benny, 2013). They should also be provided with locker space to keep their belongings and personal effects for personal safety and security (Shostack, 2014). The center is also expected to provide the necessary materials like desks, tables and chairs and any other equipment required for learning to go on smoothly and comfortably Baker, P. R., & (Benny, 2013). They are also required to provide storage space for learning materials which are safe and secure as well as any other instructional and training equipment to maximize the learning and training outcomes of the students. 

Recommended policies and procedures 

The Maryland Public Safety Education and Training Center should, therefore, put in place policies and procedures aimed at improving the security of their employees and other stakeholders in their premises (Brownsword, et.al., 2017). They should consider constructing a perimeter wall around the Academic and Administrative Complex to separate it from the Springfield state mental hospital (Benny, 2013). The lack of a partition is dangerous to incase a mental patient breaks out of the facility and comes to the center and harms the students and other people in the administration complex. 

They should also increase the number of officers assigned to patrol the facility considering that they live near civilians and the current physical barriers to intruders are not high enough (Brownsword, et.al., 2017). The patrols will ensure that the security team has eyes on everyone approaching the facility and prevent occurrences like crimes of mischief by teenagers or vandalism of the center’s facilities. 


Baker, P. R., & Benny, D. J. (2013). The complete guide to physical security . Boca Raton: CRC Press. 

Brownsword, R., Scotford, E., & Yeung, K. (2017). The Oxford handbook of law, regulation, and technology Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. 

Shostack, A. (2014). Threat modeling: designing for security . Indianapolis: Wiley. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). A Security Plan for Maryland Public Safety Education Center.


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