Music Essay Examples

If you’re stuck with your music-themed writing assignment, we’ve got plenty of music essay examples for you to draw inspiration from. Most popular topics have been collected here, divided into categories for your convenience. Feel free to check them out to refuel your imagination!
17 Sep 2023

‘'Black Man Feeling to Party'' by Black Stalin

The music to be analyzed is ‘'Black Man Feeling to Party'' by Black Stalin. Regarding the social setting of the music, the performance is carried out in an open setting where the performer and his crew are on the...

Words: 355

Pages: 1

Views: 114

17 Sep 2023

View on Music: Bernstein vs. Plato

Music is all about beats and lyrics bring about a sensational feeling. The message being conveyed by a musician during events and concerts should match the tone or type of event at the moment. Musicians try to major...

Words: 286

Pages: 1

Views: 45

17 Sep 2023

Wilhelm Richard Wagner's Life and Music

Introduction Music is a piece of art, and its medium is mainly silence or sound. Music's main elements are made up of the pitch, dynamics, rhythm, texture and timbre. In performing music, it can be done using a...

Words: 2281

Pages: 8

Views: 235

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17 Sep 2023

The Role of Music in Peoples’ Life

Music plays a fundamental role in reshaping the thinking and the mindset of humanity. Music has always been perceived since the dawn of time to motivate, educate, inform, and relieve stress and all sorts of anxiety...

Words: 584

Pages: 2

Views: 421

17 Sep 2023

The Relationship Between Language and Music Understanding

I firmly agree that language is never direct or preferably black and white, and Christy says that it comprises several dialects. In most cases, the idiom is used to create a universal language. Some words are shared...

Words: 281

Pages: 1

Views: 159

17 Sep 2023

The Evolution of Military Music Bands

Military music forms a key component in the history of instrumental music worldwide. In the United States, this history goes centuries back way long before the signing of the Declaration of Independence on the 4 th...

Words: 1371

Pages: 5

Views: 74

17 Sep 2023

Use of Electronic Musical Instruments in Musical Sound Synthesis

Use of Electronic Musical Instruments in Musical Sound Synthesis The song “Strawberry Fields Forever” by Beatles (Released Feb. 13, 1967 — ) uses a combination of synthesizers to produce noble musical sound that...

Words: 260

Pages: 1

Views: 389

17 Sep 2023

The Tanglewood Symposium and its Impact on Music Education

The Tanglewood Symposium is regarded as one of the monumental aspects that positively impacted music education in the 20th century American society. The symposium was conducted in 1967 in Tanglewood, Massachusetts....

Words: 3698

Pages: 15

Views: 432

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17 Sep 2023

Classical Compositions: La Mer, The Rite of Spring, Erwartung

Introduction La mer is an orchestral composition composed by Claude Debussy between 1903-19105. The performance of this composition is in three movements the first movement is “From dawn till noon”. The second...

Words: 547

Pages: 2

Views: 40

17 Sep 2023

Personal Favorite Song: Queen by Jessie J

Music is known to be a powerful tool that people can make use of and communicate in many ways. Songs are also grouped into different genres just like books and movies. For instance, these genres may include...

Words: 792

Pages: 3

Views: 54


Assignment types
Academic level

Music Essays: How Do You Deal With Them?

Students may write music essays when majoring in Arts, Humanities or Social Sciences. In fact, music relates to many different academic areas. Why not check out some great humanities essay examples? You can find lots of inspiring topics there.

Still, papers like these can be presented in many different fields. You can use the following context when talking about it:

  • history
  • culture
  • psychology
  • philosophy, 
  • friendship, relationship, hobbies, etc.

When working on such an assignment, pick the most interesting and familiar topic possible. Then make sure to include all its major aspects, backing up your claims with credible sources. It is helpful to have some background, e.g. specialized education or participation in bands. However, you can also talk about your own preferences in melodies.

Music Essay Topics

If you are looking for some cool music essay topics, then you've come to the right place. You don't have to be in the industry to be interested in it! Why not put more research into your favourite celebrities, or different areas of life where this particular art has taken its toll? Remember, that the best way to deal with it is having fun and enjoying writing a paper!

We’ve broken them down into main groups for your convenience. Here are several general topic suggestions:

  • Can one master music production without studying theory?
  • Main difficulties performers face today.
  • How do people become celebrities in the music industry?
  • Can we consider poetry a part of the music industry?
  • Role of music in psychology.
  • Role of marketing in the band's success. (Consult: essay about marketing.)
  • Usage of melodies in politicians' campaigns.

Topics for Essay on People Who Love Music

Do you need some sweet samples of essay on people who love music? Then, chances are you are among those very people! And it is perfectly normal nowadays. After all, it does influence lots of people and their lives on a daily basis. Enjoying it is what makes your day-to-day struggles great. Who doesn't love listening to some angsty tunes when the mood calles for it? Or, vice versa, why not turn on an upbeat theme when you feel like singing? If you can relate to all of these, then you will like the titles we collected. Check them out!

  • Our family tradition: attending the yearly classical concert in our city hall.
  • My happiest/saddest memories and songs I associate them with.
  • Subcultures: how young people’s choice of tunes influences their behavior, attire, friendship, etc.
  • Top 5 reasons I prefer classics/jazz/metal/hip-hop.
  • The phenomenon of K-Pop fans in modern society.
  • Can best friends have different tastes in music?
  • Effect of tunes on healing emotions.

Read our essay about happiness and essay on friendship. They will inspire you if you choose some of these suggested topics.

Topics for Essay on How Pop Culture Influences Music

Pop culture is everywhere, so it's no surprise that you chose to write an essay on how pop culture influences music. Here you can explore all the ways in which current events influence what people listen to, or what kind of tunes are developing. It is also a possibility to throw a few predictions on future jingles. Or, maybe, you will be interested in figuring out a completely opposite idea - how does music influence pop culture.

 In any case, one of these ideas can be useful for you:

  • Ethnic and cultural roots of reggae.
  • The early history of rap.
  • Do classics have a better moral/cultural effect on people compared to other genres?
  • Gender equality and hip hop: women’s role played in this genre.
  • Positive and negative impact of modern technology.
  • The phenomenon of indie music.
  • Electronic music: the choice of the millennials generation.

Music Defines Who You Are: Essay Topics

Writing a “music defines who you are” essay can be thrilling in its own way. Think about everything that you do in life, with your headphones plugged in or acoustic systems getting you in a mood for work! Think about all those times when you needed to block out the real world with some tunes. Or, maybe, you were one of those kids who let it dictate your whole lifestyle? All of this, and some more, you can explore within this topic. Tell everything about melodies that you've lived with your whole life!

For this exact reason we chose few essay ideas for you: 

  • What does music mean to me?
  • How do tunes impact our brain?
  • Impact of music on my life decisions.
  • The meaning of school musicals for different generations.
  • Singing to a person: does it elevate their mental and physical levels?
  • How does music inspire people for good deeds/work/protest?
  • Importance of music for ethnic/religious communities.

Examples for Music Essays

Finally, here are several examples for music essays – written by experienced authors for real student assignments. Feel free to check them out and use them as inspiration! We’ve collected various free writing examples here in order to help those of our readers who struggle with similar tasks.

Viewing a completed essay on a related subject might help a lot when you’re stuck with your writing. You can re-use the style of these texts or their structure. Just keep in mind that no published materials are to be copied for submission, fully or partially.


Frequently Asked Questions About Music Essays

1. Are your music essay samples free?

Yes, absolutely. All music essay samples that you can see in any section of our site are free to look through! Feel free to search, browse or read them. You can reuse some of the ideas you find in them, copy their style or structure or take any relevant sources which are referenced in them to quote in your own text.

2. Can I use your music essay samples for submission as my own?

No, our music essay samples can only be used as sources of your inspiration or ideas. You cannot copy these texts, neither fully or partially, to submit as your own assignment. This is called plagiarism and it is frowned upon in any educational institution. And your professor can easily check the originality of your work online and find such fragments.

3. What can I write in "What does music mean to you" essay?

Do you suck with “what does music mean to you” essay? Actually, such titles are self-explanatory: you can share your own experiences with different tunes and trace connections between certain songs or melodies and important events or persons in your life. Then you can refer to philosophical or scientific works on this subject or bring in some Shakesperian quotes to illustrate your ideas.

4. Can you write an essay explaining how music can play an important role in a person’s life for me?

If you need to write an essay explaining how music can play an important role in a person’s life, we are always ready to help. We are a professional writing service that helps students with their writing assignments. Our authors are former students with significant expertise in various academic areas and well-versed in academic writing rules. Our works are always delivered on time.


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