31 Aug 2022


Analysis of Intermodal Transportation

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Critical Thinking

Words: 282

Pages: 1

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Environmental Impact of Intermodal Transportation 

Intermodal transportation generates various benefits for the environment. As intermodal transportation entails the combination of two or more forms of transportation, it leads to a decrease in energy consumption and greenhouse emissions ( Taniguchi & Nemoto, 2008) . In other words, effective selection of transport mode and routes decreases environmental impacts. With the advancement of technology, intermodal transportation forms will play a greater role in decreasing the emissions of air pollutants, carbon, and noise. Moreover, it will decrease its negative effect on biodiversity and decrease the number of fatalities. 

The Role of Ports 

Ports play an important role in the continuum of intermodal transportation. The ports act as key transportation hubs that enable movement of goods between localities and global markets. They enable the integration of various forms of transport like highways, marine routes, air transit, and rail roads. Ports coordinate with communities, state agencies, and planning departments to enable the efficiency of intermodal transportation and to remove the limitations form various forms of transportation ( Dwarakish & Salim, 2015) . On that note, ports enable the convergence of different modes of transport to enable optimal intermodal transportation. 

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Importance of Network Design on Port Operations 

Network design is a vital feature that enables the effective operation of ports. Proper network design enables service efficiency and enhancement of port operation. Further, it increases competitiveness to satisfy the logistical requirements of clients. Most importantly, network design enables the integration of intermodal transportation in port transportation ( Notteboom, 2008) . An effective network design will consider the needs of each mode of transport to ensure that they are well coordinated. This enables the port to remove the bottlenecks associated with each form of transport top create greater efficiency. 


Dwarakish, G. S., & Salim, A. M. (2015). Review on the Role of Ports in the Development of a Nation.  Aquatic Procedia 4 (1), 295-301. 

Notteboom, T. (2008). Bundling of freight flows and hinterland network developments.  The Future of Intermodal Freight Transport, Operations, Technology, Design and Implementation. Cheltanham: Edward Elgar , 66-88. 

Taniguchi, E., & Nemoto, T. (2008). Intermodal freight transport in urban areas in Japan.  The future of intermodal freight transport , 58-65. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Analysis of Intermodal Transportation.


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