5 May 2022


Attitudes and Personalities in Men and Women

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Different attributes and characteristics make people unique and different from one another. There are more notable differences between men and women. Other than the physical differences and physique between the two genders, there are more veiled disparities that shape the entire life of a person, be it, male or female. Selection of a particular career path, for instance, is one area that is majorly determined by these differences (Bird, & Rieker, 2008). Veiled differences are more biological; whereas more visible contributors come from the society setting. 

Human beings adapt differently according to certain situations. In the case of stressful events, both men and women release a hormone called oxytocin. In the case of women, oxytocin mixes with estrogen. The resultant effect of this is that women can handle stressful events more peacefully. Testosterone in the case of men, makes them be aggressive. Violent and hostile personalities such as these are attributed to hormonal secretion. Such behavior, however, is not condoned in the modern society of human interaction (Bird, & Rieker, 2008).

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Modern beliefs that have been instilled into the modern society also have a part to play in determining the attitude and personality of a person. For instance, boys are taught from a young age that they should be stronger. They shouldn’t cry. The society has, therefore, accept this as true. And be so true to it, most leadership roles, in the family and political positions are handed to men. On the other hand, girls, are taught to be gentle and subjective to men. Stereotypes such as these have significantly impacted on the lives of such young people, who grow up knowing that's how a normal world is (Bird, & Rieker, 2008). Any other person who falls out of these pre-determined conditions is looked down upon with lots of ridicule. 

The natural process of aging has a significant impact on the attitudes and personalities of people. Menopause in women comes with symptoms that have an adverse effect on their well-being. These symptoms include insomnia, mood changes, and weight gain. Andropause in men is more gradual. Symptoms such as depression are closely related to andropause (Cappelloni, 2016).

Acknowledging the differences that exist between men and women is tolerable. The social interactions and expectations have a large impact on the attitude and personality of an individual. Biological factors of people cannot be changed. Strict perspectives of how men and women should be are the main factors that shape people in a certain way. It is a great offense to discuss some aspects that are not considered socially-right. Attraction towards the same sex is one case of such taboos. The society should be more lenient by accepting all our differences as we are all human, under one unifying factor (Cappelloni, 2016).


 Bird, C., & Rieker, P. (2008).  Gender and health  (1st ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.

Cappelloni, L. (2016).  What Are the Symptoms and Signs of Menopause? Retrieved from http://www.healthline.com/health/menopause/symptoms-signs#overview

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Attitudes and Personalities in Men and Women.


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