27 May 2022


Authentic Leadership and Team Leadership

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Academic level: High School

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 301

Pages: 1

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A description of the Path-Goal Theory 

According to Northouse (2010), the Path-Goal leadership model is based on leaders motivating their subordinates to achieve a specific goal. The model aims at increasing employees' motivation, satisfaction, and empowerment so that they become active members of the business (House and Mitchell, 1974). The theory depends on subordinate motivational factors, which have a significant effect on the result of the task.

Compare the characteristics of the approach or theory you selected to those of Authentic Leadership and Team Leadership. 

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The path-goal leadership theory is comparable to the contingency and situational leadership theories in that it suggests appropriate styles of leadership for interrelating with subordinates. However, it is dissimilar from the contingency and situational approaches in that the path-goal theory enhances additional variables to what leaders should study in their interactions with employees. To understand the path-goal leadership theory, one needs to think about the path, which subordinates must track to attain assigned goals. Northouse (2010) notes that leaders motivate their subordinates to achieve goals when they define, remove obstacles, clarify the path, and offer support to assist in meeting the assigned objectives.

Using your own experience, share an example of a situation that demonstrates this relationship. Describe the impact of that relationship .

An example is my relationship with Andrew. He is difficult to work with. Usually, Andrew ignores everyone in the building. He acts disengaged, nonchalant, and uninterested. At times, he acts as though someone forced him to attend work. In a particular instance, a colleague asked for her help with patient's request; however, in a rude tone, he snapped at her saying that "That is not my work." However, in response, I helped with the requests instead. The effect of the relationship was ill mannered. I never wanted to work with him.

Andrew’s conduct within the work environment bares numerous consequences since it directly affects the efficiency of fellow employees including their morale, which could lead to their absence. Employees in comparable uncivil situations spend more time thinking about future exchanges or the disrespectful event. Therefore, they waste their time trying to avoid the instigator.


House, R. J., & Mitchell, R. R. (1974). Path–goal theory of leadership. Journal of Contemporary Business, 3, 81–97.

Northouse, P. G. (2010). Leadership: Theory and practice (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Authentic Leadership and Team Leadership.


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