Data visualization is a process of presenting data which has been analysed in form of graphs to help produce an accessible way to see and understand trends and patterns in the analysed data. Data visualization is used mainly to present analysed data in such a way that it helps us make decisions based on the visible patterns on the presentation. Data visualization thus cannot work on its own without the use of data analysis which breaks down raw data into a useful form easier to understand which is then visualized hence the role of data analysis cannot be ignored.
The presentation of the visual data for Books Made into Movies is not effective since it does not make the data visualized easily understandable or bring out any trend or patterns at the first look. The visualized data does not set any trends or patterns which can be derived from looking at the presentation hence cannot be used to make any conclusive conclusions. The massive data has not been well analysed hence the data visualized is not useful and cannot be easily understood. The presentation is thus ineffective since its sole purpose of making data easily accessible and understandable has not been achieved. The visualized data was also not representative of the data thus not all the raw data was taken into consideration hence making it difficult to make any informed decisions based on the presentations.
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The analysis of data has a lot of abnormalities and hence cannot be used conclusively make any decision. The analysis is biased and not representative since some data was not taken into consideration yet it was part of the raw set of data this leading to the data being visualized being skewed toward a certain genre or author. The analysis was thus not able to come up with conclusions which can clearly explain why the data pattern was in such a way leading up to poor visualization.
The data visualization of Books Made into Movies is weak in many ways; firstly because it’s not easy to access and understand since there are no clear trends or patterns from the presentation. The visualization is also dull since the graphs and colours used in the presentation are dull and thus do not readily capture the attention of the reader hence making it boring. The visualization also lacks a key hence would take a person a lot of time to figure out what the presentation is about which might lead to some essential data in the visualization being overlooked. Lastly the presentation was not done in a systematic way hence lacks the pattern of data and these can mislead.
Data visualization is a great tool in presenting analysed data to help in making data-driven decision but when not carefully used can lead to misleading presentation hence bad decisions. Data analysis before visualization must thus be carefully done to ensure the intended purpose of visualization is achieved.