Game of Thrones is a television show based on a series of books written by George R.R. Martins referred to as Song of Ice and Fire books. The television represents its explicit Christian allegory. For instance, in season 5 the television series represents the viewers with a brewing conflict between the Protestant-ish sparrows, fundamentalist versus the corrupted. This makes catholic-seeming sept church as the reference in the television series ( Tharoor, 2018 ). Primarily, the whoremongering High Sept is a medieval-era leader while on the other hand the High Sparrow’s refutation of the church is mainly viewed as the worldly excess immediately brought to mind ( Martin, & OverDrive, 2011 ). Further, a Germany monk had the same ideas about the churches of his time.
Moreover, there is no denying the many sects of Christianity and George RR martins hold the vision that the world has irredeemably corrupt and fallen and all through the series the television show reminds the viewer what ac carpsack the world of Westeros has become. This mainly roots for white walkers who are argued to have to clean the world of Westeros of the evil and corruption that has enrooted itself in the kingdom ( Martin, & OverDrive, 2011 ). Justice in the world of Westeros has been overpowered by wealth and corruption meaning that the less fortunate people in the society have no say in how they are ruled.
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In the world of man were true justice and the rule of the people exist only in the world of God which form a crucial part of the Christina theology ( Tharoor, 2018 ). The show indicates how the deception of man into bad practices has evolved and become a central part of the word. Martin takes a very dark path into the nature of human with the history of Christianity, and it is safe to argue that Christianity influences him significantly in creating his works which have become one of the most watch television series in the world.
Martin, G. R. R., & OverDrive, Inc. (2011). A Game of Thrones 4-Book Bundle . S.I.: Random House Publishing Group.
Tharoor, I. (2018). Worldviews: How the main continent in ‘Game of Thrones’ is modeled on the British Isles. Retrieved from