24 Feb 2023


Courts Suspending Jury Trials as COVID-19 Cases Surge

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Academic level: University

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Words: 307

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The Coronavirus pandemic has cause disruption in the court proceedings. The suspensions of jury trials have resulted in a number of negative effects on society. A major legal issue faced as a result of the suspension of jury cases is the denial of constitutional rights to the individuals whose cases have been suspended. People rely on the legal system to acquire custody rights, protection orders and to solve disputes. When the jury cases are suspended, the law system fails to provide its citizens with their constitutional rights. 

The constitution also guarantees fair and speedy trials clearly explained in the sixth amendment. This is a legal issue that has been violated as the delays and suspension of jury’s cases will lead to a backlog of cases and eventually cause ramifications. If the suspension of cases continues, the court system will soon have overwhelming number of pending cases that will result in inefficiency in the legal system. (Courts suspending jury trials as COVID-19 cases surge, 2020). The inability of the legal system to provide a speedy trial might have a negative effect on cases being dismissed. Dismissal of cases may result from the bulk of incomplete cases and it will result in injustice to members of the society. 

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Another legal issue is the possibility of the prolonged stay of defendants to stay in already overcrowded jails for longer than they should. This will mean a violation of their right to be served quickly and not be subjected to staying in jails for long before the court’s decision. Therefore, it is evident that the coronavirus pandemic is causing a negative influence on the basic rights of people and also interferes with their dignity and ability to be free. It is the responsibility of the legal systems in different states to identify the best practices to ensure the people are protected from acquiring the disease and also being served in a rightful way by the legal system. 


Courts suspending jury trials as COVID-19 cases surge. (2020, November 20).  United States Courts https://www.uscourts.gov/news/2020/11/20/courts-suspending-jury-trials-covid-19-cases-surge 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Courts Suspending Jury Trials as COVID-19 Cases Surge.


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