26 Jul 2022


Data Analysis: The Ultimate Guide

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 378

Pages: 1

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Globally, one of the most integral parts of individuals and organizations daily routine is the use of technology and its evolution. Naturally, technology is used in the improvement of education, where learning analytics is used in the classroom to help refine the learners' experiences. Data analysis and the use of technology is done to offer information on the learning and teaching experiences offered. The use of analytics and data analysis is essential in identifying the particular needs of both individuals and organizations that will enable them to make data-driven decisions ( Richardson et al. 2019) . Consequently, from the initial posts, the two most essential tools and concepts learned in an understanding of data analysis. The core practice of business organizations and individuals in society is through data analysis. While choosing the best data analysis tool, there are many challenges that people encounter to fit their specific needs. 

Therefore, while choosing the data analysis tool individuals are required to consider the tool's data modelling abilities, pricing and licensing and, business needs of organizations and individuals. One of the tools learned that I feel it is most significant in understanding data analysis is the descriptive analytics tool that takes individuals and organizations previous patterns. Also, this tool aims at analyzing individuals and organizations data through their learning process. In simple terms, descriptive analytics describes where things are and what has happened, thus allowing an individual or organization to make decisions strategically on the best management methods ( Richardson et al., 2019) . For instance, descriptive analytics can be used in finding out how much the organization and individual know about the lessons and practices. after the data is analyzed, the lessons learnt are implemented by reaching more individuals who build the right tool for management systems. 

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The other used tool that is more significant in understanding data analysis is the prescriptive analysis which provides the organization with data that is used in making actionable decisions. Also, alternative solutions are suggested through the use of prescriptive data which makes the productions more effective. Therefore, based on the collection of data in the organization, this tool is used in generating suggestion in the organization that will provide resources ad tools that increases their impacts, accounts and profits ( Richardson et al. 2019) . Also, this tool is used in providing insight into the organization and individuals based on their performances. Finally, it is crucial to keep the information provided by individuals or organization safe because the receptiveness of the individuals while using the tool is required for better results. 


Richardson, V. J., Teeter, R. A., & Terrell, K. L. (2019).  Data analytics for accounting . McGraw-Hill Education. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Data Analysis: The Ultimate Guide.


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