20 Jul 2022


Discussion on Police Discretion

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 291

Pages: 1

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Post 1 

Notably, police discretion is important; it should exist and there is no problem regarding it. However, while using it, officers should exercise it with limit. Believably, police discretion is a basic requirement in policing. In the first place, it would be difficult for officers to determine the appropriate time to make arrest (Scholten & Luchtman, 2017). The major reason why officers practice discretion is to ensure they control the circumstances surrounding an issue, while investigations are ongoing. Although some crimes appear straightforward, some investigations are pegged on other issues that need to be considered. In that regard, police discretion should exist, and it is not a problem (Scholten & Luchtman, 2017). 

Post 2 

I do not support the removal of police discretion. There lacks any reason for removing it, as it will only make the work of police officers difficult. They will be deprived the opportunity of making appropriate decision while at the crime scene. In its context, discretion is informed by insights, skills, and knowledge and every officer is expected to utilize them whenever faced by unpredictable circumstances (Scholten & Luchtman, 2017). In terms of feasibility, removal of discretion is insensible, and impractical. It will ruin the culture of accountability that has been fostered among the police officers. The act of removing discretion will not be efficient, considering the officers will be denied the opportunity of making virtuous and informed decisions (Scholten & Luchtman, 2017). However, officers of the law should be restricted on the right avenues to apply discretion. 

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Post 3 

I believe the police departments can appropriately address the concerns of police discretion by ensuring that, high-level self-esteem and prudence is instilled within the law enforcers (Scholten & Luchtman, 2017). By so doing, the department will prevent the officers from using discretion as a mechanism of punishing individuals who have broken the law. The police department has a role to play discretion issues are appropriately addressed by ensuring adequate supervision is done on the officers in exercising discretion while serving the public (Scholten & Luchtman, 2017). 


Scholten, M. & Luchtman, M. (2017). Law Enforcement by EU Authorities: Implications for Political and Judicial Accountability. Northampton, Massachusetts: Edward Elgar Publishing 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Discussion on Police Discretion.


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