4 Sep 2022


Ethical and Legal Analysis: What You Need to Know

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Academic level: University

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 531

Pages: 2

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Part 1 

School Counselors (ASCA)  Teachers (NEA)  School Nurses (NASN) 
The ASCA is responsible for protecting students’ information from the public. They always keep them confidential, and they cannot disclose them to other school staff ( American School Counselor Association, 2016) The NEA is responsible for guiding students in the classroom by ensuring that they undertake tasks offered to them.  The school nurses (NASN) always have crucial roles in the school. They provide health care to the school fraternity. 
ASCA also prepares students for the future by ensuring that they are productive in the school.  Compared to ASCA, the (NEA) can also act as mentors to the students. They always ensure that students learn the necessary skills taught to them (Walker, 2014).  Besides providing health care, the NASN ensures that health needs of the students are met. They are always responsible for responding to any emergencies. 
At times, ASCA must make effective decisions on matters concerning the student.  NEA rewards students who perform well in school with gifts. This action shows it appreciate students’ efforts.  It is also the role of the NASN to provide health care to the entire school staff. They also offer education and information about health care. 
Students who have experienced abuse are also guided by the ASCA to ensure that they do not feel neglected.  The NEA ensures that there is a positive environment among the students since it helps them to be productive.  N/A 
The ASCA always informs parents how their children participate in school program and groups.  N/A  N/A 

Part 2 

Responsibility to Students 

For counselors, ASCA is responsible for supporting student development and growth. It must guide students and ensure that they all treat each other with dignity and focuses on students’ academic, social, and career needs. They encourage students and guide them on the right path to take based on future careers. The school counselors respect students’ family beliefs, culture, and values. They also avoid discrimination among students based on their cultural background and ethnicity. FERPA is among the federal and state legislation that relates to the ideas behind the ASCA code of ethics. The FERPA laws are always bound to change due to technology and new statutory regulations. As a result, students’ information should be protected from the public. 

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Moreover, the law advocates for students’ confidentiality since they may be exposed to other school staff. The ASCA can only hand out students’ information to any local and state child welfare or agency, who have the right to access the information. In this case, the local or state child welfare should also have permission from the parents to access a student’s file. Other than the school counselors, teachers and the school professionals may also access students’ information and education records depending on the case at hand. FERPA advocates students’ information be kept in electronic case files and documents and ensures that only the right people have access to students’ information since they are confidential. The electronic case files also prove to be reasonable and technological since an outsider can not access them. 

Based on the ethical codes, the FERPA laws do come together by the ethics since they protect students’ information from the public. However, most of the ASCAs assert that they have no electronic case records for the students. FERPA had stated that every student’s file should be in an electronic case since it would be safe. Statistics have confirmed that 30% of ASCA are enrolled to the electronic case systems (Zeide, 2015). 


American School Counselor Association. (2016). ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counselors. Alexandria, VA. 

Walker, T. (2014). NEA survey: Nearly half of teachers consider leaving profession due to standardized testing.  NEA Today

Zeide, E. (2015). Student privacy principles for the age of big data: Moving beyond FERPA and FIPPs.  Drexel L. Rev. 8 , 339. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Ethical and Legal Analysis: What You Need to Know.


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