9 May 2022


Ethics and Corporate Responsibility

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 1304

Pages: 5

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A stakeholder is a person, a group of individuals or an organization that has interest on another and directly or indirectly affects its operations ( Mäntysaari, 2005) . Firstly in an organizational setting, there are different levels of stakeholders who are identified and affected differently by the organization's activities such as the employees, the customers, founders and the government. Secondly, the stakeholders provide funds to the organization; in this case, they financially support the firm. Stakeholders also are people who have invested resources in the organization such as in the form of shares. Additionally, stakeholders participate in the daily activities of the organization such as in production, distribution and consumption and include the managers, employees, and the consumers( Mäntysaari, 2005) . Lastly, stakeholders are affected by the outcomes of the organization, in case the company runs at losing, the owners, managers, employees, government, community suppliers and consumers will be adversely affected by the loss.

Firstly stakeholders in the PharmaCARE involve the business owners, and these are the core founders of the organization, and they have a certain percentage regarding shares in the company. The second key holder to discuss is the CEO of PharmaCARE who is also a member of the board of the organization, in this case, as the firm's manager he is entailed to decision making which directly affects the activities of the organization and in turn affects his performances in the company. Also, the Colberia and the US governments are the main stakeholders in the PharmaCARE organization. The group is based in New Jersey in the US and also it has a manufacturing firm in Colberia and therefore, it has to follow the rules and regulations of the two states as well as paying the revenue to the government. If in this case, the organization fails to abide by the countries laws, it will affect the government as well as its legal rights to operate in the nations. Additionally, the company's operations are significantly influenced by the two nation's laws, and therefore, the interdependence of the two governments and the business. Thirdly, the employees from Colberia are also key stakeholders in the organization as they interrelate with the organization to influence each other general well -being. For example, if the company fires the employees the employees will be affected and also the organization will lack adequate labor. Additionally, the company's product customers are also key stakeholders in the organization as they are provided with pharmaceutical goods and services. Lastly, the Colberia community is a stakeholder in the organization because they are affected by the activity of the organization such as destroying the habitat as well as exhausting the native species. 

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Firstly, the human rights recommend that the minimal wage for an employer should allow the employee acquire a decent life ( Compa& Diamond, 2003) . In this case, the PharmaCARECompanyhave violated this human rights law as the Colberia employees earn $1.00 per day which is relatively small to sustain the workers and their families. Secondly, the PharmaCARE executive is luxurious while its neighborhood is fairly poor with no electricity nor water, in this case, the company should work to improve the living standards of the people in Colberia. To promote ethical behavior for the company, PharmaCARE should increase the employees' wages to help in improving the living standards of the employees and the community members at large. Secondly, the company should develop the community, in this case, the people of Colberia have no access to tap water and electricity, and the company can establish means through which the community can benefit and provide clean tap water and electricity. Lastly, it is the duty of the PharmaCARE to protect the environment, the company should, therefore, source another source of their input materials rather than destroying the habitat and cutting down native species trees. 


Ironically, the company has established an initiative to protect the environment by recycling waste products, as well as changing the package of goods, yet it is destroying the environment in Colberia. The company means of environmental protection are inappropriate with the Superfund which is a federal government project to provide financial aids to clean up environments that are contaminated with either a hazard or an environmental pollutant. In its attempt the company suggests for recycling and changing the package as well as using other green initiatives. On the contrary, the company activities in Colberia have significant adverse effects on the environment. Firstly, the company's activities have destroyed the habitat due to the emission from the manufacturing process. During the manufacturing process, the company produces dangerous emissions that pose a health threat to the community living beings, hence, making the habitats unconducive for living. Secondly, the company produces drugs obtained from indigenous crops with medicinal benefits; in this case, the plants which are scares have been exhausted to the extent that the native species is almost extinct. The company's environmental protection measures are in contrast with the company's activities in the Colberia which revolve around environmental destruction. Instead of using the scares and almost extinct plants, the company should encourage the community by helping them to plant more plants in the species.


Utilitarianism is a theory that supports the best moral as an action that maximizes on the utility whereby, the utility may refer to human beings ( MacKinnon, 2014) . In this case, the morality of an action is defined by its outcome on people. PharmaCARE actions, in this case, are ethical because they support the general well-being of the people of Colberia. The country is poor with very low living standards and therefore, the company offering the citizens of Colberia working opportunities will help the community members improve their living standards, hence, enhancing the well-being of the people of Colberia. The theory of utilitarianism argues that morality is defined by the ability of an action to make life better by increasing quantity of good results ( MacKinnon, 2014) , in this case, the company provision of employment is an act that aims to provide employment which will counter poverty that results from unemployment.

On the other hand, the theory of deontology judges morality based on the rule or rules( MacKinnon, 2014) . In this case, the company is morally right if it follows the rules and also if it meets its obligations. Based on this theory, PharmaCARE company's actions are unethical, and this is because the company is not fulfilling its duty in human protection whereby it is exhausting on the available scares resources as well as massively exploiting the employees with plenty of work with poor pay. Additionally, the company has failed in its obligation of developing the country it is operating in as evidenced by poor living conditions, lack of water tap and electricity.

The virtue ethics emphasizes on characters and virtues and indicate that ethical behavior is that which is guided by morals and character ( MacKinnon, 2014) . According to the virtue ethics, the company actions on the people of Colberia are unethical, and this is because the company should naturally aid those in need, but instead the company is exploiting them by subjecting them to hard work and little pay of $1.00 for the whole day and walking while carrying heavy loads.

Additionally, ethics of care evaluate the morality of an action depending on what makes the action morally right or wrong. The theory emphasize the importance of interdependency, consideration of the vulnerable group while making a decision and finally the contextual details to cater for the needs and interests of the parties involved ( MacKinnon, 2014) . In this case, the company actions are unethical; this it did not consider the needs and interest of the people of Colberia.

The company actions are ethical, firstly, the company has provided job opportunity for the vulnerable people in the community, and hence, there are chances of improving the living standards due to the availability of sources of income. Additionally, the company is abiding by the country's laws and obligation, and therefore, the actions are ethical. Importantly, the company is not responsible for the poor living conditions and low living standards of the people of Colberia.


Walmart, one of the leading retail businesses in the world, have been in the recent past accused of unethical behavior on matters regarding the employees. Firstly, the company same as the PharmaCARE company have been accused of paying the employees relatively low wages while subjecting them to long working hours ( Hicks, 2007) . Additionally, the company has faced unethical critics due to its discrimination on women paying them relatively low than their male colleagues and also neglecting and depriving them of maternity leave. Additionally, Walmart stores have faced critics due to their unethical behavior of providing the employees with the unsafe working condition ( Hicks, 2007) . Contrary to PharmaCARE, Walmart Company has not faced unethical challenges arising from environmental problems.


Compa, L. A., & Diamond, S. F. (2003).  Human rights, labor rights, and international trade . Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania Press.

Hicks, M. J. (2007).  The local economic impact of Wal-Mart . Youngstown, N.Y: Cambria Press.

MacKinnon, B. (2014).  Ethics: Theory and contemporary issues . Australia : Wadsworth

Mäntysaari, P. (2005).  Comparative corporate governance: Shareholders as a rule-maker . (Springer e-books.) Berlin: Springer.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Ethics and Corporate Responsibility.


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