22 Sep 2022


Gender Violence: What It Is and What You Can Do to Stop It

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 257

Pages: 1

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Gender violence is a global social problem. In most cases of gender violence, women suffer more than men. Many factors perpetuate the gender violence issue. The first is male superiority as accorded by many cultures worldwide. In most societies, a male child are viewed as superior, and most activities are given superiority. Politically, there is male dominance. As a result,most of the domestic and public laws favor male gender. At the same time, any policy that goes against the status quo is suffocated by the male majorities. As a result, any attempt to challenge the status quo by women results in conflicts. Other than male superiority, there is the need to dominate women in society. In most communities, female gender suffers despite their attempt to rise educationally, socially and politically. Female gender mostly performs domestic tasks at home, and this has become their identity. As thy struggle to extricate from such identity, violence, discriminations, sexual assaults and other forms of abuse such as death dowry occur. Other than this, female gender is treated as male’s property that can be owned and bought. As a result, the male is given power over female gender and them in return, misuse this power by causing many forms of gender violence such as rape and death dowry. Personalities and genes are also factors which result in gender violence. 

Intersectionality is also another causative factor of gender violence. Intersectionality is the social categorization of people based on individual personalities such as gender, race, and ethnicity. Female gender is viewed as a weak creature and as a result faces discrimination at homes, financially, educationally, socially and at the places of work. For instance, the percentage of women employees has been increasing for many centuries. However, most of the executive positions in most organizations are occupied by the male gender. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Gender Violence: What It Is and What You Can Do to Stop It .


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