31 Aug 2022


Green Logistics - Sustainability and the Environment

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Pages: 6

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The research paper addresses the various implications of adopting green logistics in transport and logistics management. The paper presents the proposed changes that green logistics will initiate in the logistics industry. The research paper reviews the contribution of researchers to the research question. Some literature argues that green logistic have cost implications in the future of transportation and logistics. Some authors argue that green logistics will redefine the management of suppliers in transport and logistics. Research results further depict green logistics revise the packaging formulae in the future transportation industry. 

The phenomenon of environmental pollution by operations of passage and Logistics Companies attract the attention of various stake holders who seek to address the menace. Various credible researchers have expressed their perceptions regarding the relevance of green logistics inventiveness. The green logistics inventiveness will reduce pollution through revising the operations of the suppliers in the supply chain. The suggested ingenuity will reduce the cost of operations in the prospected logistic industry. The adoption of going green ideology will initiate various reforms in the passage and logistic industry. My opinion on the research question is that the proposed inventiveness is relevant in reducing pollution caused by future freight operations. The important action in implementing the green logistics is to formulate legal policies that will enforce the adoption of the inventiveness in the future passage and logistic sector. 

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The contribution of some authors stresses on the fact that green that logistics will introduce co-shipment and re-usage of resources as initiatives in the future logistics and transportation industry. Scholarly arguments indicate that going green will add local sourcing and adoption of clean power in the future transport and logistics sector. Green logistics should be adopted and executed to reduce on the cost implications involved transport and logistics fraternity. The re-use of resources and revision of packaging methods should be approved to minimize plastic and polythene usage. The enlightenment of logistics consumers on the relevance of green logistics is key in assuring its adoption. 

The inclusion of green logistics initiatives in the international standards of transport and logic is a relevant intervention towards achieving a greener supply chain. Product specialization could help to market green logistics enterprises. Adopting the culture of recycling is a credible intervention of incorporating green logistic ingenuity. The spellings of green logistics should be adopted as ethical values in the transport and logistics industry. The initiative of going green in transportation and logistics should be taken to boost efficiency through local sourcing. The green logistics initiative should be implemented to shape the performance of suppliers in the passage and logistics market. The future of freight and logistics relies on green logistics initiative for sustainability and safety purposes. 


The green logistics initiative entails the use of ecofriendly approaches in executing the operation in the transport and logistics industry. The incorporation of green logistics initiatives will impact the future freight and logistics industry in various ways. The cost of transporting cargo will reduce in the next courtesy of the green logistics initiative. Multiple scholars have in the subject of the implications of green logistics to the passage and logistics industry. Various researchers uphold the prospective effect of cost reduction due to going green initiative. 

There are determinations invested in the carriage and logistics business to mitigate the intensities of pollution caused by the actions of the sector through the green logistics ingenuity. The going green inventiveness involves the revision of the integrated actions that characterize the process of cargo shipment so that they are friendly to the environment. This research paper shall highlight various contributions of scholars and researchers to the subject of green logistics besides its relevance to the forthcoming freight and Logistics Company. Some authors indicate that the green logistics ingenuity will redefine the performance of suppliers and the various modes of packaging. Moreover, the paper presents the contribution authors who perceive green logistic initiative as the initiator of clean power use. The paper proposes the adoption of green logistics ingenuity to reduce carbon emission and foster efficiency in the freight industry. 

A Literature Review in Relevance to The Research Question 

Chhabra et al. (2017) address the green logistics initiative as a liberator from the economic complexities involved in the freight and logistics market. The article argues that green logistic initiative holds affected suggestions that could cut on production cost and subsequently reducing the passage and logistics cost. The authors of the report say that green logistics ingenuity involved re-use of packaging material and therefore reducing the cost of packaging. The initiative would allow flexibility of transportation costs through a reduction in packaging cost (Aziz, Jaafar & Tajuddin, 2016). Moreover, the author highlights that local sourcing will reduce the distance covered in the delivery of cargo. According to the article, minimizing the miles to be included in cargo delivery reflects to reduce transportation and logistics expenditure. 

The contribution of Karia & Asaari (2016) hints that the green logistics initiative will realign the management of suppliers in the cargo and logistics industry. The authors indicate that the ultimate control of the supplier will change to accommodate the eco-sensitivity issues introduced by green logistics enterprises. The provisions of green logistics ingenuity instruct suppliers to package the cargo in eco-friendly methodology. The adoption of going green initiatives will adopt the re-usage of packaging material by the suppliers (Cousins, Lawson, Petersen & Fugate, 2019). The authors present poor packaging as one of the significant contributors to pollution caused during freight and transportation operations. 

Moreover, according to the authors, the green logistic initiative will introduce co-shipment as a strategy for reducing packaging complexities. Co-shipment involves the packaging of different orders as a single cargo. The authors laud the co-shipment ideology of green logistics as a relevant measure both the cost of packaging and the amount of pollution caused by packaging material such as plastic. Besides, according to the authors, the provisions of green logistics ingenuity will define the type of material packaging (Karia & Asaari, 2016). The book proposes the use of decomposable materials in manufacturing packaging material. Besides, the authors suggest that the green logistics initiative should provide enforcement procedures for persons who fail to comply with the new packaging definitions. 

Khan et al. (2018) demonstrate that the adoption of green logistic ideology will reduce air pollution by mitigation of emissions from freight and logistics operations. According to the authors, the future passage and logistics market will release decreasing levels of carbon waste. The spellings of the green logistic ideology are to introduce the usage of clean sources of fuel. Shaharudin, et al. (2018) focuses on the adoption of electricity as a source of fuel in transportation. The impact of green logistic already seen in the automobile industry through the manufacture of a special model of cars that use electricity as a source of fuel. According to the authors, the implementation of green logistics initiatives will increase the mass manufacture of rechargeable cars in the future to meet the high demand for clean power. 

Moreover, Aziz et al. (2016) argue that green logistics ingenuity will reduce carbon emissions through the idea of local sourcing. Local sourcing entails availing goods and services closer to the consumer. The provisions of green logistics propose the cargo and logistics companies should reduce the proximity between the warehouses and the consumers. According to the authors, local sourcing will reduce the distances covered in delivering the goods. The initiative focuses on reducing the consumption of petroleum fuel and subsequent emissions. 

Moreover, the green logistic ideology will reduce pollution through radiation by incorporating co-shipment initiative. Although some authors perceive co-shipping as a measure to reduce transportation costs, Schmidt et al. (2017) depicts that the proposal reduces the rate of carbon emissions. According to the authors, co-shipping will reduce the number of trucks or vehicles used in a particular operation and therefore minimizing on amount of carbon emitted during delivery of cargo. 

Petljak et al. (2018) argue that green logistics ideology will impact the future cargo and logistics industry through improving transportation infrastructure. According to the authors, the proposals for green logistics demand a sophisticated transportation infrastructure. If the green logistic ingenuity survives, the transportation infrastructure will have to adjust to accommodate the improved transportation system. For instance, the green logistic initiative will result in the development of electric train stations in various parts of the world. Moreover, the rail system will be revised to cushion the new changes attributed to the introduction of the electric train. Besides, the introduction of rechargeable cars will result in the development of recharging infrastructure around the world. The road networks will be revised to accommodate the high speed of electric cars and trucks. 

Garza-Reyes et al. (2016) bring in a wonderful yet relevant view of the subject topic. The authors argue adoption of green logistics will introduce a new generation of the task force in the transportation and logistics industry. The green logistics ideology proposes many changes in the sector that require new recruitment or fresh training of the workforce. For instance, enlightened of truck drivers on how to operate an electric driven vehicle. The green logistic ideology will introduce more sophisticated methods of transportation, which will require sophisticated knowledge to operate. The phenomenon will result in the development of a fresh workforce that can tackle the new challenges introduced by the green logistic initiative. 

Moreover, the authors argue that adopting the initiative will result in the development of a new supply workforce. The spellings of the green logistic ingenuity dictate that new packaging technology should be incorporated. The new packaging technologies will result in the emergence of a new task force that has the skill and can package as spelled out by the green logistics initiative. According to the authors, the green logistics program will usher in a new generation of sophisticated workforce. 

Zhang et al. (2015) propose that the prospected green logistic initiative will redefine the existing routes and contacts. The green logistics ideology emphasizes convenience in operation. The current transportation and logistics contacts and routes will face revision in the future transportation industry to achieve satisfaction. The ideology of local sourcing will lead to a revision of the current routes that drivers use to reach consumers. The authors of the book indicate that the existing contacts, such as connection ports, will be redefined to foster convenience. The phenomenon will lead to the linking of remote areas with main transportation routes in the effort to reduce the proximity between the supplier and consumer. 

Zhang et al. (2015) perceives the green logistic initiative as an opportunity to open up the remote and unreached areas. The phenomenon will result in enlightenment among the consumer as they would have the opportunity to access a wide variety of supplies. The authors argue that green logistic ideology will allow business organizations to reach new markets. Local sourcing will open up remote areas and therefore presenting business organizations with a chance to introduce their products to the new markets. The profitability level in the freight and logistics industry will rise with subsequent discoveries of new markets. 

Khan et al. (2018) hold a strong view on the research topic as they argue that the green logistics initiative will open a fresh era of reforming the freight and logistics industry in the future. The writers perceive that the main influence of going green in the carriage and logistics sector will be a series of serious reforms that will aim at sanitizing the industry so that it conforms to eco-friendly principles. According to the authors, one of the reforms that the future transport and logistics industry will witness is the adoption of clean energy. The adoption of clean energy will reduce carbon emission and therefore mitigating the levels of pollution caused by the operations of the logistics sector. Shaharudin et al. (2018) share a similar perception in their literature as they argue that going green will favor the usage of power as a clean source of fuel. The discoveries of Shaharudin et al. (2018) depict a prospected dominance of the rechargeable automobile in the passage and logistics sector. 

Moreover, the contributions of Garza-Reyes et al. (2016) suggests a possible change of the servicemen and women in the conveyance and logistics sector. The various demands of the green logistics initiative require a workforce that can adapt to the changes that come with adopting the ingenuity. Petljak et al. (2018) share a similar perception as they argue that the future transport and logistics sector will feature new suppliers. The authors predict this phenomenon based on the various recommendation of sanitizing the supply chain. Zhang et al. (2015) present a unique yet relevant argument that new navigation routes will feature in the future supply chain. According to the authors, the notion of local tracking as implied by green logistics inventiveness will introduce new navigation passages that will open up undiscovered remote places. 

The ideology of local sourcing dominates the literature works of Aziz et al. (2016). The contributions of these authors hold that one of the strategies of reducing carbon emission is through local sourcing of supplies. The logic of these authors is that local sourcing shall limit the possible distance traversed by freight machinery and therefore translating to reduced levels of carbon emission. Elsewhere, Schmidt et al. (2017) perceive improved efficiency as a prospected effect of adopting going green philosophy to the imminent transport and cargo business. The authors emphasize that the future freight and logistics industry will develop sophisticated infrastructure such as good roads to ease the operations of the industry and to reduce the levels of pollution through carbon emission. 

The literary works of Karia & Asaari (2016) depict green logistics as an important tool for reducing pollution in the prospected future of the cargo and logistics sector. The two authors strongly claim that the going green ingenuity will decrease the pollution levels by redefining the structure and operation standards of the supplier department in the cargo and logistics sector. The dictations of the initiative necessitate suppliers to revise their packaging techniques to attain the required ecofriendly standards. According to the two authors, poor packaging materials and techniques contribute a lot of pollution through solid disposal. Besides, the findings of the two authors depict that attempts deployed in destroying the existing packaging material led to more levels of pollution. 

The conclusions of Chhabra et al. (2017) in the literature efforts view the introduction of green logistics ideology as an opportunity to stabilize the economical facet of the freight and logistics company. These credible thinkers oversee an economic liberation in the future logistics industry courtesy of green logistics ingenuity. According to the authors, going green in the transport and logistics sector will reduce packaging expenditure hence translating to a reduction in the cost of production. The authors argue that the new initiative suggests various approaches that revise the packaging techniques and the distances covered in transiting cargo to various destinations. These suggestions will cut on the industry's cost of doing business in the passage and logistics industry and therefore reducing the costs charged for transporting cargo. 

Khan et al. (2018) hold a strong view on the research topic as they argue that the green logistics initiative will open a fresh era of reforming the freight and logistics industry in the future. The writers perceive that the main influence of going green in the carriage and logistics sector will be a series of serious reforms that will aim at sanitizing the industry so that it conforms to eco-friendly principles. According to the authors, one of the reforms that the future transport and logistics industry will witness is the adoption of clean energy. The adoption of clean energy will reduce carbon emission and therefore mitigating the levels of pollution caused by the operations of the logistics sector. Shaharudin et al. (2018) share a similar perception in their literature as they argue that going green will favor the usage of power as a clean source of fuel. The discoveries of Shaharudin et al. (2018) depict a prospected dominance of the rechargeable automobile in the passage and logistics sector. 

The ideology of local sourcing dominates the literature works of Aziz et al. (2016). The contributions of these authors hold that one of the strategies of reducing carbon emission is through local sourcing of supplies. The logic of these authors is that local sourcing shall limit the possible distance traversed by freight machinery and therefore translating to reduced levels of carbon emission. Elsewhere, Schmidt et al. (2017) perceive improved efficiency as a prospected effect of adopting going green philosophy to the imminent transport and cargo business. The authors emphasize that the future freight and logistics industry will develop sophisticated infrastructure such as good roads to ease the operations of the industry and to reduce the levels of pollution through carbon emission. 

Moreover, the contributions of Garza-Reyes et al. (2016) suggests a possible change of the servicemen and women in the conveyance and logistics sector. The various demands of the green logistics initiative require a workforce that can adapt to the changes that come with adopting the ingenuity. Petljak et al. (2018) share a similar perception as they argue that the future transport and logistics sector will feature new suppliers. The authors predict this phenomenon based on the various recommendation of sanitizing the supply chain. Zhang et al. (2015) present a unique yet relevant argument that new navigation routes will feature in the future supply chain. According to the authors, the notion of local tracking as implied by green logistics inventiveness will introduce new navigation passages that will open up undiscovered remote places. 

Cousins, et al. (2019) presents the going green ingenuity as a practical intervention in reducing the rate of pollution. According to the argument of the authors, proper implementation of the green logistics ingenuity will assist future operators of the shipment industry in mitigating the levels of pollution resulting from the operations of the industry (Cousins et al. 2019) share similar though as Schmidt et al. (2017) all members of society have a role to play in implementing the going green ingenuity. The spellings of the initiative, such as the reversed logistics, require all members of the society to exercise recycling of packaging material. 

Fahimnia et al. (2015) emphasizes that the green logistics initiative has economic implications besides the reduction of pollution. The arguments of the artists that adoption of the green logistics ideology will introduce the usage of organic friendly resources in such as coral threads which could substitute plastic bags used in packaging. The authors bring in a shrewd opinion that organic materials are locally available. Fahimnia et al. (2015) shares a similar perception with Schmidt et al. (2017) that adopting organic techniques in packaging will translate to the overall reduction in the cost of operations in the industry. 

(Jeptepkeny, 2015) bring in a new perception regarding the need for green logistic literacy. The authors emphasize the idea by arguing that it the current curriculum should cover the relevance of green logistics in the school set up. The authors strongly feel that the green initiative should be introduced to the young generation as a way of making it a culture. Jeptepkeny, (2015) argues that there going green initiative should be taught in schools to achieve sustainability of the project. 

Zhang et al. (2015) introduces a more rational perception to the subject of green logistic. The authors emphasize on the relevance of the initiative by suggesting the need for institutionalizing green logistics. The authors strongly feel the need for introducing an institution that will be specialized in developing and implementing green initiatives. Zhang et al. (2015) share a similar opinion with Garza-Reyes et al. (2016) that green initiative is a sensitive issue in the face of continued industrialization. 

Karia & Asaari (2016) feels that the implementation of going green ingenuity will aid in addressing the issue of global warming and continued climatic change. The authors view green logistics as a sure way of saving the earth from the devastating effects of global warming. Similarly, Khan et al. (2018) views the implementation of the green initiative as a sure intervention in addressing the issues of changed climatic patterns. The authors strongly feel that the adoption of green logistic initiative into the normal practices in the society would lay a firm bases in addressing global warming and climatic change as both menaces have graduated to be a global concern. 

Petljak et al. (2018) view going green initiative as an intervention that will help the world to address the perennial issues of food insecurity caused by global warming and unpredictable climatic patterns. The authors argue that going green initiative will aid in addressing hunger related issues through providing a favorable atmospheric condition that can support agriculture. According to the authors, pollution is the reason the agriculture sector has failed to sustain the food demands of the available human population. The authors strongly attribute the current food shortage issue in many developing countries as being results of continued pollution of the environment through emission and industrial machinery. 

Shaharudin, et al. (2018) strongly feels that the green logistics initiative is a complex and adventurous scheme that will require a set of directives to regulate the implementation process of the initiative. According to the authors the ideology of going green initiative is broad and involves numerous facet that might affect the effective implementation of the ingenuity. The authors argue that the concerned authorities should formulate firm policies and regulations that will facilitate the implementation of the initiative. According to the authors, pollution results from reckless and irresponsible operations caused by high levels of ignorance on the subject of pollution. 

Potential New Solutions to the Research Question 

The ideal solution to the study problem is to implement the numerous provisions that will sustain the ideology of going green in the freight and logistics industry. One of the actions to be taken is to raise the level of consciousness regarding pollution among the stakeholders of the cargo and logistics industry. There is a need to enlighten the masses on the pollution dangers of irresponsible operation in the transport and logistics sector. Another potential solution to the research question is draft policies and regulations that will administer the adoption of green logistics initiative to the contemporary society (Kamau & Mohamed, 2015). Pollution has become a threat to the survival of humanity, and therefore the authorities should coil policies that address pollution with the seriousness it deserves. Authorities should enforce the adoption of green logistics ideologies into the logistics sector through spelling legal actions against the abusers of the going green initiative. 

Moreover, the spellings of green logistics ingenuity ought to be borrowed into the global values that apply within the transport and logistics sector. The International Freight Forwarders Association should integrate the spellings of green logistics initiatives as the minimum qualification for the various logistics companies operating within the sector (Ndumbi & Okello, 2015). This phenomenon will entail the revision of international values of packaging and distribution to realize eco-sensitivity. Nevertheless, there is a need to develop ethical values that appreciate the essence of eco-sensitivity. The provisions of green logistics initiative accord the various managements of freight and cargo companies the role of cultivating and grooming a culture that appreciates respect for the environment as an ethical value and standard. The move will foster accountability among the various stakeholders in the shipment and logistics industry. 

Customers have a role to play in actualizing green logistic initiative. The customers are obligated to demand services that meet the spelled standards by the ideology of going green. It is the role of the consumers to insist on accessing local sourcing as a standard set by the green logistics ideology. It is upon the consumers of logistics services to pressure the service providers in articulating the provisions of the initiative (Zhang et al. 2015). Apart from local sourcing, consumers should insist on eco-sensitive packaging standards from logistics service providers. This phenomenon sums upon the need for green literacy among the consumers of logistic services. Consumers will only demand eco-sensitive services if they only they are enlightened on the relevance of the subject. 

Another solution to the research question is by implementing Swarm aptitude. This idea involves the use of pioneer companies in the sector to influence the rest of the stakeholders. Swarm intelligence suggests that if the leader conforms to certain regulations, then his/her subjects will follow the trend. The idea suggests that the leading logistics companies should adopt green logistics initiatives so that the rest of the companies would emulate (Zhang et al. 2015). This approach bases on the assumption that junior companies would want to emulate the actions of the senior companies so that they earn credit and relevance. The prominent companies in the transport and logistics industry should fully implement the green logistics initiative so that rest can copy from them. 

Another potential solution to the research question is the rating of logistic agencies according to their compliance with the going green initiative. The various companies that participate in the passage and logistic industry should be rated and recognized according to their compliance with the green logistics initiative (Zhang et al. 2015). This action will aid in emphasizing on the relevance of the ingenuity in reducing pollution in the future generation. Rating of logistic companies will help consumers to identify the most appropriate freight companies to engage with in regards to quality of service delivered and compliance to the going green initiative. 

Moreover, the incorporation of green warehousing as part of the going green initiative is an ideal intervention in ensuring that green logistic initiative if fully implemented. Green warehousing will incorporate the usage of eco-friendly techniques in storage of cargo. The techniques that currently dominate many ware houses in various logistic companies are carbon dependent. The refrigeration system that are currently used contain high levels of solid carbon (Zhang et al. 2015). However, the implementation of green implementation will reduce pollution caused by many cargo and logistic companies through ware housing. 

Another potential intervention to the research problem is to encourage joint operations among logistics companies. The strategy of joint operations aims at reducing the cost of implementing the new policies spelled by the going green initiative through cost sharing. The going green initiative will cost the logistic companies a fortune in implementing the proposed regulations. ( Cosimato & Troisi, 2015). The ideology of shared operations aims at saving operational expenditure which would be reinvested in implementing the green logistics ingenuity. This intervention will ensure that the going green initiative is successfully adopted. 

My Ideas on the Topic and Problem 

I would also propose the intervention of United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) towards enforcing the implementation of green initiative. UNEP is the international body that is responsible for implementing policies that aim at protecting the environment. UNEP should take a bold step by adopting the spellings of the going green initiative as part of its agenda ( Cosimato & Troisi, 2015). UNEP should develop infrastructure in various countries represented in the UN to aid in development and adoption of going green imitative in the freight and logistic companies operating within the represented companies. The UN should devise policies that will facilitate in designing, developing, and enforcing the implementation process of the going green initiative. 

All credible indicators imply that green logistics is a relevant initiative in contemporary society, and the transport and logistics industry should incorporate it into business operations. The solutions to the research question address the various interventions that would ensure the effective adoption of green logistics in the contemporary freight and logistics industry. One of the potential solutions to the research question is to create awareness regarding green logistics among the populations ( Cosimato & Troisi, 2015). Successful adoption of green logistic ideologies requires a generation of consumers who are literate on the subject. Ignorance among consumers and various stakeholders in the transport and logistics industry jeopardizes the efforts deployed in implementing the spelling of green logistics initiatives. Consumers should be aware of the quality of the packaging material used by suppliers, and their effects on the environment. 

Another relevant solution is to incorporate the spellings of the green logistic ingenuity into the international standards of freight and logistic operations. Some various rules and guidelines govern performance in the transport and logistics industry. The International standards of transport and logistics dictate the quality of service offered by the industry ( Jeptepkeny, 2015). The principles of green logistics should deserve incorporation into the international standards of the cargo and logistics industry. The process entails redefining delivery standards and packaging standards to be eco-sensitive. The international fraternity should align freight and logistic services with conforming to the spellings of green logistics ingenuity. All the companies offering transport and logistics should do so within the confines of the green logistics inventiveness. 

Establishment of legal policies and regulations to enforce the implementation of green logistics ingenuity. Useful legitimate spellings should apply the adoption of the initiative by the freight and logistics industry. The governing authorities should draft constitutional provisions to make it compulsory for operators in the industry to comply with the standards of green logistics inventiveness ( Kamau & Mohamed, 2015). It is the responsibility of the law to protect a country's environment from pollution. Proposals should determine the punishment for operators who defy the dictations of the green logistics initiative. 

Moreover, legal procedures should control the manufacture of packaging materials. Parliaments around the world should spell out policies that will oversee packaging to ensure that it is eco-sensitive. Companies operating within the transport and logistics industry should provide local sourcing to consumers as a means of reducing carbon emission.Another possible solution to the research question is increasing customer demand for green logistic services (Fahimnia, Bell GH, Hensher & Sarkis, 2015). Consumers within the transport and logistics industry should take it upon themselves to ask green logistics services from service providers. 

Customers should pressure their service providers in the freight and logistics industry to offer local sourcing as a provision of the green logistics initiative. The consumers of logistic services should insist on sourcing their supply from domestic premises. Moreover, the buyers should also ask for the eco-sensitive methodology of packaging their orders. It is the role of the clients to ensure that the packaging methodologies used by logistic companies are degradable ( Ndumbi & Okello, 2015). Consumers should prefer disposable packages from transport and logistics companies. The responsibility of incorporating green logistic initiative should be shared equally by all the stakeholders in the industry. 

Moreover, product specialization from credible companies in the industry would help to incorporate green logistic ingenuity. Product specialization is a marketing technique that organizations use in marketing their products. Product specialization involves offering unique services or selling distinctive products ( Ndumbi & Okello, 2015). Leading companies in the transport and logistics department would spearhead the incorporation of green logistics into the industry through product differentiation based on the provisions of green logistics ingenuity. Demand for eco-sensitive products could be created by showcasing the merits of green logistics initiatives through product specialization. 

Another action of adopting green logistic into the transport and logistics industry is by embracing the culture of recycling resources. Recycling involves the reusing of a fund to accomplish multiple tasks. The green logistics ideology emphasis on re-use as an ideal strategy of ensuring the safety of the environment ( Zhang, Lee, Chan, Choy & Wu, 2015). Re-use focuses on minimizing the amount of solid disposal. Re-using resources in the transport and logistics industry would reduce the level of plastic destruction and eventually decreasing pollution. 

Moreover, actualizing green logistics initiative is possible through engaging the various stakeholders of the freight and logistics industry in making processes. The loyalty of all stakeholders in the sector is critical in ensuring the smooth implementation of green logistics ideologies ( Zhang, Lee, Chan, Choy & Wu, 2015). Including all stake holders in the process of drafting regulations to oversee the implementation of the green logistics initiative. The inclusivity of all stakeholders in implementing the initiative boosts its acceptance in the industry. 

The observance of work ethics and values should allow easy incorporation of green logistics into the procedures of the transport and logistics industry. The practice of ethics and values cultivates consciousness among the various stakeholders ( Petljak, Zulauf, Štulec, Seuring & Wagner, 2018). Moreover, the observance of green logistic principles should be incorporated as an ethical value in the logistic industry. Another possible action that could assure the incorporation of going green initiative is by revising the operation of the warehouse facility. Warehousing should adhere to higher standards that are eco-sensitive. 

Moreover, the storage systems used in warehousing should deserve review to be ecofriendly. Contemporary warehouses use preservatives that are hazardous to the environment. The existing preservation mechanisms in the warehouses should be adjusted to adhere to green logistic provisions. Another possible action is the adoption of a carbon emission reporting strategy to manage the level of carbon (IV) oxide released from the supply chain ( Petljak, Zulauf, Štulec, Seuring & Wagner, 2018). For instance, DHL logistic Company has formulated carbon emission targets that lead the levels of carbon released from the supply chain. Moreover, service providers in the logistics industry should incorporate carbon offsetting procedures as part of the basic requirements for attaining operational permits. Shipment industries should possess a good detail report on carbon emitted and credible strategies of counteracting carbon through the atmosphere. Leading logistics companies should spearhead the move developing credible carbon reports. The principles of compiling a relevant carbon report should deserve bases on strategies for consignment-level carbon reporting. Moreover, the protocol of greenhouse gas and the provisions of the World Economic Forum (WEF) could deserve consideration in formulating credible carbon documentation strategy and reliable offsetting plans to keep carbon emissions at check. 

Nevertheless, green logistics is achievable through the act of shipping FCL (full container load). Full Container Load seeks to minimize the number of freights involved in a supply chain. Minimizing the number of trucks reduces the level of carbon by the supply chain. Commitment to a greener supply chain would also require the avoidance of using air freight in the shipment of goods. Air carriage produces the highest levels of carbon emissions ( Schmidt, Foerstl & Schaltenbrand, 2017). The green logistic spellings do not favor the use of air passage in completing supply chains. Moreover, the manufactures of petroleum products should revise Sulphur formulas to reduce emission levels. Sulfur contents in petroleum products increase emissions because they involve complex combustion procedures. The green logistics ingenuity can is achievable through the reduction of Sulphur levels in petroleum products. The decrease in Sulphur contents in petroleum products deserves adoption as an international policy of achieving greener supply chains. 


Green logistic ingenuity entails the provision of transport and logistic services in an eco-sensitive. The green logistics initiative reduces the cost implications involved in the transport and logistics industry. Some authors argue that green logistics inventiveness will readjust the organization of suppliers in the shipment and logistics industry. Results of some researchers indicate that reducing the levels of carbon emitted results in a reduction in air pollution by the supply chain. The idea of local sourcing as spelled by green logistics ingenuity will reduce the distances covered in delivering the goods and hence minimizing the levels of carbon emitted in the shipment of cargo. 

The pollution menace is a threat to humanity, and it has become the concern of various authorities in the world. The green logistics ingenuity is set to reduce pollution through revising mechanisms used in the packaging and delivery stages of the supply chain. The adoption of green logistic ingenuity will translate to reforms in the operations of the transport and logistics industry. The spellings of the initiative seek to control pollution through mitigation of carbon emission levels. Adopting the green logistics initiative will translate to reduced cost of operations in the logistics sector. 

The ideology of going green is relevant in reducing pollution in the future logistics industry, but its implementation will require the drafting of regulations that will guide the adoption process. There is a need to enlighten consumers of logistic services on the essence of accessing freight and logistics services that conform to the demands of the going green initiative. The green logistics initiative diffuses effectively in the logistic market because of its relevance, and there is a likelihood of quick development and advancements in green logistics service delivery. Research on emerging trends and developments in green logistics performance will be appropriate. 

Acceptance of green logistics will present a new cohort of task force in the transportation and logistics industry. The spellings of green logistics require redefining the existing routes in order to achieve convenience in operation. Successful adoption of green logistic principles requires a cohort of consumers who are well-educated on the subject. The spellings of the green logistic ingenuity should deserve assimilation into the international standards of freight and logistic operations. Effective laws should deserve formulation to enforce the adoption of the initiative by the freight and logistics industry. The culture of re-using resources in the transport and logistic is a relevant initiative of ensuring the adoption of green logistic ideology. A carbon emission reporting strategy is a reliable intervention in adopting the doctrines of green logistics. 


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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Green Logistics - Sustainability and the Environment.


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