8 Dec 2022


How to Use Regression Analysis to Investigate the Effect

Format: APA

Academic level: Ph.D.

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 1144

Pages: 12

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The research discussed here entails data that was collected from an institution of learning where students thought that the rate of crime in the institution could be associated with the number of students enrolled in the institution and the number of police deployed. This paper aims to investigate two particular research studies: 

Whether the number of police officers is in any way related to the number of crimes. In particular, we want to answer the question, does an increase in the number of crimes prompt an increase in the number of police deployed? 

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Does the number of crimes committed relate to the total enrolment? We want to investigate whether an enrolment of a high number of students leads to an increase in the crime rate. 

Research and findings 

A random sample of 30 cases was used in the analysis. In order to address the research questions, we will run a regression analysis to investigate whether a correlation exists using Excel. The data set contains three variables, that is, the number of police officers, which represent the overall number of officers deployed, the number of crimes committed and reported within a particular specified period, and the total number of students enrolled within a stated time. The depended (explanatory) variable to address both the research questions is the number of crimes, while the independent (predictor) variables are the total number of police officers and total enrolment

Null hypothesis H 0 : There is no association between the number of crimes and the number of police officers. 

Alternative hypothesis H a : There is a statistically significant association 

Null hypothesis H 0 : There is no significant association between the number of crimes committed and the total enrolment. 

Alternative hypothesis H a : there is a significant association 


Descriptive statistics for the number of crimes 

Number of rimes 



Standard Error 






Standard Deviation 


Sample Variance 
















Confidence Level (95.0%) 


From the descriptive table above, the mean number (average value) of crimes committed is 160.1 (Smith, 2011). The median is 165, while the mode which is the most repeated value is 205. According to Coolidge and Coolidge (2012) , the range is the difference between the highest and the lowest value, which in this case is 163. The Crime number is weak positively skewed at 0.022443. The skewness is not statistically significant since the value lies between -1 and 1 (Moy, Chen, & Kao, 2015) . 

When the standard deviation is low, it means that data points are very close to the average/mean; a high standard deviation means that the points of the data are spread over a considerably large range of values (Jackson, 2016). In our case, the standard deviation (51.02964) is considerably low indicating that the data points are close to the mean. 

Descriptive statistics for the number of police officers 

Number of police 



Standard Error 






Standard Deviation 


Sample Variance 
















The mean number of police officers is 58.7, while the median is 64. The mode, which is the most repeated value from the descriptive table above is 16. 

The standard deviation (31.57056) is low indicating that the data points are close to the mean (Ghilani & Wolf, 2010). 

The skewness value is -0.02075, which shows that the data is weakly negatively skewed. 

Descriptive statistics for the total enrolment 

Total enrollment 



Standard Error 






Standard Deviation 


Sample Variance 
















The mean number of students enrolled is 21368.5, while the median is 18047. The mode does not exist since all the values appeared once. The data is weakly positively skewed with a value of 0.246729. The data points are close to the mean since the standard deviation is low. 

A scatter plot of the number of crimes against the number of police 

Scatter plot of the number of crimes committed against the total enrollment 

Regression analysis for the number of crimes and number of police 

SUMMARY OUTPUT                 
Regression Statistics                 
Multiple R  0.077236                 
R Square  0.005965                 
Adjusted R Square  -0.02954                 
Standard Error  52.06715                 
Observations  30                 
  df  SS  MS  Significance F         
Regression  455.5426  455.5426  0.168036  0.684983         
Residual  28  75907.66  2710.988             
Total  29  76363.2               
  Coefficients  Standard Error  t Stat  P-value  Lower 95%  Upper 95%  Lower 95.0%  Upper 95.0%   
Intercept  174.4155  23.95973  7.279528  6.33E-08  125.3362  223.4948  125.3362  223.4948   
Number of police  -0.17923  0.437241  -0.40992  0.684983  -1.07488  0.716413  -1.07488  0.716413   

From the findings, the p-value is 0.684983 which is greater than the 0.05% significant level. We, therefore, fail to reject the null hypothesis of no association between the two variables (Wilcox, 2012). Furthermore, the correlation coefficient value is 0.005965, indicating that a very weak positive association exist between the two variables further supporting our finding (Sharma, 2012). The graphs above also indicate the same. We, therefore, conclude that there is no significant association between the number of crimes committed and the number of police deployed. In other words, the crime rate is very independent of the number of police officers. 

Regression analysis for the number of crimes and the total enrollment 

SUMMARY OUTPUT               
Regression Statistics               
Multiple R  0.079587               
R Square  0.006334               
Adjusted R Square  -0.02915               
Standard Error  56.37233               
Observations  30               
  df  SS  MS  Significance F       
Regression  567.1925  567.1925  0.178484  0.675906       
Residual  28  88979.51  3177.84           
Total  29  89546.7             
  Coefficients  Standard Error  t Stat  P-value  Lower 95%  Upper 95%  Lower 95.0%  Upper 95.0% 
Intercept  157.5454  20.22321  7.790328  1.74E-08  116.1201  198.9708  116.1201  198.9708 
Total enrollment  0.000373  0.000882  0.422473  0.675906  -0.00143  0.00218  -0.00143  0.00218 

From the finding or the results above, it can be clearly deduced that the p-value is 0.675906 which is way greater than the 0.05% level of significance. We cannot reject the null hypothesis in this case of no association between the number of crimes and the total enrolment variables (Goos & Meintrup, 2016) . Moreover, the correlation coefficient value from the summary output is 0.006334, indicating that a weak positive relationship exists between the two variables further supporting our finding. The graphs above also prove the same. We can, therefore, make a conclusion that there is no significant association between the number of crimes committed and the total enrollment. In other words, the rate of crime is not influenced by the enrollment number of the students; an increase in the number of students admitted does not necessarily mean that it would result in an increase in the number of crimes. 

The reason as to why I used the regression analysis method is because it gives a clear picture or a good understanding of the depended variables that are related to the independent variables, and also to show the type of relationship that exists (Darlington & Hayes, 2017). Regression analysis is very important in this case since we are interested in examining a continuous dependent variable to see whether it can be predicted from the independent variables. At the same time, regression analysis is useful in showing the causal association between the dependent and the independent variable. Two variables are said to have a causal relationship or association if the occurrence of one event affects the occurrence of the other event (Beri, 2013). In this case, the event that occurs first is called the cause, while the second event is normally referred to as the effect. 


From the research that has been carried out here, based on the findings, it is pretty clear that although most students in the research study area tend to think that whenever the rate of crime is high, then more police officers are deployed in the institution and that whenever there is high enrollment, then consequently the rate of crime increases, the results prove otherwise. Both variables are independent of the number of crimes. 


Beri, G. C. (2013).  Marketing research . New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill. 

Coolidge, F. L., & Coolidge, F. L. (2012).  Statistics: A Gentle Introduction: A Gentle Introduction . Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. 

Darlington, R. B., & Hayes, A. F. (2017).  Regression analysis and linear models: Concepts, applications, and implementation . New York, NY: The Guilford Press. 

Ghilani, C. D., & Wolf, P. R. (2010).  Adjustment Computations: Spatial data analysis. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. 

Goos, P., & Meintrup, D. (2016).  Statistics with JMP: Hypothesis tests, ANOVA, and regression . Chichester, West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons. 

Jackson, S. L. (2016).  Research methods and statistics: A critical thinking approach (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. 

Moy, R. L., Chen, L.S., & Kao, L. J. (2015).  Study guide for statistics for business and financial economics: A supplement to the textbook by Cheng-Few Lee, John C. Lee and Alice C. Lee

Sharma, J. (2012).  Business Statistics . Pearson Education India 

Smith, G. (2011).  Essential Statistics, Regression, and Econometrics . Cambridge, MA: Academic Press. 

Wilcox, R. R. (2012).  Introduction to Robust Estimation and Hypothesis Testing . Academic Press. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). How to Use Regression Analysis to Investigate the Effect.


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