26 Jul 2022


In Debt We Trust: America before the Bubble Bursts

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 296

Pages: 1

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"In Debt We Trust: America before the Bubble Bursts" is a 2006 documentary that provides a wakeup call to our younger generation, since we cannot cease living life in debts. The film digs deeper into economic and political policies responsible for changing the U.S. economy from relying on manufacturing to depending on consumerism and obligations. "In Debt We Trust" explains how we all have fallen into deep debts with Enron exploring the biggest financial frauds in modern times. The documentary exposes and expounds on systems that operate on borrowed money and time and brings to our awareness that it is only a timely matter, and the whole system will collapse (Cosmolearning.org, 2017). America’s big financial institutions buy our Congress thereby driving us into debts. The American banks and our Congress owe us trillions of dollars in the form of consumer and national debts, capable of making bubbles burst. In essence, many of these loans are worse than mafia loan practices, and an executive credit card shows how the costs of doing advertisements are deliberately misleading and deceptive. 

The documentary is taking into account the critical long-term effects that debts will largely scale. For example, we will increase wealth inequality between the mega-wealthy and the remaining of us. Credit card companies are preying on us college students and others who are young and numb to realize how spending can change our future. There is our poor working class's conning into getting loans with huge punitive consequences when making late payment (Cosmolearning.org, 2017). By doing this, corporate banks and other financial lending institutions are enjoying large profit margins. Our lawmakers' goal is to lure a large number of people through a predatory borrowing and lending cycle, which will make us drown instead of climbing up. Schechter is exposing mechanisms and machines that are behind America’s hidden financial complex that is allowing even the low income earners to indebt themselves. 

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Cosmolearning.org (2017). “In Debt We Trust (2006) America Before the Bubble Bursts.” Cosmolearning.org https://cosmolearning.org/documentaries/in-debt-we-trust-428/ 

In Debt We Trust: America Before the Bubble Bursts (2006) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFjvKDcSRpE 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). In Debt We Trust: America before the Bubble Bursts.


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