12 Dec 2022


Influences on Interdisciplinary Collaboration among Social Work and Health Sciences Students

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 797

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1. Formulation of Problem and Research Questions 

a. List the research question and state the issue or general problem being addressed 

The study explored the nature of interdisciplinary collaboration among students and health workers. Interdisciplinary collaboration facilitates development of relationships amongst disciplines which is key in content development in fields of social work and health sciences. However, learning levels of students as well as their health or allied field of studies affects their ability to participate in interdisciplinary collaboration. In the quest, key emphasis was projected on part-time versus full-time students and social work versus health sciences students. 

b. State the research hypotheses 

The study hypothesized that social work students are more active in interdisciplinary collaboration more than their health sciences counterparts. Additionally, the study propositioned that students with positive interdisciplinary experiences are more interdependent compared to those with no or negative experiences. 

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c. Specify the independent and dependent variable(s) and the study population 

The dependent variables measured were interdependence of interdisciplinary collaboration and perceived flexibility. The independent variables measured were; respondent’s attitude towards interdisciplinary collaboration, respondent’s past experiences with interdisciplinary collaboration, and participant’s profession or field of study. 

d. Is there sufficient support that the current study addresses a weakness or a gap in previous research? 

The present study developed from the interdisciplinary model developed by Bronstein (2003). The study identified flaws in the model for application in the present on grounds of the nature of human subjects used and consequently introduced new features for effective bridging of the identified research gap. 

1. Research Design 

a. Qualitative or quantitative? 

The study was conducted using a quantitative research design. 

b. Exploratory, descriptive, evaluative or explanatory? 

The present study took a evaluative model in its 

c. Cross-sectional or longitudinal. 

Not applicable in this article. 

d. Describe the major strengths and limitations of the study design (Note the threats to internal and external validity) 

The study design applied could only provide findings relevant to the institution in which the study was conducted. It could be more valid if probably it would have included respondents from a different institution for comparative purposes. 

e. Discuss whether this design is appropriate to address the research question (e.g. is this the best design for addressing the question? Or do you want to suggest a different design?) 

The research design used is appropriate for efficient for the study’s research questions. 

2. Sampling 

a. Describe the target population, the study population, the unit of analysis, and sample size 

The present study targeted a population of 6368 students enrolled in fall semester 2012. The survey was conducted on them and 288 responded, but 176 of them were ruled out since they did not meet the inclusion criteria. The study, therefore, worked with a sample population of 112 students. 

b. Sampling design: Probability or non-probability? Also, specify the type of sampling technique used in the study (e.g. a probability sample using simple random sampling or a non-probability convenience sample) 

The study used non-probability design when potential participants were included in data collection upon meeting the requirements of the inclusion criteria. 

c. Discuss eligibility and exclusion criteria 

Respondents were included in the study if they studied either social work or allied health sciences and were currently working. 

d. Describe any incentives used to maximize the response rate 

The researcher used no incentives to maximize on the response rate from students. 

f. Describe the major strengths and limitations of sampling techniques used in the study. 

The sampling method used by the study is free from bias since respondents were selected upon meet the set requirements which builds up as the major strength of the technique. 

3. Conceptualization and Measurements 

a. List major variables in the study (e.g. independent, dependent, controlling, moderating, and mediating variables) 

Independent variables: course studied, experiences with interdisciplinary collaboration, and attitude towards interdisciplinary collaboration. 

Dependent variables: interdisciplinary collaboration and perceived flexibility 

Demographic variables: enrollment type (part time or full time learner), race, and age. 

b. Describe the operational definitions of the major study variables (the IV and the DV) 

Not applicable in this article. 

c. Is there any evidence of reliability and validity of these measures? 

d. Discuss the major strengths and limitations of the measurements 

4. Data Collection 

a. Discuss when, where, how, and by whom data were collected (e.g. face-to-face interviews, telephone interviews, mail survey, web based survey, self-administered questionnaires, or case record reviews?) 

Data was collected using mail surveys. 

b. Discuss the major strengths and limitations of the data collection plan 

The data collection plan ensured anonymity of the data collected which also improves frankness in the information provided by the respondents. Additionally, use of mail survey is cheap to administer. On the other hand, the plan is time conscious since some respondents may delay to submit their responses making them to be ruled thus affecting the quality of the findings obtained. 

5. Findings and Discussion 

a. Briefly summarize the main findings of the study 

The study found that learners who had a good past experiences with interdisciplinary collaboration were more interdependent than those with no or bad experiences. Similar observation was made on students with a positive attitude towards interdisciplinary collaboration. Additionally, the study analysis showed that learners pursuing social work were more interdependent than those in medical sciences. 

b. Did the results match the study hypotheses? 

The findings obtained in the study aligned with the developed hypotheses as outlined above. 

c. Are implications for social work practice and/or social policy discussed? 

Yes, the study discussed its findings implication to social work practice at the end. 


Lee, S. J., & Shipe, S. L. (2014). Influences on Interdisciplinary Collaboration among Social Work and Health Sciences Students.  Advances in Social Work 15 (2), 352-367. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Influences on Interdisciplinary Collaboration among Social Work and Health Sciences Students.


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