2 Aug 2022


Life Financial Planning - The Best Way to Secure Your Future

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Academic level: College

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Words: 1777

Pages: 7

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Dear Diary, 

It is a perfect Tuesday afternoon. I am home watching my neighbor's kids Kyle and Megan. The sky is clear, and the clouds appear beautiful. I am indoors enjoying the afternoon with them and enjoy goofing around with them. My kind neighbors are heading out to the basketball pitch and work. Today I will spend the rest of the afternoon looking after the children. They like pancakes, and the smell captivates every sense in their bodies. As we plan to make pancakes together, I stare out of the window and think, this is a perfect Tuesday afternoon. Kyle helped in setting the table, and we all enjoyed the pancakes we made. I helped Megan with the dishes, and we set to play hide and seek in the backyard. As we were playing, Kyle twisted his ankle in the dumpster he was hiding. He cried like a five-year-old, and all we could do is laugh at him. Though he was not seriously hurt, it was just a game, but hiding in the dumpster. 

Spending time with these two children is the most fantastic part of life as I enjoy watching them grow. In the evening, we set out to their movies and catch up with their parents later for pizza. Although Kyle was leaping, he was good to go. We watched two movies Mary Poppins and Toy Story 3. We got so comfortable in the movies that I fell asleep. In the evening, we went to meet their parents Jack and his wife, Tracy, for pizza. Later on, we went to the mall for some shopping. I bought the youngsters some presents I had promised them and bought more for the coming holidays. It was undoubtedly a great day having them around, and as we were driving home, I thought to myself how lucky I am to have such beautiful people around. 

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Philosophy about money 

According to Robin, the goal of the discussion is to nature the relationship with money to liberate time as an essential resource. Helping individuals to establish a track about their flow of money and live lives guided by high values and self-interests is an essential goal from the discussion. Money usually is not an essential aspect of life in today’s times. However, it is crucial to have it as we cannot live our lives without necessities required every day. It is needed to care for and protect our loved ones, and as a result, we can perceive it as a useful tool. Money is supposed to be invested and not spend. Money can be made with money. Individuals should plan for their personal finances but should not be over-dependent on the money. Savings should be made for the future through investments. In addition, people should avoid being reckless in their spending patterns and accept some risks while not sacrificing today for tomorrow. In Robin's discussion, well established financial plans can aid in attaining financial independence, financial integrity, and financial intelligence. 

Philosophy of work 

Work is what individuals do from birth time until the time they die. Robin argues that individuals are meant to do more, not just work. They should utilize their energy in things that add value to their lives. Therefore, individuals should live a useful and meaningful life where we can effectively contribute to the community. Work aims to generate income to sustain our lives. People should work on improving themselves and society. Robin says she left paid employment, but she did not quit working. She works for the benefit of everyone at every moment of her life. I believe individuals should strive to express their absolute best in whatever they do and do it with curiosity and spirit of play and try not to make enemies in their work. 

Assessment of career path 

The field of finance and accounting has been of interest when setting up my career goals. The dream of becoming a professional auditor has been imminent with time. The field is fascinating as it deals with the evaluation of financial statements of various organizations to ascertain whether they have been adequately prepared. Being an auditor can assist in interacting with professionals and multinational corporations, which could mean taking my career goals to an advanced level. There is also a competitive compensation package, and individuals in this field can sustain their lives at a comfortable level. Besides, there is the possibility of growing professionally due to exposure to broad areas in the field and dealing with financial data of many companies. The various career goals I would like to achieve are enhancing networking skills, assuming positions of leadership, starting my accounting firm, winning an award, mentoring individuals, developing the bottom-line of the company, and increasing the size of my customer base. 


Maintaining a balance between one’s career goals and personal life is essential in living a comfortable life. Apart from the work-life context, I would also want to engage in other activities that make life more exciting and exciting. For instance, traveling around the world has been an area of interest in my life. This is better done when an individual in the mid-'30s. It can be done when you have no responsibilities or when you have some, like family you can travel around with. For my case, I enjoy traveling alone or with a friend. Travelling makes life more beautiful through the exploration of many places of public attention. Another thing to do is organizing a reunion with past friends. This activity can be done during the late '30s for the aim of interacting with past friends and catching up. It is an exciting thing to do as people reconnect their past with the present while trying to create memories. Other ideas in my bucket list comprise of the following. 

Learning a new language: this is an exciting thing to do in the late '20s. My interest is to learn Spanish and French. I find the two languages interesting to converse in, and in the modern days, people have familiarized themselves with many available languages. 

Learn to play the piano: without music, the world we are living in would be tedious. Music is the medicine of the soul and learning to play piano strikes as an exceptional deal. The instrument is fun to play, and pianists are usually attached emotionally with what they are performing. 

Plan a safari trip: exploring the wild part of the globe is essential in one's life. Safari trips enable us to interact with a concentration of wild animals on earth. This is an exciting experience, and it assists in getting personal with wildlife, it is a learning opportunity, and one can make new friends in the events. 

Do some volunteer work; volunteering is fantastic as it ensures a person gives back to the community. It also shows that a person exhibits important life values that are of importance to society. Volunteering can be done at any stage in life as long as the individual possesses the energy to do so. 

Short-term plan 

Short term planning enables an individual to plan for things they like to achieve shortly. It assists in evaluating where an individual is headed to and the necessary things they would like to achieve. 

Financial goals: Setting up a savings account to secure finances for unforeseen circumstances and future projects. Minimizing credit card debt by paying off the outstanding balances as they can negatively impact my credit score. Also, there is an association between health disorders and credit card debts. Tracking my budgets is another goal to enable financial security in the coming future. Budgeting is essential in monitoring expenditures and understanding your spending patterns. 

Career goals: my short term career goals include learning two different skills set in the accounting industry and gaining an understanding of team building and leadership. This is an indication that the short term goals are at par with the long term goals, and the individual is focused on committing to success in the career path. 

Life goals: in the life perspective, the various short term goals I would like to set include enhancing my networking skills. According to career experts, networking leads to career and life success. Meeting different people in the industry or your area of expertise presents an individual for personal development and professional growth. Strengthening communication skills is another goal, and it plays a vital role in the workplace. It aids in eliminating workplace conflicts. Having proficient communication skills is a big plus when meeting with new clients, enabling team unity, engaging customer service, and creating a platform for sharing ideas. The last goal is to earn a professional certification in an area of interest. Employers are continually looking for individuals with a variety of knowledge and skills. Furthermore, they like working with individuals who work on improving their competence. Earning professional certificates show that a person is ambitious and willing to go further to achieve the intended results. 

Medium range plan 

I’m eager to continue developing my audit skills in the next five years. I want to be recognized as an expert in this field in terms of knowledge and the number of relationships I have established with clients. Additionally, plans to set up my firm should be in place, and the customer base should have increased significantly. The order of the goals include the following; 

Buy a house in the city 

Establish vast knowledge in this industry 

Expand my knowledge and skills through on the job studies 

Become part of the managerial team in my workplace 

I have learned how to play the piano efficiently. 

Medium range financial plan 

The target plan for retirement is $ 2,138,710.062, which is in alignment with the financial arrangements. In the next five years, I would want to develop an effective strategy to meet my savings goals. The use of automatic saving methods like automatic transfer of funds from my checking account to a savings account is one of the strategies. Planning for savings may also involve the creation of an emergency fund, which is distinct from the savings account for use during emergency cases. The fund will be replenished once there is an excess of income. Fixing savings in the spending plan is another way of meeting saving goals. Perceiving savings as an item of expenditure is an effective way of ensuring funds are allocated to the account without compromise. Saving some types of income like bonuses and tax refunds is also an efficient way of covering the financial plan goals. My yearly saving target would be $ 20,000, which can be invested either short term investments like money market accounts and certificates of deposits; or investments in long-tern activities like the real estate industry. The investment can be made in real estate investment trusts, real estate partnerships, or real estate mutual funds, whichever has higher returns. 

Personal growth 

Individuals are not that good when handling money. Economists have made observations in various anomalies in behavioral patterns that have failed to align with rationality theories in the behavioral finance field. Psychologists, finance analysts, and economists strive to explain changes in individual behaviors that have not been accepted and have prevented the possibility of market efficiency. Behavioral prejudice impacts our financial decisions as individuals use “mental accounting” in financial planning. As a result, it becomes illogical when e notice deficit on one side and surplus on another. This is aspect is better off aligned with my long term goals of achieving financial independence as they usually happen unconsciously and are unavoidable. Individuals can best design their lives to achieve set targets by believing in themselves, setting clear priorities, staying on course, following their intuition, and focusing on the bigger picture. 


Focusing on the best and neglecting the rest is the best way of keeping in mind what is essential in one's life. The idea assists in setting your priorities right. Therefore, the pressure to fulfill my goals will keep me on par with the document, and revisiting it may not take a long time frame. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Life Financial Planning - The Best Way to Secure Your Future.


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