24 Sep 2022


Michele Obama: A Leadership Analysis

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Academic level: College

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Words: 2361

Pages: 8

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Michelle Obama is the United States 44th President Barack Obamas wife. Before becoming the 44th first lady of the U.S., Michelle Obama practised law as a lawyer, a community outreach and city administrator of Chicago. Born in Illinois, Chicago in the year 1964, Michelle was the second and the last born in the family of two, her and Craig her elder brother. Michelle Obama grew to defy all odds becoming one of the most powerful people in the U.S. She graduated in 1985 from cum laude after attending the Princeton University after which she went on and joined the Harvard Law School where she earned a degree and graduated in 1988. She started working at a law firm in Chicago where she met the future U.S. President and husband Barrack, Obama. In 1992, the couple made it official by getting married. Later on, in the year 1998, she gave birth to their first daughter and child Malia Obama and later in 2001 their second and last born child and daughter Sasha Obama. In the year 2008 on the 4th of November, the Obamas raised Presidency. 

Five Practices of Effective Leaders by Kouzes and Posner; Michelle Obamas Behaviours 

According to these two authors, Barry Z. Posner and James M. Kouzes, there are five leadership practices which every effective leader has embraced and successfully made an impact in the leadership role. These five effective leadership practices include modelling the way, inspiring a shared vision, enabling the action of others, and encouraging the heart (Kouzes, & Posner, 2010). All these practices were evident with the way Michelle Obama managed her daily leadership activities across the U.S. and the way she behaved. 

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Michelle Obama is a great leader, this can be seen in the way she led the nation especially motivating the women. She modelled the way for the women. For instance, Michelle Obama had a keen interest in fashion and her style made an impact on the hearts of women. Her style was a challenge to the women as well as the fashion industry. Her apparent choices according to a certain study, made her presentable and thus relatable to the everyday women. Her choices according to the participants of the study said that they were provided with the opportunity to challenge the norms of women fashion and also adjust their individual styles (Chaney, et. al, 2015). Michelle Obama not only focused on the women, but the whole nation by modelling the way. Michelle Obama had an agenda to build and have a healthy nation. In order to show the country that she meant her words, Michelle on the February of 2010 declared war on the childhood obesity, introducing the 10 billion dollar initiative named Let’s Move Initiative. The initiative was a ten-year program and aimed at eradicating obesity among children across the U.S., thus raising a young generation which is healthy over the coming decades. Her efforts attracted allot of attention across the country and gained support from many private as well as public entities (Mayo & Jacobs, 2013). Exemplary leaders like Michelle Obama have it in mind that it is only through their behaviors that they can be respected and thus practice whatever that they preach to the public. According to Kouzes, & Posner 2010, they have it that leading is either by an example or there is no leading at all. Speeches which are eloquent on the common values only inspire for a moment, but are never considered enough for the purposes of sustaining and building credibility (Kouzes, & Posner, 2010). More so, Michelle has never appeared on national television doing exercises, what is more, dessert for her family is completely out of question thus a message to the public that leaving health is important (Wilhoit, n.d). Michelle Obama managed to build on the hearts of the people and sustained credibility through modelling the way; she said and she did, she stood by her belief. 

Michelle Obama through her ability was able to inspire a shared vision. Through Kouzes’s & Posner’s research, the world is able to differentiate between the leaders and the colleagues; this is through their forward-looking ability. Effective leaders must first be able to envision the future, creating images which are compelling of what a nation or organization will become. In addition, the leaders truly believe that they are capable of making a difference. Michelle Obama through her Let’s Move Initiative, Michelle looks forward on a future with healthy kids free of obesity and other related conditions over the coming decades (Mayo & Jacobs, 2013). She believed that through this initiative the future of healthy children will be achieved and the childhood obesity is done away with. Effective leaders, just like Michelle Obama, engage the others as well as the public in securing their individual dreams to the group's aspirations in creating a shared vision (Kouzes, & Posner, 2010). By doing this, more followers would commit their resources as well as talents, energy and time to working in togetherness for the purposes of achieving greatness. Michelle Obama shared her vision with the public to ensure that the future of children would be free from obesity; as a result, different entities, both private and public such as the K-12 school districts were attracted to the course (Mayo & Jacobs, 2013). 

As a leader, there is a need to venture out and discover more despite the circumstances; in order to be a great leader, there is need to challenge the process. Leadership is not just about upholding the quo status. Challenging the process by leaders can be done through accepting disappointments, taking risks as well as experimenting which is all appreciated chances of being educated (Scott, 2011). Leaders may ask themselves the question of what they have done today or this week for the purposes of adding effectiveness compared to the previous day or week. Michelle Obama had the practice, thus the reason why she managed to successfully grow and achieve more as a leader thus boosting the nation. Michelle Obama challenged the process leadership which had left out issues dealing with body matters and health. With Ellen DeGeneres, on a national television in the February of 2012, Michelle Obama managed to complete 25 push-ups. Later in April, same year at the White House, she spent 20 minutes working out with the contestants on a reality show for losing weight named The Biggest Loser (Wilhoit, n.d). In addition, every morning Obama would rise early for the purposes of exercising. What is more, on the weeknights, the first family never considered desert for dinner. All these Michelle Obama was doing as a way of challenging the nation to take on healthy habits and lifestyle, thus encouraging an active and healthy nation (Wilhoit, n.d). Kouzes & Posner 2010 have it that change as well as making a commitment in challenging the process needs the action of willingness, not just for a day but every day (Kouzes, & Posner, 2010). Michelle Obama was determined and had the willingness to work out and encourage the nation every day for the purposes of maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle thus an active and healthy nation. She also challenged the nation by creating employment opportunities for the military families. This act was considered as a challenge to all the citizens as a way of saying thank you, take action as well as making a real commitment in supporting the military families (Mayo & Jacobs, 2013). 

Also, another practice that Michelle Obama had which made her an effective leader was the behaviour of enabling others to act. Enabling others to act would mean that the leader has a number of qualities such as caring and not greedy among others. Leaders know and understand that alone is impossible and thus requires effort from both sides. Allowing others to act would mean that there is collaboration which is the key component of sustaining any leadership. Enabling others to act allows and improves on teamwork, empowerment and trust which are all essential in building and strengthening the capacity of every individual to deliver the best. Leaders, just like Michelle Obama, help in creating a trusting environment. They perfectly understand that for extraordinary efforts to be sustained, then there must be mutual respect. Understanding leadership as a confidence and trust founded relationship people make changes, take risks as well as keep movements and programs alive. Through building notable celebrities networks, including Taylor Swift and Beyoncé Michelle Obama enabled others to act thus amassing a huge following (Menns, 2015). Michelle Obama's behaviour of enabling others to act is no doubt the reason for the strengthened bonds among the people and her successful leadership story. 

Then, another important practice that a leader must have is encouraging the heart. Encouraging the heart would give psych to complete something or come up with an agenda for the sake of the nation. In order to get to the top then the level of preparedness should be high which would in return help in encouraging the heart. Reaching the top is long and arduous; it is easy for people to become frustrated, disenchanted and exhausted. In most cases, they feel like giving up. Leaders are usually expected to encourage the heart through victories and values celebration and recognizing contributions; caring acts which are genuine often boost the spirits thus drawing the public forward. According to research, leaders who are top performers tend to be more open and express more warmth. In addition, they are more positive, encouraging and grateful, and demonstrate more desire towards their subjects compared to the lower performers (Scott, 2011). Michelle Obama is a great leader thanks to her behaviour of encouraging the heart. Her behavior was no doubt a major driving force even for her husband the former U.S. President Obama. Regularly, Michelle had the power of amassing huge crowds of 1000 people or more thanks to her potential leadership behaviors and practices (White, 2011). More so, through another initiative that she had, Let Girls Learn, Michelle Obama was able to alter the “negative scope as a black matriarch” through empowering the American youth (Menns, 2015). 

Leadership Theories 

According to leadership literature, as time passes, theories undergo modifications as well as refinement and not even a single theory is totally irrelevant. According to Nawaz et al. (2016), relevance usually relies on the applied context (Nawaz et al., 206). There are different types of leadership theories such as the Great-Man Theory, Trait Theory, Contingency Theories (Situational), Behavior and Style Theory, Process Leadership Theory, Transactional Theory, and Transformational Theory (Nawaz et al, 2016). It is clear that Michelle Obama had a number of theories which applied to her leadership practices. For instance, the Behavioral Theory applied to Michelle Obamas’ leadership in a great way. Leadership behavioral theories are usually based on a belief that no great leader is born, but they are all made. Being deeply rooted in behaviourism, this theory of leadership focusses on leader’s actions and not on internal states or mental qualities. According to the behavioral theory, only through observation and teaching is when a person can learn thus become a successful leader (Wagner, n.d.). Every leader has their own style of exercising leadership which they feel most contended with. Michelle Obamas styles of leadership, as well as behaviour, are no doubt what pushed her to the top. Her behaviours as a woman not only encouraged and challenged the women of America but also the whole nation by setting the record for the public. Her style was simple and elegant, helping each other to move ahead and achieve the American dream thus build a successful and healthy nation. She stood for what she believed in and never backed down despite the turbulence until she achieved her goals. Her leadership style and behaviors set an example for the nation as well as other leaders to follow and emulate. 

Michelle Obama’s DISC Profile, her Dominate Three Strengths from, and the Four Letter Personality Profile 

Finding a DISC profile may at the time prove challenging since only a few individuals tend to publicly display it and also making it may be challenging. DISC stands for Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. Dominance is usually forceful and direct, people preferring this style always value achievement and action thus tusk-focused as well as fast-paced (Harmony Insights, 2016). Michelle Obama’s dominance could be seen in the way she carried herself every day in performing her leadership roles ensuring a successful and healthy nation. She stood firm for her words and stopped at nothing unless her goal is achieved. Influence is social and lively, those who have the preference of such a style often value enthusiasm as well as relationships; they tend to be people-focused and fast-paced (Harmony Insights, 2016). Michelle Obama was able to Influence the process of leadership in America by focusing on the areas where leadership never gave a lot of attention. For instance, Michelle Obama was social and lively doing pushups on the national television for the purposes of inspiring and influencing the nation’s health lifestyle (Wilhoit, n.d). Steadiness is based on loyalty and even temper. The people in preference of this style usually value predictability and cooperation thus tend to be people-focused and moderately paced (Harmony Insights, 2016). When it comes to steadiness, Michelle Obama had a lot of it compared to the others. Her focus on the people could be clearly seen on the way she freely interacted with the public thus pledging for a healthy nation. She focused on encouraging the nation to eat healthily and work out. She also focused on raising a healthy generation of kids for a healthy and active future of America. Conscientiousness is private and analytical; this style is mostly preferred by people who value standards and accuracy, thus tend to always be task-focused and moderately-paced. Michelle Obama's conscientiousness could be seen on her initiatives such as the Let Girls Learn initiative, through which Michelle Obama was able to alter the “negative scope as a black matriarch” through empowering the American youth (Menns, 2015). 

Michelle Obamas four-letter personality profile would most probably be INFJ (introvert, intuitive, feeling, and judging). People having the INFJ type of personality is usually decisive yet imaginative, private yet ambitious and amazingly curious. INFJs derive pleasure from sharing their knowledge, self-assured within the mastery subjects they have chosen, but due to the Intuitive (N) as well as Judging (J) traits they have, they favor designing as well as executing vivid plans inside their areas rather than sharing distracting and uninteresting opinions such as gossip. In a matter of principle, INFJs usually radiate self-confidence thus standing like rocks. Considering Michelle Obama, it is no doubt that she has an INFJ personality which she employs in her leadership processes. Her personality can be clearly seen in the way she carries herself around and performs her leadership duties. Her idealism was evident in everything that did and all can be evident in the way she handled the matter, including the making the difference for the military families (Wagele, 2016). 

Rising into Presidency on the 4th of November in the year 2008 and exiting the office on the 20th of January 2017 the Obamas ruled America for 8 years. During these years, the Obamas leadership was evident with numerous successes and achievements for the nation. Michelle Obama exhibited her Leadership traits to the whole nation bringing change across the states of America and standing for right only. Ms Obama stood by her words and acted as a leader in bringing change to the nation thus advocating for equal rights for all and pledging for a healthy and active nation. All her leadership was exemplary thanks to her behaviors as well as personality. 


Chaney, C., Mathews, D., & Opiri, J. (2015). The Michelle Obama influence: an exploration of the first lady’s fashion, style, and impact on women. Fashion and Textiles, 2 (26). DOI 10.1186/s40691-015-0050-9 

Harmony Insights. (2016). Celebrity DiSC . Retrieved from http://harmonyinsights.com/celebrity-disc/ 

Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. (2010). The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership . Pfeiffer 

Mayo, C., & Jacobs, C. C. (2013). Michelle Obama: Setting the Standard for Moral Leadership . Retrieved from https://www.regent.edu/acad/global/conferences/virtual/2013/pdfs/day3-mayo-jacobs.pdf 

Menns, C. (2015). Michelle Obama: Research Paper. Faculty Curated Undergraduate Works . Paper 26. Retrieved from https://scholarworks.arcadia.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1025&context=undergrad_works 

Nawaz, A., Ahmed, Z., & Khan, U. I. (2016). Leadership Theories and Styles: A Literature Review. Journal of Resources Development and Management , 16. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/293885908_Leadership_Theories_and_Styles_A_Literature_Review 

Scott, K. (2011, June 16). Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership. McCombs Today . Retrieved from http://www.today.mccombs.utexas.edu/2011/06/five-practices-of-exemplary-leaders 

Wagele, E. (2016, November 1). Michelle Obama, Super-Popular 1-Perfectionist 1st Lady. Psychology Today . Retrieved from https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-career-within-you/201611/michelle-obama-super-popular-1-perfectionist-1st-lady 

Wagner, V. K. (n.d). 8 Major Leadership Theories . Retrieved from http://unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/APCITY/UNPAN030550.pdf 

Wilhoit, E. (n.d). Michelle Obama’s embodied authentic leadership: Leading by lifestyle . Retrieved from http://www.academia.edu/8710658/Michelle_Obama_s_embodied_authentic_leadership_Leading_by_lifestyle 

White, K. L. (2011) Michelle Obama: Redefining the (White) House-wife. Third Space: A Journal of Feminist Theory & Culture, 10 (1). Retrieved from http://journals.sfu.ca/thirdspace/index.php/journal/article/view/white/434 

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