14 Oct 2022


Nobel Prize Winners: A List of Nobel Laureates

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Academic level: College

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Summary of Nobel Prize 

Alfred Nobel discovered the Nobel Prize. Upon his death, it was realized that, he had come up with five annual rewards in peace, medicine, literature, physics and chemistry. In his will, he recommended that the prize should be awarded to individuals who have exhibited ‘‘greatest benefit on humanity.’’ His initial donation towards his idea was 35 million Swedish kronor, and the annual prizes are financed using the annual interest from the fortune. The person to receive the prize is chosen by separate institutions. Specifically, Norwegian members of parliament decide the person to get the Peace Prize. Nomination for the candidates is done by past winners, recognized institutions, and respected individuals from various fields, and through a simple majority vote, the winner is decided. The first prizes were awarded in 1901. 

2018 (Arthur Ashkin, Gérard Mourou and Donna Strickland) 

The 2018 Nobel Prize went to three physicists namely Arthur Ashkin from America, French citizen Gérard Mourou and Canadian Donna Strickland for discovering equipment from light. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced the three will share the prize of £770,000. Half of the prize will go to Ashkin for coming up with ‘optical tweezers’, which has made it easier for scientists to grab bacteria, viruses, and atoms. The other two Mourou and Strickland will share the other half equally amongst themselves. The two came up with the shortest and intense laser beams. Their discovery has been helpful in conducting laser eye surgeries. 

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2007 (Peter Grünberg, Albert Fert) 

In 2007, the French scientist Fert and his Germany counterpart Grunberg were jointly honored with the Physics Nobel Prize for discovering the Giant Magnetoresistance. The main application of GMR is mainly in the field of magnetic sensors that are useful in reading data in biosensors, and hard disk drives among others. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Nobel Prize Winners: A List of Nobel Laureates.


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