26 Jul 2022


Prison Counselor Job Description

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Academic level: College

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Thanks to the harsh sentencing policies that the US has adopted, the country has witnessed a drastic increase in the size of its prison population. This increase has exerted strain on the meager resources that are allocated to the correctional system. For many inmates, their needs go unmet as the country struggles to fully fund its correctional institutions. Mental health is among the aspects of the correctional system that have suffered as a result of low levels of funding and a high prison population. According to such researchers as Yi, Turney and Wildeman (2017), mental illnesses are prevalent among inmates being held in America’s jails and prisons. The high prevalence of mental disorders underscores the need for professionals who offer guidance and counseling to inmates. Prison counselors are among these professionals. When they execute their mandate successfully, they contribute to the wellness of the prison population. In order to be effective in executing their mandate, prison counselors need to have a full understanding of the knowledge, skills and abilities that they should possess.

There are a number of skills, knowledge areas and competencies that prison counselors need to have. While all of the skills that the counselors require are important, there are some that play a more crucial role. Knowledge concerning counseling techniques, knowledge on how correctional facilities function and the ability to apply current techniques and methods in interactions with inmates are some of the skills and knowledge areas that I find to be most important. When they understand counseling techniques, the prison counselors are able to apply the appropriate techniques that match the needs of prisoners. An understanding of how prisons and jails function also allows the counselors to execute their mandate effectively. This understanding is also important because it makes it possible for the counselors to align their function with the general operations of the correctional facilities to ensure that there are no disruptions or conflict. I feel that it is also crucial for the prison counselors to possess the ability to implement the most current interventions, methods and techniques when treating prisoners. One of the challenges that hamper the delivery of mental health services is the failure by correctional institutions to adopt recent and evidence-based approaches that have been shown to be effective. I believe that when a counselor is familiar with these approaches, they are better placed to spearhead their effective adoption. Other knowledge areas that are vital include the psychological and social problems that are prevalent in correctional institutions and the current trends in the treatment of prisoners. I find that these knowledge areas are important because they allow the prison counselor to align the techniques that they adopt with the challenges that prisoners face and ensure that these techniques echo the emerging and most pressing issues facing correctional institutions.

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Above, I have identified some of the skills and knowledge areas that I believe hold the key to success for prison counselors. I believe that with dedication, I can develop the areas discussed above. There are various avenues, programs and tools that I intend to leverage in my quest to become more competent in these areas. Professional experience, education and networking are some of the initiatives that I will pursue I my quest to become a prison counselor who possesses the skills, perspectives and attitudes that this job requires. I am confident that by working in correctional settings, I will gain the professional experience that will enhance my competence. Furthermore, I feel that by joining professional associations that bring together prison counselors, I will establish networks that equip me with the skills and knowledge that I wish to obtain. Through further education, I believe that I will further sharpen my skills and become a more competent and highly qualified mental health professional with a focus on the wellbeing of prisoners.


Yi, Y., Turney, K., & Wildeman, C. (2017). Mental health among jail and prison inmates, American Journal of Men’s Health, 11 (4), 900-9.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Prison Counselor Job Description.


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