19 May 2022


Sexual Tolerance: The Times Are Changing

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Academic level: College

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Words: 792

Pages: 3

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Sexual tolerance is an important aspect that focuses on the acceptance of different sexual orientations. The issue of sexual endurance is significant as it helps in ensuring that all individuals with different sexual orientations are accepted in society and do not face any discrimination and harassment. The video “It gets better” by Joel Burns focuses on an issue that has affected most teens in the United States. In the given video, the speaker narrates the experiences of different gay teens that faced humiliation in the United States and ended upending their lives through suicides. Burns (2010) maintains that the perception of society played an essential role in the suicide of the teens considering a lack of acceptance and support from friends, family, and community at large. The experiences of gay teens in the given video prove that society faces an issue with sexual tolerance, considering that most people have a negative perception towards the gay people in society.

Sexual Tolerance

Considering an increase in the number of people with different sexual orientations, the issue of sex is important as it helps to promote the acceptance of the different people regardless of their sexual orientation. The acceptance of such people helps in reducing stigma, harassment, and discrimination, that often result in suicidal thoughts among individuals with different sexual orientation. The society has a significant role in enhancing the issue of sexual tolerance in society by ensuring that all members of society are treated equally regardless of their sexual orientation. It is important to note that schools and learning institutions should capitalize on the implementation of measures that help in enhancing the issue of sexual tolerance considering it is during the early teenage years that individuals begin discovering their sexual orientation. The school environment should be an environment that all learners are treated equally without isolation and discrimination in a bid to capitalize on sexual tolerance in society.

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According to Hull et. (2017), the legalization of same-sex marriages in most parts of the United States has played a significance in enhancing sexual tolerance and creating a change on the perception of most people in the society. Although the issue of same-sex relationships continues to generate debates on the subject of accepting the different sexual orientation, the legalization of the problem has helped in promoting confidence among the members of the LGBT communities considering that the law protects them. The implementation of the law has enhanced the perception of people towards individuals with different sexual orientation, which is an aspect that has helped in changing the issue of sexual tolerance in society. Considering that most people in the organization viewed the gay and other members of the LBGT communities as immoral and evil, the implementation of the law supporting the same-sex relationships has provided a new perception that provides a different point of view towards the given people in the society.

According to Marston, K., & Charlesworth (2015), the human rights activists in the United States have helped in promoting sexual tolerance in different parts of America by ensuring that individuals with different sexual orientation do not face any form of harassment and discrimination in the society. The increased campaigns supporting the issue of sexual tolerance in society are an indicator of the changing times for individuals with different sexual orientations. In the video by Burns (2010), he provides hope for the gay teens that often face discrimination owing to lack of acceptance in the society, thus leading to suicide. Burns (2010), in this case, is certain that this will get better and capitalizes on self-acceptance as the primary aspect that helps in enhancing sexual tolerance in the society. The fact that most gay teens have succumbed to suicide in the recent past, it is important for the governing authorities to capitalize on ensuring that the society engages in sexual tolerance in a bid to overcome the destructive issues involving the death of teen gays.

In conclusion, the issue of sexual tolerance faces a significant improvement in society, considering the changing times where there are legal provisions that support gay people and other individuals with different sexual orientation. The requirement on the legality of same-sex relationships is an indicator of the changing’s times considering that it helps in enhancing sexual tolerance and ensuring that the people with different sexual orientation feel accepted and do not face any form of harassment and isolation. Although most people with the various sexual orientation face significant issues in the society leading to suicide, there is hope that it will get better based on the fact that times are changing and that the corporation is gradually accepting the individuals. It is important to note that the issue of sexual orientation is often a factor that is beyond human control, meaning that an individual can do little about the direction. It is therefore essential to capitalize on showing acceptance and reducing instances of isolation and discrimination, which is an aspect that may result in a tragic ending.


Burns, J. (2010). Joel Burns tells gay teens "it gets better". Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ax96cghOnY4

Hull, S. J., Davis, C. R., Hollander, G., Gasiorowicz, M., Jeffries IV, W. L., Gray, S., ... & Mohr, A. (2017). Evaluation of the acceptance journeys social marketing campaign to reduce homophobia.  American journal of public health 107 (1), 173-179.

Marston, K., & Charlesworth, J. (2015). Promoting sexual identity tolerance.  Children & Young People Now 2015 (10), 34-34.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Sexual Tolerance: The Times Are Changing.


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