13 Apr 2022


Space Imagery and Security: Satellite and Aerial Imagery

Format: APA

Academic level: High School

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Words: 588

Pages: 2

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Space Imagery and Security: Use of Satellite and Aerial Imagery


Satellite and aerial imagery has made the tracking of security issues in the world accessible and manageable. Satellites have been used for a variety of reasons to protect humankind from disasters either imposed by the natural environment or terrorists (Applications of Satellites, 2017). The paper seeks to discuss how the satellite has assisted in security and tracking and how the aerial images assist in providing solutions to curb such issues.


Satellites come in handy to track natural disasters such as hurricanes. Hurricanes can be predicted beforehand, and evacuation measures are done to secure people from loss of life. Moreover, details of storms can present necessary forecast for travellers and pilots and equip them with safety measures to prevent loss of life. During a weather forecast, the aerial images are shown to the public, and the presenter gives details of the cyclone or hurricane (Hurricanes: Science and Society, 2017). Such information benefits not only the affected area but also the public.

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Indigenous inhabitants of the Amazon, Congo, and other inaccessible areas of the world are usually tracked by the satellite. Such people do not accept visitors and are not ready to embrace civilisation. However, their culture can be easily studied using aerial images and conclusions drawn from them (News Staff, 2017). The gathered information is not only educational but also necessary for security purposes


Satellites are commonly used to track wildlife population. High-Res satellites are used to record whale population. Due to the extent of the oceans accurately counting the whales by use of ships would be impossible. Other land wildlife such as elephants and wildebeests are traced using space satellites. The images give information on population and assist in tracking extinction. Moreover, they give migration data of birds or insects such as the butterflies which provide educational materials (Live Science, 2017). Information on extinction and poaching would enable the formation of appropriate strategies to secure a particular species from being extinct.


The government widely use the satellite to track security issues within a country or the world. For instance, the GPS was formed and is controlled by the United States government for the purpose of providing geolocational data. The GPS encompasses both the location and time. Missing items or people can be located using satellites (GPS: The Global Positioning System, 2017). For example, ships or planes that disappear during navigation can be traced using satellites.


The military mainly uses satellites for security purposes. Either to track down spy satellite, terrorist groups or terror attacks. The aerial images also provide plans of terror attack hence the military can stop the action in advance. With the increase in terrorism, the US government is planning to use mini spy satellites known as CubeSats. Unlike the known satellites, the CubeSat provides a continuous worldwide coverage (DNews, 2017). Information on terror activities would enable the military to save many lives and assist the government in capturing terrorists and put them on trial.


Satellites provide a platform on which security information is gathered and help in the formulation of safety issues. They not only provide critical information but also assist in the future planning of security matters. They are used to track environmental disasters such as hurricanes so that immediate action can be taken. They can also be used to study indigenous non-civilized societies such as the Amazonians and formulate strategies which can help them survive longer. Animals are easily tracked for poaching and extinction using satellites. Finally, the government and the military widely use the satellite for public security reasons.


Applications of Satellites . (2017). Suparco.gov.pk . Retrieved 6 May 2017, from http://www.suparco.gov.pk/pages/applications-satellite.asp

DNews. (2017). Mini Spy Satellites to Track Terrorists: Discovery News. Seeker . Retrieved 6 May 2017, from https://www.seeker.com/mini-spy-satellites-to-track-terrorists- discovery-news-1765274378.html

GPS: The Global Positioning System . (2017). Gps.gov . Retrieved 6 May 2017, from http://www.gps.gov/

Hurricanes: Science and Society: National Hurricane Center Forecast Process . (2017). Hurricanescience.org . Retrieved 6 May 2017, from http://www.hurricanescience.org/science/forecast/forecasting/forecastprocess/

Live Science. (2017). High-Res Satellites Help Track Whale Populations . Live Science . Retrieved 6 May 2017, from http://www.livescience.com/43338-count-whales-using- satellites.html

News Staff . (2017). Scientists Use Satellite Images to Track Uncontacted Amazonian Tribes | Anthropology, Technologies | Sci-News.com .. Breaking Science News | Sci-News.com . Retrieved 6 May 2017, from http://www.sci- news.com/othersciences/anthropology/science-satellite-images-track-uncontacted- amazonian-tribes-01878.html

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Space Imagery and Security: Satellite and Aerial Imagery.


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