10 Oct 2022


The Benefits of Strategic Relationships

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Several stakeholder groups were identified. The first group was the general public. The NIH is funded by the federal government and thus makes use of the taxpayers’ money to realize its objectives. The specific needs that taxpayers have are that the research which will be conducted will be able to improve their lives. The NIH should thus focus on ensuring that the research it conducts should be able to represent the interests of the general public. The NIH thus focuses on specific diseases, areas of human health, and different aspects of biology. The research training and the collection and dissemination of health information are thus focused on the general public. The focus on social welfare by the NIH can thus meet the needs of stakeholders (Bridoux & Stoelhorst, 2016). An example of a leadership approach that can be considered is when the public feels that their interests are not being considered. Patient advocacy groups can then be formed to represent their interests. 

The next type of stakeholders was identified as extramural researchers. Extramural researchers are different from intramural researchers since they are not employed by the NIH but could apply for funding. There can also be the first time researchers who make applications to receive grants. Researchers and scientists may need to access funds to facilitate the success of their projects. The NIH helps these researchers through the provision of grants. The funding can be used to support the research of thousands of individuals in different healthcare facilities, medical institutions, and universities. Intramural research involves individuals that are within the company and it includes NIH scientists and physicians who are usually located at the NIH campus. The provision of grants to the extramural researchers and first-time applicants has been increased to facilitate an improvement in the research. 

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The Office of the Director of the NIH is the key internal stakeholder who is responsible for setting up policies for the NIH. The NIH director assists in the management, coordination, and planning of activities and programs within the NIH and most of its components. The director thus meets the needs of the organization by providing leadership to the different divisions such as Institutes and Centers. For instance, there are 12 divisions within the Division of Program Coordination, Planning, and Strategic Initiatives which are under the officer of the director. 

The federal government which includes the congress and the president are the other key stakeholders. The needs of these stakeholders are thus to ensure that there are research developments that can be used to improve the living conditions of the public. The NIH thus meets their needs by focusing on research that is within the interests of the federal government. The federal government, through the president and the congress thus approves the budget proposal from the NIH. One example of a leadership decision and action is through the decisions of the president when choosing to allocate funds for the NIH. Over the past few years, the NIH has consistently received inadequate funds and this has lowered the level of research. This has possibly impacted the ability of the NIH to meet the needs of the federal government. 

Girl Scouts 

One of the key stakeholders is young girl scouts. They are divided into different groups that include grade k to 5, middle school, and high school. The needs of these stakeholders are that they need to have role models and mentors that should teach them different values. These needs are usually met based on the mission of the organization which states that it strives to build girls of courage, character, and confidence that will make the world a better place. An example of leadership provided is by enabling the girls to learn different new things such as building a robot, climbing a wall, and creating works of art. Providing such opportunities to the girls makes them enjoy being in the organization and it makes them feel that their needs are being met. This helps to improve the relationship between the leadership team and the young girls. 

The families and communities of the girls are also key stakeholders that benefit from girl scouts. Girl Scouts can volunteer in the community and undertake several projects that target women. The community can be targeted through having adult role models that talk to girls within the community to ignite their passion. Girls within the community are also provided for support to help them grow into women and thus create change in the world. 

The other stakeholder group was identified as adults. Women may encounter several challenges when navigating through their careers and the world around them. Girl scouts thus provide other adult role models that should help the women through their challenges. Women that are part of the girl scouts can partner with their families, friends, communities, and this expands their network. Women that may need to develop themselves will also benefit as the program focuses on self-development for women. The organization thus focuses on building a sustainable stakeholder relationship through having older adults mentor young adults (Herremans et al., 2016). They can learn about their leadership styles and build on skills as they take part in different activities. An example of a leadership action is when other adults provide mentorship, coaching and become role models to other girls. This helps improve on the relationship as the adult girls feel that their needs are being met. 

The internal stakeholders of the organization are the executive team and the board of directors. The executive team meets the needs of the organization through the development and execution of initiatives and resources that benefit the girls, volunteers, and staff. The board of directors is made of a team from different regions (“About Girl Scouts – Our Leadership”, 2020). These individuals usually serve the interests of the girl scouts in the areas which they represent Marathon Petroleum 

The internal stakeholders were identified as the company staff, the leadership team, and management. These individuals get into the company with the need to build on their careers and for financial progress. The company provides leadership to the team and this enables them to grow. These individuals can later become business partners and professionals that assist in the working and the running of the company. Careers can be advanced through promotions which ensures that different individuals grow professionally. 

The other stakeholder was identified as the surrounding communities and the community organizations in which the community operates. This could also involve landowners who may have issues regarding the operation of oil refineries. The company ensures that it meets their needs through proper communication about its plans, answering their questions, and resolving some of their issues. The organization also focuses on issues such as infrastructure and traffic issues within the surrounding communities in the places they drill (“Stakeholder Engagement”, 2020). The company has shown responsibility through its actions and this improves its stakeholder relationships and engagement (Civera & Freeman, 2020). An example of a leadership action thus involves identifying the impact of the digital footprint on the surrounding communities. The company then strives to improve its infrastructure by making donations that focus on the improvements. This ensures that a good relationship is continually maintained between the company and the community. 

The other stakeholders are business partners such as suppliers, contractors, regulators, and industry partners. These individuals need to foster their businesses and thus realize financial and economic benefits. The organization meets their needs through the provision of tenders that enable the provision of such services. Government entities and policymakers such as lawmakers and elected officials are also key stakeholders. They assist the company and address the needs to deal with various legal issues about its business operations. 

Leader Role Summary 

The analysis of the different organizations showed that they had different requirements for the leadership and their roles. From the organizational matrix, it was identified that the different organizations were different in their basic structures and functioning. Government organizations were identified to function based on the interest of the government and the individuals that appointed them. This was different from for-profit organizations that function to create profit for the shareholders or the owners. This is different from non-profit organizations whose main function is to fulfill a social responsibility within their community or their operation. The government, non-profit, and for-profit organizations thus function differently and this impacts the roles of their leaders. 

Common Leadership Roles 

The three types of organizations require leaders that can set a clear vision, achieve goals, and influence the behaviors of employees. Leadership in the different organizations is defined as the action of leading a group of people towards achieving certain goals. The leaders thus do this by influencing and guiding employee behaviors. The leader is expected to set a clear vision which is the future state of the organization. He or she is then expected to find out about the needs and the wants of the employees and address those needs. The leader will also be involved in defining the role and the work of the employees and guide them by providing tools that they may require to carry out their activities (Singh et al., 2016). Additionally, the leaders in the different organizations are also given financial resources and tasked with the management of those resources. 

Difference in Roles in Domestic and International Markets 

Leadership roles differ in the nonprofit and for-profit organization in both the domestic and international markets. In the local markets, the leader in the nonprofit organization would be involved in a participative leadership by primarily making use of assistance of others to run the organization. The leader is expected to work with other volunteers in such a setting. This is different from the for-profit leader in the domestic setting where they will have to be the key decision-maker and is tasked with driving the organization towards financial success. 

In the global setting, the nonprofit leader would have to be more culturally aware as they could be dealing directly with different communities (Hrenyk et al., 2016). Such a leader should be ready to promote teamwork and nurture relationships in the different regions where the organization is in operation. This is different from the leader in the for-profit organization who would have to be more flexible as they would be dealing with an organization that has a greater complexity. The leader should then have a strategic vision and adaptableness when working in different countries. 

The roles of the leaders in the domestic and international markets is different from the US governmental leadership who only operates within a given area and location. The leader in the nonprofit organization would have to be more culturally aware as they would be dealing with different communities in different parts of the world (Hrenyk et al., 2016). This is different from the leader in the US government who would mostly deal with a familiar group. The leader in the for-profit organization would also have to be adaptable and flexible in the highly complex international business setting. This is different from the US government whose role would be primarily pushing through the laws, policies, and rules and engaging in staffing and budgeting activities. 

Unique Leadership Role in Each Organization 

There are unique leadership roles that is expected in each of the organizations. In the government organization, the leader is usually appointed and one of their roles is to fulfill their duties in such a way that it aligns with the expectations of the individual or groups that appointed them. The non-governmental leader would thus not be interested in realizing financial gain but would be mainly responsible for planning, coordinating and managing activities and programs within the organization. The execution of such programs should fulfill the interests of the individual that appointed them. This shows that the governmental organization has a high governmental control (Wagner, 2017). One would also be responsible with overseeing the budget and ensure that it aligns with the needs and interests of the government. 

The nonprofit organization is usually led by a board of directors that may be volunteering within the organization and thus do not have any direct financial ownership. The unique role of the leader in such a setting is to balance the financial concerns of the organization along with the social and environmental issues. The leadership agenda would thus involve covering several issues and topics such as their social responsibility, community concerns, environmental concerns, fundraising, and organizational performance. Such a leader may thus be required to be flexible and portray a transformative leadership style (Freeborough & Patterson, 2016). The leader is also expected to work with volunteers and should manage the different staff effectively. 

In the for-profit organization, the role of the leader is clear as it mainly involves driving the organization towards financial success. The role of the leader is to make profit for the shareholders and the owners of the company. In order to fulfill their role, the leader is usually given stake in the financial success of the organization through profits and bonuses. The decisions of the leader are thus mostly based on whether the initiative would create profit for the organization (Megheirkouni, 2017). The decision-making is less participative and mostly relies on the leader who is sometimes required to make decisions by themselves that should drive the organization to financial success. 

Relationship Analysis 

The analysis of the structures and leadership between the different sectors revealed that the different sectors had different roles and the leaders had to adjust their leadership based on the given roles. The organization sector that was chosen for further analysis was the non-profit organization. The non-profit organization sector was unique as the leader had to balance between financial needs of the organization and ensuring that the organization met its social responsibility objectives by working with the community. The leader in the non-profit setting thus had unique roles, unique influences, and were impacted by different internal and external factors that impacted their response. 

Roles of the Leader 

One of the roles of the leader is financial management. The nonprofit organization has narrow profit margins and are usually entrusted with private philanthropy and public funds. The leader should thus ensure that he or she can guarantee to the different stakeholders that the funds are being managed well. The leader should also balance the financial endeavors of the organization along with the social and environment responsibility requirements of the organization. 

The nonprofit leader is expected to engage in human resourcing and work with other individuals in the organization so that the organization can realize its objectives. The nonprofit leader is thus expected to assign tasks to the team and oversee the completion of the tasks. The leader may be working with limited resources and the team, its design, and how it conducts its business could be constantly changing. The leader should be ready to adjust the organization according to the given changes. 

The leader in the nonprofit organization should actively engage with the community. An effective nonprofit is always in touch with the needs of the community. The leader may thus network with the community members and be a recognized figure in the community. The leader should thus ensure that the activities and endeavors of the organization are focused on creating value for the community. The leader is thus tasked with the role of interacting, communicating, and advocating for the initiatives of the community. 

The leaders in nonprofit organization may also be involved in the governance and planning of different activities. Nonprofit organizations have board of directors who should be involved in the governance of the organization. The leaders may also be involved in the planning of activities that drive the agenda of the organization. When engaging in such planning, leaders should put in consideration different factors such as the political, economic, social factors, and the community which it serves. The nonprofit organization should thus have a realistic plan and it should be based on the needs of the organization. 

Influence of the Leaders 

One of the influence of the leaders is that they are expected to attract people who would be interested in the mission and goals of the organization. The leader is expected to influence prospective volunteers and donors. One may thus be actively involved in communicating the purpose of the organization to the different stakeholders of the organization (Renz, 2016). The leader is thus expected to deal with different groups of people and emotional intelligence is a critical trait that would be required to influence others. One should thus show interest in other people and understand their interests. 

The leader is also expected to influence donors towards making financial donations to the organization. The leader can thus be involved in writing of proposals to different donors and provide details about the operations of the organization (Renz, 2016). It is expected that this should be used to bring in new donors and retain the ones that are already present. The leader should thus show that they organization is responsible with the use of its resources. One should be actively involved in budgeting responsibly and consider the next financial opportunity which the organization should implement. 

Internal and External Factors Affecting the Leaders’ Role 

The internal factors that can impact the role of the leader is the strength of its volunteers and employees, the operational and organization procedures of the organization, and financial structure and resources of the organization. One of the internal factors is the strength of its volunteers and employees. A highly talented, motivated, and hard-working employees and volunteers would mean that the leader would be less involved in activities used to run the organization on a daily basis (Chen et al., 2016). The leader would thus be mostly tasked with the planning and strategic initiatives of the organization. Different nonprofit organizations have different administrative and operational procedures and policies. The leader may be less involved in the budgeting and funding of the organization and be involved in strategic planning depending on the administrative requirements. The financial structure and risks of the organization could also influence the role of the leader where adequate financial resources could lead to a larger organization and the leader then has few financial obligations. 

There are also external factors that could affect the role of the leader in the nonprofit organization. There are governmental regulations that provide guidelines regarding the nature of operations of nonprofit organizations. The roles of the leader would be impacted by the requirements that has been set by the government. Additionally, the communities around will have a belief system regarding the roles and the functions of leaders. The communities may have expectations regarding the level of involvement that is expected by the leaders in the community (Gallup, 2019). In a community that expects that the leader is actively involved in the activities of the community, the roles of the leader would be impacted as they would have to constantly take an active role in the participation of community activities. 

Issues (Internal and External) Impacting the Leader’s Response 

There are internal issues that impact the response of the leader in the nonprofit organization. One of the internal issues is the organizational culture and image. These can impact the response of the leader as it provides a guideline regarding how the leader is expected to act. For instance, there could be internal administrative procedures which impact the procedure regarding the response of the leader. The organizational objectives of the nonprofit organization can also impact response of the leader. The nonprofit organization seeks to have the objective of acting through social responsibility and the leader would thus respond to different scenarios in a way that protects the environment. There can also be financial considerations of the company that impact the response of the leader on different issues of the organization. For instance, the financial objectives of the organization would impact the response of the leader when faced with a given scenario. 

There can be external issues such as the economy, community, and government regulations that can also impact the response of a leader. When faced with tough economic times, the response of the leader would change as they would engage in downsizing activities. However, this would be different from the scenario when the economy was experiencing a boom and growth as the response of the leader would be to engage in several activities that drive the organization forward. The government may also provide regulations regarding the operational limits of the leader with regard to the state which they operate. The community may also have cultural norms and dynamics that dictate how different individuals relate to one other. This can thus impact the response of the leader when faced with different scenarios that require them to respond to the community. 

Reflection Summary 

The analysis of the leadership in the different organizational sectors provided insight regarding the leadership that should be applied in different organizations. In the for-profit organizational sector, the key role of the leader was to ensure that the organization would realize financial gain and profit. The leadership trait that would thus be required in the for-profit organization is thus to have a strategic vision regarding the financial decision-making of the organization. It was also identified that the leader is involved in making most of the decisions of the organization. The appointment of such a leader was identified that it is based on their ability to drive the organization towards financial success. 

The analysis also provided lessons regarding the type of leadership that is provided in the nonprofit sector. Such a leadership was found to be impacted by the key activities which nonprofit organizations engage in. Such an organization is interested in social and environmental responsibility and should the leader should thus ensure that their roles are made to fulfill these needs. The study also provided insight that the nonprofit organization is usually led by a board of directors that could be volunteering in the organization and may not have any direct financial ownership. Such leaders are thus tasked with the unique role of considering both the financial, social, and environmental impact of their activities. 

Leadership in the government organization was found to be different as the leader experienced several challenges in meeting the interests of different individuals. In such a setting, the leader was tasked with first meeting the interests of the individual that appointed them or the voters that elected them into office. This meant that the leader experienced several challenges when trying to meet the needs of the different stakeholders. Insight was also gained regarding the different roles that the leader may have and that they may not be tasked with ensuring that their organizations makes profit. 

The leaders in the different organizational sectors had several common leadership roles. One of the roles that was identified was that they were all involved in the budgeting and played a role in the control of finances in their organization. The leader was also tasked with setting the goals and objectives of the organization. One had to have a strategic plan for the organization and such a plan could be used to realize the organizational goals and objectives. Even though the different leaders worked in organizations that functioned differently, there were several basic requirements that was to be observed by the leaders. 

An in-depth analysis was conducted on the leader in the nonprofit organization. It was identified that such a leader may be tasked with various responsibilities such as being responsible for the human resource. The leader was also expected to influence members of the organization towards the vision and values which the organization stands for. Additionally, they may also be tasked with influencing donors towards making financial donations to the organization. The nonprofit organization was also found to engage in different activities and projects and most of the projects are usually done under the supervision of the leader. The nonprofit leader thus had several responsibilities which they are expected to fulfill. 

The in-depth analysis of the nonprofit organization also revealed that there were internal and external factors that impacted the leadership roles and responses of the leaders. The internal factors that impacted the leaders included financial resources, the organizational objectives, and the employees and volunteers. The changes in financial resources could impact the different projects undertaken by the organization and thus impact their roles. There were also government regulations and the community that impacted the roles of the leaders. It was established that the surrounding community where the nonprofit community functioned had a more significant impact on the organization. The community had its norms and expectations which could impact the roles of the leader and how the leader responds to certain scenarios. 


“ About Girl Scouts – Our Leadership”. (2020). Retrieved from https://www.girlscouts.org/en/about-girl-scouts/our-leadership.html 

Bridoux, F., & Stoelhorst, J. W. (2016). Stakeholder relationships and social welfare: A behavioral theory of contributions to joint value creation.  Academy of Management Review 41 (2), 229-251. 

Chen, L., Zheng, W., Yang, B., & Bai, S. (2016). Transformational leadership, social capital and organizational innovation.  Leadership & Organization Development Journal

Civera, C., & Freeman, R. E. (2020). Stakeholder Relationships and Responsibilities: A New Perspective.  Symphonya. Emerging Issues in Management , (1), 40-58. 

Freeborough, R., & Patterson, K. (2016). Exploring the effect of transformational leadership on nonprofit leader engagement.  Servant Leadership: Theory & Practice 2 (1), 4. 

Gallup, D. (2019).  Partnerships and Nonprofit Leadership: The Influence of Nonprofit Managers on Community Partnerships  (Doctoral dissertation, University of Southern California). 

Herremans, I. M., Nazari, J. A., & Mahmoudian, F. (2016). Stakeholder relationships, engagement, and sustainability reporting.  Journal of Business Ethics 138 (3), 417-435. 

Hrenyk, J., Szymanski, M., Kar, A., & Fitzsimmons, S. R. (2016). Understanding multicultural individuals as ethical global leaders.  Advances in global leadership 9 , 57-78. 

Megheirkouni, M. (2017). Leadership styles and organizational learning in UK for-profit and non-profit sports organizations.  International Journal of Organizational Analysis

“ National Institutes of Health (NIH) Funding: FY1994-FY2020”. (2020). Retrieved from https://www.everycrsreport.com/reports/R43341.html 

Renz, D. O. (2016).  The Jossey-Bass handbook of nonprofit leadership and management . John Wiley & Sons. 

Singh, S. K., Burgess, T. F., & Heap, J. (2016). Managing performance and productivity for organizational competitiveness.  International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management

“ Stakeholder Engagement”. (2020). Retrieved from https://www.marathonoil.com/sustainability/society/stakeholder-engagement/ 

Wagner, B. B. (2017). Reflections on leadership in government and private practice.  Stan. L. Rev. 69 , 1847. 



Organization Matrix 





Girl Scouts 

Marathon Petroleum 

Financial/Revenue Streams 

Department of annual labor 

Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) 

Department of Education 

These are known as the LHHS (annual labor, HHS, and Education) 

Interior/Environment appropriations for Superfund Research Program 

Revenue is used to focus on basic, clinical, and translational research that focuses on particular diseases (“National Institutes of Health (NIH) Funding: FY1994-FY2020”, 2020) 

The federal government through the president’s directive controls the flow of income. 

Annual membership of $10 where the fee is from each girl in every local council. 

Self-generating funding through sales of cookies. Cookie sales are usually organized by councils with retaining proceeds from sales. 

Charity and philanthropy where scouts and donors donate funds to run the organization. 

Petroleum refining operates more than 3 million barrels per day of crude oil with 16 refineries. 

Retail through gas stations and Speedway convenience stores 

Industrial petroleum-based products 

Marketing sector 

Transportation sector 

The flow of income is controlled by shareholders and the sales of company stocks. 

Legal Considerations 

Budget obtained from congress 

Institute and Center leaders of NIH collaborate to determine areas of research and thus develops a budget for continuing projects and new research. 

NIH submits a budget request to the office of Management and Budget (OMB) 

OMB approves and incorporates into the President’s budget who sends to the congress for approval 

501(c)(3) organization 

Exempt from federal income tax 

It is to be registered as a charitable organization but this can be exempted 

Individuals that make donations can have tax deductions and the amount must be verifiable. 

The company is a for-profit corporation. 

The company has to keep detailed financial records and obtain federal and tax identification numbers. 

It has to file tax returns annually. 

Shares of the company’s stock are issued. 

It is required to have a board of directors and shareholders to provide leadership 

It should comply with licensing requirements and professional standards. 


NIH Office of the director 

The office of the Division of Program Coordination, Planning, and Strategic Initiatives is under the director that has 12 divisions. 

The divisions include AIDS research, the office of disease prevention, sexual and gender minority research, and tribal health research. 

The executive team includes CEO 

Board of Directors led by the Chair of National Board of Directors 

Leadership team – made of the CEO and management team that leads the company operations. 

Board of directors – made of directors, charters, and board committees that provide oversight for company activities and operations. 

Stakeholder Groups 

The general public as taxpayers’ money is used to fund the NIH. General taxpayers have to benefit. 

Researchers. Extramural researchers apply for funding to the NIH. 

Young scientists. Learning scientists, new scientists, and first-time applicants. 

Girl scouts group as Grade k-5, middle school, and high school. Girls are expected to volunteer. 

Families and communities of the girls which they can partner with. 

Adult scouts. They are expected to help young girls through mentorship and support to create change. 

Company staff, leadership, and management 

Surrounding communities such as community organizations and landowners. 

Business partners such as suppliers, contractors, landowners, industry partners, and regulators. 

Government entities such as lawmakers and elected officials. 

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