4 Oct 2022


The Best Motorola Cell Phones of 2021

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 2645

Pages: 11

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Motorola Solutions, Inc. is one of the top five telecommunication companies. It offers a variety of services, which include: communication infrastructure, devices, accessories, software,, and services. The Company has two principal classes of portfolios (Motorola Solutions, Inc. 2016). The first class is the product segment. In this segment, the Motorola Solutions, Inc offers a portfolio of infrastructure, devices, accessories, and software. It also deals with Devices and Systems. The most common devices associated with the company include the portable two-way radios and vehicle-mounted radios (Motorola Solutions, Inc. 2016). The company also offers accessories such as speaker microphones, batteries, earpieces, headsets, carry cases and cables, and software features and upgrades. Motorola Solutions Inc also offers systems such as the radio network core and central processing software (Motorola Solutions, Inc. 2016). The company’s Services segment include Integration services, Managed & Support services, and Integrated Digital Enhanced Network (iDEN) services. 

The company's performance is good. It is among the top five businesses in the telecommunication industry. The key competitors include the Apple Inc., HP Inc., Intel Corp., and Oracle Corp. Motorola Solution Inc.’s CEO is called Gregory Q. Brown (Motorola Solutions, Inc. 2016). And the CFO is named Gino A. Bonanotte (Motorola Solutions, Inc. 2016). Motorola Solutions Inc. generated a revenue of 5695 million USD in the year 2015 and 3050 million USD in the year 2014 (Motorola Solutions, Inc. 2016). The company had a net income of 610 million USD in the year 2015. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). The Best Motorola Cell Phones of 2021.


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