For the applied research paper proposal, the key are that I would like to explore and learn more about how internet banking impacts customer satisfaction in the banking industry. The banking industry has been rapidly adopting internet banking as a viable and effective tool for creating consumer value. Generally, one of the major goals of introducing internet banking was to improve customer satisfaction. Unless internet banking improves customer satisfaction, then customers may perceive it as just a new means of delivery channel of banking services, without any value to them. Thus, it is vital to understand how the introduction of internet banking has impacted customer satisfaction, by looking at how it has improved the customer satisfaction levels.
How internet banking has impacted customer satisfaction?
What factors encourage customers to embrace internet banking?
What factors limit customers from using internet banking?
What are the different types of internet banking?
The application of internet banking has improved customer satisfaction.
The elements that promote the use of internet banking are its convenience, efficiency, availability all the time, and speed of making transactions.
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The factors that limit customers from embracing and using internet banking include difficulty understanding the use of internet banking, lack of internet connection, and the issue of security.
The various forms of internet banking are transactional, communicative and transactional banking.
Real Life Experiences
The real-life experiences associated with the project will be daily internet banking transactions such as the use of mobile banking, and ATMs to make banking transactions.
The relevance of the project to my specialization is to understand how the implementation of internet banking by banks and other financial institutions, as well as its acceptance and use by customers is improving the lives of consumers. Also, this project will allow me to identify how internet banking could be developed to better enhance customer satisfaction.