7 Jul 2022


The Florida Commission on Ethics

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 525

Pages: 2

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Florida Ethics Law Part A 

The Florida ethics code under Section Three is a set of requirements formulated for each public office holder to guard themselves against personal and external influence. The ethics code protects the influences that come from interests groups. The ethics provisions are set to promote service to the state and nation. There are designed to instill best practice in public offices. It is intended to curb corruption in the public service. The content of any ethical provision is to encourage transparency, trust, accountability, and improper use of public office for personal aggrandizement. It also hinders people from taking advantage of relationships created during or after working as a civil servant. Ethics enhances and instill moral principles so as to favor the employee and employer. 

The prohibition of solicitation and acceptance of gifts and any item guards against the practice of receiving a bribe or soliciting for personal gain. Also, it prevents a public office holder from accepting anything that may induce a compromise of official service. This code is to eliminate the possibility of bias in public decision-making and delivery of services. The unauthorized compensation law is explicit in prohibiting acceptance of personal rewards. The system forestalls the influence of such acts on a vote and service. 

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The misuse of public office positions is the foundation of corruption. Thus, the law prevents individuals in public offices and their employees from engaging in corrupt deals. Additionally, certain information should not be disclosed or used for personal advantage. And officials should do the same for others, if the information is not available to the general public. Civil servants who are required by law to file Form one and six are held in trust by the state. Specifically, they are prohibited from solicitation and acceptance of any gifts or honorariums. For donations, the acceptance limit is $100. No fee from a party to a public official after any acceptance of such within the past 12 months. However, provisions are made in the code to accept expenses incurred and such disclosed as well. Interests group are barred from giving an honorarium to officials who file financial disclosure Form 1 and 6. 

The Miami Herald (2015) published an article that reflects misconducts and contravention of the Florida ethics law. Three BSO deputies who were offering security service to a club did not adhere to the code of ethic that relates to compensation. Thus, they were charged with unlawful compensation. As employees or public officials, they are expected to render their services according to the law. The arrest is a demonstration of the critical role adherence to ethical standards plays in public office. They had solicited or accepted compensation by allowing the club management to break the law. This act of receiving from entities something that causes someone to be compromised is a misconduct of public office according to Florida state laws. 

So, the ethics code is forms of moral principles created for the benefits of the employees and employers. Civil servants are employees of the state. The state requires the employees to act in agreement with the code upon employment. And because these employees serve the public, they are expected to adhere to the code. A violation of the ethics law attracts consequences described in the contract. The ethics law is put in place for the purpose of preventing corrupt practices, promoting transparency, accountability, and building trust. 


Miami Herald. (2015). Three BSO deputies charged with Unlawful Compensation for working Security at Strip Club. Retrieved from http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/broward/article17173196.html 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). The Florida Commission on Ethics.


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