13 Jul 2022


The Need for Change at US Cyber Command

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The United States has risen to become one of the key players on the global geopolitical stage. This rise has been made possible by the country’s immense investments in its defense. For example, recently, the Senate approved a $716 billion budget for the military for the 2019 financial year (Stein, 2018). This amount reflects the country’s commitment to protecting itself against both domestic and external threats. In previous years, the US faced threats that were rather traditional. This is changing as such threats as cyber-attacks emerge as the key issues that the country needs to focus its defense strategies on. In response to the changing defense landscape, the US has enhanced the capacity of its Cyber Command. Tasked with the mandate of securing the country’s systems and infrastructure against cyber threats, the Cyber Command has largely been effective in fulfilling this mandate. However, that the US routinely suffers attacks indicates that the Cyber Command needs to effect some changes if it is to be more effective in thwarting the attacks. For example, China has faced accusations of launching cyber-attacks with the objective of stealing intellectual property of American companies (Perez, 2017). For the US Cyber Command to better address the needs of its clientele, there is need to integrate the various resources, functions and personnel of the command.


The US Cyber Command is among the critical components of the US defense strategy. I served with this organization for several months. During my internship, I gained insights into the complex operations and systems that keep the American cyberspace secure. The primary mandate of the Cyber Command is to “conduct full spectrum military cyberspace operations in order to enable actions in all domains, ensure US/Allied freedom of action in cyberspace and deny the same to our adversaries” (U.S. Cyber Command, n.d). Some of the specific functions that the Cyber Command as part of efforts to fulfill its mandate include monitoring the cyberspace and combating threats posed by such parties as hackers and hostile governments. Thanks to the efforts of this organization, the American government and American companies can conduct business freely on the internet without the worry of cyber threats. My internship with the Cyber Command developed into a position of full engagement. Currently, I am stationed at the organization’s unit in Chicago where I am a civilian contractor. Specifically, I serve as the Security Operations Manager. My main responsibilities include designing security protocols and policies, involvement in recruitment and participating in budgeting processes for the Cyber Command. Through my position at the command, I have gained first-hand insights into how our nation’s security apparatus functions. More importantly, my position has allowed me to understand that we lack the capacity to adequately and effectively tackle cyber threats. In the following sections, an in-depth discussion on the main issue that is ailing the US Cyber Command is offered.

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Policy Requiring Change 

Among factors that hamper the effectiveness of law enforcement and defense agencies in the United States is fragmentation and overlapping jurisdictions and mandates. The country has dozens of agencies and organizations which are designed to work together to keep the country safe against various threats. While the agencies were created with collaboration in mind, the country has faced challenges in ensuring that they work together seamlessly. This situation is manifested in the US Cyber Command. While it is the primary agency tasked with the role of ensuring the integrity and stability of the cyber-space, this agency shares its mandate with other federal agencies. For example, among the responsibilities of the National Security Agency (NSA) is to monitor the cyberspace for threats against American national security. As part of efforts to enhance the capacity and effectiveness of the US Cyber Command, personnel from various other agencies are part of the command’s workforce. For example, the command relies on the input and effort from agents representing NSA. Apart from the NSA, the larger Defense Department also dispatches officials who help the Cyber Command to execute its mandate. It is true that the work of the employees from the various agencies is crucial to the proper functioning of the command. However, in numerous cases, the different employees and their respective agencies pursue conflicting interests and objectives, thereby compromising the overall effectiveness of the command. The conflicts and confusion extend beyond the fact that the command relies on the input of workers from various agencies. In addition, the Cyber Command also employs varying standards and technologies. For example, the technologies and protocols that the Navy and Army teams of the command are different. Whereas it is true that this difference reflects the varying styles of the two teams, it is difficult to dismiss the fact that the different standards hamper the efficiency and effectiveness of the Cyber Command. Unless it brings its workforce under a single command and streamlines its standards and technologies, the US Cyber Command will continue to encounter difficulties in its quest to eliminate cyber threats.

The Need for Change 

Effective change management is key to the growth of any organization. It is critical for leaders to routinely monitor trends so as to identify issues that require change (Doppelt, 2017). There are various reasons why the US Cyber Command needs to overhaul its workforce management practices and the technologies that it uses. Before outlining these reasons, it is critical to examine the thoughts of Cyber Command’s leadership regarding the need for integration. George Bartko serves as the Chief Information Officer and the Director of Capabilities Development at Cyber Command. In these roles, he is in charge of ensuring the optimal performance of the command. In a speech that he recently delivered at a cybersecurity summit, Bartko identified fragmentation and the lack of unified standards as among the key challenges dogging the Cyber Command (Goldstein, 2017). His remarks are clear indication that the command needs to urgently fix this vulnerability in order to become more effective.

Enhancing its capacity to execute its mandate and serve its clientele is the primary reason why change is needed at the US Cyber Command. Jaana Woiceshyn, Kenneth Blades and Sachin Pendharkar (2017) collaborated to explore the impact of integrated and fragmented systems on the performance of healthcare organizations. After conducting a study, they observed that fragmentation tends to hamper the effectiveness of the organizations. Essentially, when an organization has numerous and conflicting systems and process in place, its capacity to effectively deliver services is greatly compromised. This finding has implications for the US Cyber Command. Since its different teams use varying technologies, the command has been unable to function efficiently. In order to rid the cyberspace of threats, the US Cyber Command simply must integrate its workforce, systems and standards.

As already noted, the change that the US Cyber Command should adopt involves unifying command and standardizing its standards and technologies. Currently, the command’s workforce structure and technologies are too fragmented to allow for efficient operations. The command’s employees represent different interests and stakeholders and this hinders effectiveness. In addition to enhancing the competence and effectiveness of the command, integration also promises to tackle an issue that has dogged law enforcement and defense operations in the US for years. The US has been unable to effectively tackle crime and eliminate security threats because there are simply too many agencies that perform similar roles (Sneed, 2015). By integrating its systems and procedures, the US Cyber Command will lead the way in reforming defense operations in the country. Therefore, the command should take all necessary steps to challenge its workers to pursue shared objectives and a common vision while aligning the technologies and standards with the vision and objectives.

Specifics and Rationale for Change 

Specific Changes 

For a comprehensive understanding of the need for integration at US Cyber Command to be gained, it is important to examine the specific policies, procedures and practices that should be overhauled. It has already been stated that the US Cyber Command brings together employees, systems, processes and technologies from different agencies and departments. As a result of the multiple stakeholders and protocols, the command has been unable to perform its mandate as expected. It is recommended that the Cyber Command should be elevated to the level of a fully-fledged agency with the exclusive responsibility of monitoring and defending American interests on the cyberspace. Already, some steps have been taken to make the command more independent and less reliant on other defense agencies. For example, recently, in early 2018, the US Cyber Command was transformed into an autonomous “unified command” and assigned a new leader with expanded authority (Strobel, 2018). This change was accompanied by an overhaul of the command’s bureaucratic processes. By elevating the Cyber Command, the US government indicates its acknowledgment of the serious threat of cyberattacks. The new status of the Cyber Command will undoubtedly empower it to pursue attackers and thwart their plans. However, the new status is not sufficient to address the redundancies and inefficiencies resulting from fragmentation. A further recommendation is issued that the Cyber Command should be allowed to hire and manage its own workforce. Moreover, the command should be given the authority to adopt standard practices, processes and technologies. The implementation of these changes will go a long way in transforming the operations of the command.

Rationale for Change 

Cybersecurity is a sensitive realm of defense operations. For this reason, when one is presenting proposals for change, they need to accompany the proposals with a valid and sensible rationale. The fact that there is scientific evidence pointing to the effectiveness of integration is the primary basis for the implementation of the changes recommended above. Kurt Stange (2009) authored an article that explores the drawbacks of fragmentation. High costs are among these drawbacks. When an organization has multiple standards and technologies, it incurs huge costs in acquiring and maintaining the technologies. For example, as noted previously, representatives from various departments and agencies work at the US Cyber Command. The command spends huge amounts every year on these representatives and the technologies that they use. By placing its entire workforce under a single management, the command will be successful in minimizing operational costs.

The benefits of integration extend beyond cost-minimization. In addition, by integrating their systems and applications, organizations are able to enhance the quality of services and products that they bring to the market (Stange, 2009). To develop quality products, firms need to adopt standard approaches. Since it’s processes and systems are highly fragmented, it is little wonder that the US Cyber Command has been unable to secure the cyberspace against devastating attacks. In the recent past, U.S. companies and government institution have suffered attacks which underscore the vulnerability of the country’s cyberspace. For example, there are allegations that Russian agents hacked into the systems of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in the lead-up to the 2016 presidential election (Ewing & Johnson, 2018). This attack showed that cyber-attacks threaten the integrity of the American democratic system. Therefore, if it truly desires to solidify American government and create an online space that is safe for American firms to conduct business, the US Cyber Command should embrace integration.

Stange is not the only scholar whose works explores the challenges faces by organizations which are highly fragmented. Mohd Nawi, Nazim Baluch and Ahmad Bahauddin (2014) explore a similar subject in their article. The article identifies delays and disputes as among the obstacles that hamper the effective operation of the fragmented firms in the construction industry. While these problems were observed in the construction industry, it is fair to state that other firms that are fragmented encounter similar difficulties. The fragmentation at the US Cyber Command has resulted in conflicts as different parties pursue varying priorities and interests. For example, representatives from the NSA, the Navy and the Army are all involved in functions that are aligned with the mandates of their respective agency. Consequently, the Cyber Command lacks a general direction. There have been instances where conflicts and confusion have arisen. While the conflicts have not had devastating effects, they have made it difficult for the command to perform its responsibilities. By integrating its workforce and technologies, the Cyber Command will be better placed to tackle cyber threats.

In a previous section, it was noted that the threats that the US is facing are evolving. In previous years, the country had to deploy troops to foreign lands to combat terrorist organizations. Today, the country’s adversaries have taken the war to the digital world. Such terrorist groups as the Islamic State are using such digital tools as social media for functions like recruiting and coordinating attacks (Gates & Podder, 2015). Since the threats are changing, it is critical for the US to also overhaul its strategies. In its effort against terrorist groups, the US has largely been successful. However, it continues to face serious challenges in its fight against nations. China and Russia pose the greatest challenge to US cybersecurity. On the one hand, China seeks to erode American dominance by attacking its companies. On the other hand, Russia aims to destabilize the country by attacking its political institutions and process. Grave vulnerabilities have been identified as among the key factors that are hampering American efforts to fight back against aggression by China and Russia (Strobel, 2018). Fragmentation is undoubtedly one of the vulnerabilities. As noted in the discussion above, the different technologies and employees at the Cyber Command hamper effectiveness thereby exposing American companies and the American people to cyber threats. For the command to limit the threats that China, Russia and other adversaries pose, it must move away from fragmentation and adopt integration.

Expected Impacts of Change 

The American people are the main clientele that the US Cyber Command serves. In delivering services to the people, the command focuses on the information technology infrastructure of the Department of Defense. Furthermore, the Cyber Command works with America’s allies to strengthen cyberspace security. When it embraces integration as proposed in the discussion above, the Cyber Command’s capacity and competence will be highly enhanced. Francesca Ricciardi, Alessandro Zardini and Cecilia Rossignoli (2017) partnered to conduct a study on the impacts that integration has on the performance of an organization. With particular focus on the information technology (IT) function, the study that they conducted established that through integration, organizations are able to enhance their performance and competitiveness. Essentially, this result shows that firms which bring all their systems and functions under a single management are able to tackle competition and gain dominance in their markets. The US desperately needs to establish itself as the dominant force in the cyberspace. Through integration, the country will be able to respond assertively to the aggressive actions of Russia and China.

Enhancing the competitiveness of the US in the cyberspace and the larger geopolitical platform is not the only impact that integration can be expected to have on the operations and function of the Cyber Command. In addition, integration promises to enhance employee satisfaction and performance. Joining forces with Wantao Yu and Roberto Chavez, Mark Jacobs (2016) investigated the relationship between employee satisfaction and the integration of a firm’s supply chain. According to the results of this investigation, to create workforces made up of employees who are satisfied and motivated, firms need to forge strong and mutually-beneficial relationships with their supply partners. This observation presents implications for the Cyber Command. Despite efforts to motivate its workforce, the US Cyber Command has struggled to promote performance and satisfaction. Many employees decry the lack of standard structures and processes. They lament that the conflicting approaches and technologies hinder effective operation and productivity. For the Cyber Command to effectively address the growing threat of cyberattacks, it needs the full cooperation and effort of its workforce. This cannot be realized if the organization fails to adopt integration.

Personal Reflection 

In an earlier section, I stated that I have served at the Cyber Command as an intern. Currently, I am the Security Operations Manager. I can confirm that the Cyber Command is inefficient and its capacity to shield the US against cyberattacks is in serious question. I have observed as employees receive conflicting instructions and are forced to learn how to use strange and unfamiliar technologies. A number of the employees have approached me with concerns and suggestions that the command needs to overhaul how it functions. I agree with these employees that the current structure and operations of the Cyber Command erode its effectiveness. As the discussion above has revealed, integration holds the key to addressing the challenges that the Cyber Command faces. I am confident that as it brings all its employees under single management and unifies its technologies, the command will achieve cohesion and enhanced effectiveness. While it is important for the Cyber Command to undertake internal changes, it is also critical for the larger US defense mechanism to implement reforms that will enhance integration. The country’s defense apparatus is to highly fragmented that it is nearly impossible for different agencies to collaborate on a given project. Conflicts over jurisdiction and authority often arise resulting in diminished effectiveness. Since the cyberspace is vast, the US needs to reach to its partners and allies for support. Even as it establishes stronger ties with the allies, the US should remember to embrace integration in these partnerships. As is true for the Cyber Command, integration will allow the US and its allies to consolidate their resources and pursue common objectives.


Internet technologies have presented a wide range of benefits to US companies and government institutions. However, these technologies have also resulted in new challenges that the US needs to address. Cyberattacks are among these challenges. As part of efforts to address these challenges, the US has established the Cyber Command whose primary mandate is to insulate the country’s defenses against cyber threats. For the most part, the US Cyber Command has performed its role commendably well. However, the highly fragmented structure of the organization has rendered it incapable of completely eliminating threats in the cyberspace. As a result of the fragmentation, the command incurs high costs and its employees are demoralized and do not find much satisfaction from their jobs. To address these challenges, the US Cyber Command needs to adopt integration. Through integration, the organization will implement standardized approaches and streamline its workforce. Integration also promises to make the command an effective and efficient force that keeps Americans secure against cyber threats.


Doppelt, B. (2009). Leading change toward sustainability. A change-management guide for Business, government and civil society . Milton Park: Taylor & Francis.

Ewing, P., & Johnson, C. (2018). Justice department charges Russian cyberspies with attack on 2016 election . NPR. Retrieved July 27, 2018 from https://www.npr.org/2018/07/13/628773789/deputy-attorney-general-rod-rosenstein-unveils-new-hacking-charges-in-dnc-case

Gates, S., & Podder, S. (2015). Social media, recruitment, allegiance and the Islamic State. Perspectives on Terrorism, 9 (4), 107-116.

Goldstein, P. (2017). U.S. cyber command’s 3 largest IT challenges. Fed Tech Magazine. Retrieved July 27, 2018 from https://fedtechmagazine.com/article/2017/08/us-cyber-commands-3-largest-it-challenges

Jacobs, M. A., Yu. W., & Chavez, R. (2016). The effect of internal communication and Employee satisfaction on supply chain integration. International Journal of Production Economics, 171 (1), 60-70.

Nawi, M. N. M., Baluch, N., & Bahauddin, A. Y. (2014). Impact of fragmentation issue in Construction industry: an overview . MATEC Web of Conferences. Retrieved July 27, 2018 from https://www.matec-conferences.org/articles/matecconf/pdf/2014/06/matecconf_bsfmec2014_01009.pdf

Perez, E. (2017). US charges 3 Chinese nationals with hacking, stealing intellectual property From companies . CNN Politics. Retrieved July 27, 2018 from


Ricciardi, F., Zardini, A., & Rossignoli, C. (2017). Organizational integration of the IT function: A key enabler of firm capabilities and performance. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jik.2017.02.003

Sneed, T. (2015). More is not merrier when it comes to police reform . US News. Retrieved July 27, 2018 from https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2015/05/05/st-louiss-other-policing-problem-too-many-departments

Stange, K. C. (2009). The problem of fragmentation and the need for integrative solutions. Annals of Family Medicine, 7 (2), 100-3.

Stein, J. (2018). U.S. military budget inches closer to $1 trillion mark, as concerns over Federal deficit grow . The Washington Post. Retrieved July 27, 2018 from


U.S. Cyber Command. (n.d). Mission and vision. Retrieved July 27, 2018 from https://www.cybercom.mil/About/Mission-and-Vision/

Woiceshyn, J., Blades, K., & Pendharkar, S. R. (2017). Integrated versus fragmented Implementation of complex innovations in acute health care. Health Care Management Review, 42 (1), 78-86.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). The Need for Change at US Cyber Command.


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