22 Aug 2022


The Operating Budget: How to Create an Operating Budget

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Academic level: Master’s

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Words: 1081

Pages: 5

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Cranberry Township, having a population of 31,000 in 2018, is the biggest city in Butler County. Initially incorporated in 1804, Cranberry was mainly an agricultural society until the 1970s and 1980s, as a result of its locality twenty miles north of Pittsburgh at the junction of two Interstate roads, its population and economy began to rise. In the present day, there are over 1,000 businesses of all sizes in Cranberry. The municipality’s economic development is balanced, and involves a range of industries ( Yao & Qian, 2019) . Its commercial growth has been due to ordinances aimed at implementing comprehensive plans which the Township’s Board of Supervisors implemented in 1977, 1995, 2009, and 2017. Today, there are about 20,500 jobs in city ( Butler County Tourism and Convention Bureau, n.d.) . Many more persons travel into Cranberry for work compared to those who travel from the city to work in other towns. Apart from its rise as a key regional hospitality and retail center, the main engine of the Township’s local economy has been its expanding family of corporate, research and industrial organizations. The city is also the home for an increasing number of technology startups and for hospitality, retail, and finance, manufacturing and professional businesses. Good road connections, low taxes, 8 major business-industrial parks, along with a well-educated labor force have aided make the city a key employment center.

The residents of Cranberry, and the customers from communities across the area, are served by an increasing variety of local merchants and national chains which operate at shopping malls in the city. Over 220 retail business run in Cranberry. Westinghouse Electric Company is the largest employer in the Township, with over 3,000 persons working at the firm’s Cranberry branch whose business focuses on designing, constructing, maintaining and decommissioning nuclear power plants globally ( Westinghouse) . The city has a twenty-four-hour police force of 32 officers, a volunteer fire company supported by committed property tax, as well as an independent Emergency Medical Service institution which coordinates with other emergency services of the Township. Also, Cranberry is the community’s supplier of waste water treatment and fresh water, which are both financed by taxpayers.

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Budget Overview 

Financial Summary, including Revenue and Expenditures 

2019 Proposed General Fund Revenue of $20,557,950 

Table 1 
Department/Cost Center  Description  2018 Revised Budget  2019 Budget 
10001200  Real Estate Tax  3,246,566  3,316,772 
10001300  Act 511 Taxes  11,850,000  12,230,000 
10001400  Licenses And Permits  475,000  485,000 
10001500  Interest And Rent  112,075  168,028 
10001600  Intergovernmental Revenues  1,106,500  1,166,500 
10001700  Misc Revenues & Transfers  515,500  304,500 
  Total  17,305,641  17,670,800 
General Government       
10002200  Human Resources 
10002331  Information Technology  39,296  41,000 
10002600  Debt Service  97,700  97,700 
10002800  Insurance 
  Total  136,996  138,700 
Community Development       
10003100  Land Development  130,600  129,600 
10003200  Code Enforcement  1,039,000  1,086,000 
  Total  1,169,600  1,215,600 
Public Safety       
10004116  Police  240,250  281,300 
  Total  240,250  281,300 
Public Works       
10005110  Snow Removal  15,500  16,500 
10005120  Traffic Signals & Communic  15,500  21,800 
10005132  Road Maintenance 
10005150  Fleet Maintenance 
10005160  Grounds Maintenance  38,000  38,000 
  Total  69,000  76,300 
10005240  Engineering 
10006210  Park Operation  28,450  27,750 
10006220  Park Early Childhood  185,200  310,000 
10006230  Park Youth Programs  462,500  517,500 
10006240  Park Adult Programs  156,000  142,000 
10006250  Park Family Programs  8,500  6,000 
10006260  Park Teen Programs  30,000  30,000 
10006270  Park Senior Programs  32,000  2,000 
10006280  Park Community Events  3,500  5,000 
10006290  Park Facility Maintenance  125,000  125,000 
10006295  Park Special Program  12,000  10,000 
  Total  1,043,150  1,175,250 
  General Fund Revenue Total  19,964,637  20,557,950 
Note. 2019 Budget data for the Cranberry Township, Cranberry Township Organization (2018), Retrieved from https://www.cranberrytownship.org/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/1655

2019 General Fund Expenditures of $23,457,950 

Table 2 
Department/Cost Center  Description  2018 Revised Budget  2019 Budget 
10001100  Board Of Supervisors  47,748  47,748 
10001700  Misc Revenues & Transfers 
  Total  47,748  47,748 
10001800  Misc Expenses & Transfers  2,500,000  2,900,000 
  Total  2,500,000  2,900,000 
General Government       
10002100  Executive  927,290  934,614 
10002200  Human Resources  382,868  413,976 
10002311  Information Technology  163,592  190,590 
10002400  Finance  468,724  431,635 
10002500  Communications  305,965  358,883 
10002600  Debt Service  1,727,363  1,678,764 
10002700  Tax Collection  282,130  279,730 
10002800  Insurance  416,500  407,500 
  Total  4,674,432  4,695,692 
Community Development       
10003100  Land Development  365,336  382,976 
10003200  Code Enforcement  674,845  806,383 
10003300  Planning  220,798  200,871 
  Total  1,260,979  1,390,230 
Customer Service       
10003400  Customer Service  154,522  146,962 
  Total  154,522  146,962 
Public Safety       
10004111  Police Department Support  1,350,010  1,566,373 
10004112  Police Patrol  3,241,747  3,530,565 
10004113  Police Traffic  254,501  132,818 
10004114  Police Investigations  407,272  411,515 
10004115  Police Fleet  185,180  191,130 
10004120  Animal Service  13,000  13,000 
10004130  Fire Police - Now Fire & Emergency Services 
10004140  Firing Range  12,000  12,000 
10004150  Emergency Management 
10004230  Fire & Emergency Services  568,372  584,834 
10004310  Ambulance Operations 
  Total  6,032,082  6,442,235 
Public Works       
10005110  Snow Removal  609,755  631,591 
10005120  Traffic Signals & Communic  634,109  476,989 
10005131  Storm Water  366,425  512,946 
10005132  Road Maintenance  1,282,134  1,192,444 
10005140  Facility Maintenance  731,068  811,616 
10005150  Fleet Maintenance  303,301  295,545 
10005160  Grounds Maintenance  929,586  1,003,564 
10005170  Pw Administration  553,224  594,027 
  Total  5,409,602  5,518,722 
10005210  Engineering  642,773  729,170 
  Total  642,773  729,170 
10006210  Park Operation  608,569  673,767 
10006220  Park Early Childhood  137,592  209,099 
10006230  Park Youth Programs  372,715  383,255 
10006240  Park Adult Programs  91,366  98,120 
10006250  Park Family Programs  40,155  43,086 
10006260  Park Teen Programs  9,139  9,853 
10006270  Park Senior Programs  11,750  3,400 
10006280  Park Community Events  40,000  40,000 
10006290  Park Facility Maintenance  67,173  72,536 
10006295  Park Special Program  37,000  54,075 
  Total  1,415,459  1,587,191 
  General Fund Expenses Total  22,137,597  23,457,950 
Note. 2019 Budget data for the Cranberry Township, Cranberry Township Organization (2018), Retrieved from https://www.cranberrytownship.org/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/1655

Department Budgets 

2019 Proposed General Fund Revenues 

Figure 1 

Table 3 
Department/Cost Center  2018 Revised Budget  2019 Budget 
Legislative 17,305,641 17,670,800
General Government 136,996 138,700
Community Development 1,169,600 1,215,600
Public Safety 240,250 281,300
Public Works 69,000 76,300
Engineering - -
Recreation 1,043,150 1,175,250
General Fund Revenue Total  19,984,637  20,557,950 
Note. 2019 Budget data for the Cranberry Township, Cranberry Township Organization (2018), Retrieved from https://www.cranberrytownship.org/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/1655

2019 Proposed General Fund Expenses 

Figure 2 

Table 4 
Department/Cost Center  2018 Revised Budget  2019 Budget 
Legislative 47,748 47,748
Miscellaneous 2,500,000 2,900,000
General Government 4,674,432 4,695,692
Community Development 1,260,979 1,390,230
Customer Service 154,522 146,962
Public Safety 6,032,082 6,442,235
Public Works 5,409,602 5,518,722
Engineering 642,773 729,179
Recreation 1,415,459 1,587,191
General Fund Revenue Total  22,137,597  23,457,950 
Note. 2019 Budget data for the Cranberry Township, Cranberry Township Organization (2018), Retrieved from https://www.cranberrytownship.org/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/1655

Capital Projects 

Capital Project Funds 2019 Budget 

Table 5 
Fund Name  Revenue  Expenses 
Fire Capital  409,161  379,499 
Capital Improvement  2,925,000  2,809,000 
2015 Bond Fund 
2017 Bond Fund  20,000  5,544,839 
2017 Renovation Fund  5,000  560,000 
2015 Marshall Twp. Construction Fund  5,000  970,159 
Note. 2019 Budget data for the Cranberry Township, Cranberry Township Organization (2018), Retrieved from https://www.cranberrytownship.org/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/1655 

Capital Improvement Projects 

Table 6 
Capital Improvement Program  Budget ($) 
Library as the 2019 Project of the Year 1,200,000 
Continue traffic signal system upgrades in technology 200,000 
Replacement of lights and structures at WaterPark 150,000 
Franklin/Burke Roads intersection improvement 350,000 
Public Safety Training Facility enhancement 150,000 
Design and preliminary site preparation for DPW and Public Safety utilization of new property 100,000 
Treatment Plant technology (SCADA) upgrades 70,000 
Wolf Run Pump Station upgrades 50,000 
MSA Thruway 17,000,000 
North Boundary Park Lighting and Turf upgrades 3,700,000 
Rt. 19 and St. Francis Intersection Signal Upgrades and pedestrian improvements 800,000 
CHGC Pavilion enhancements 20,000 
Solid Waste Cart replacement 30,000 
Municipal Center interior space utilization enhancements 500,000 
Franklin Acres pump station upgrade 700,000 
BCWPCF Technology upgrades SCADA 70,000 
Municipal Center Parking areas rehab 200,000 
Traffic signal upgrades to incorporate adaptive technology 200,000 
Golf cart fleet replacement 500,000 
Note. 2019 Budget data for the Cranberry Township, Cranberry Township Organization (2018), Retrieved from https://www.cranberrytownship.org/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/1655 

Debt Administration 

Table 7 
Item  2019 Budget 
Debt Service Revenue  97,700 
Note. 2019 Budget data for the Cranberry Township, Cranberry Township Organization (2018), Retrieved from https://www.cranberrytownship.org/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/1655 

Cost Analysis 

Table 8 
Type of Cost  2019 Budget 
Fixed Costs   
Board of Supervisors  47,748 
Executive  934,614 
Human Resources  413,976 
Information Technology  190,590 
Finance  431,635 
Communications  358,883 
Debt Service  1,678,764 
Tax Collection  279,730 
Insurance  407,500 
Land Development  382,976 
Code Enforcement  806,383 
Planning  200,871 
Police Department Support  1,566,373 
Police Patrol  3,530,565 
Police Traffic  132,818 
Police Fleet  191,130 
Animal Service  13,000 
Fire Police - Now Fire & Emergency Services 
Firing Range  12,000 
Ambulance Operations 
Traffic Signals & Communic  476,989 
Storm Water  512,946 
Road Maintenance  1,192,444 
Facility Maintenance  811,616 
Fleet Maintenance  295,545 
Grounds Maintenance  1,003,564 
Pw Administration  594,027 
Engineering  729,170 
Park Operation  673,767 
Park Early Childhood  209,099 
Park Youth Programs  383,255 
Park Adult Programs  98,120 
Park Family Programs  43,086 
Park Teen Programs  9,853 
Park Senior Programs  3,400 
Park Facility Maintenance  72,536 
Park Special Program  54,075 
Total  18,743,048 
Step-fixed Costs   
Snow Removal  631,591 
Total  631,591 
Variable Costs   
Misc Revenues and Transfers  2,900,000 
Customer Service  146,962 
Police Investigations  411,515 
Emergency Management 
Fire & Emergency Services  584,834 
Park Community Events  40,000 
Total  4,083,311 
Total Costs  23,457,950 
Note. 2019 Budget data for the Cranberry Township, Cranberry Township Organization (2018), Retrieved from https://www.cranberrytownship.org/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/1655 

Budget Recommendations 

The municipality should try to cut expenditures on General Government department over the next five years, to ensure that it is not incurring so much cost on running the government, while the revenue from the general government department is very low. Looking at the Budget, the revenue from the general government department is 138,700, compared to expenses of 4,695,692, which is an extremely huge difference. 

The Recreation department should also work towards reducing its expenses, because the revenue which is being generated by the parks is relatively lower compared to the cost of running them. The projected revenue from the parks is 1,175,250, compared to expenses of 1,587,191. Thus there is the need to ensure that in the next five years, the park revenue is higher than the park expenses. 

Also, the engineering department must ensure that in the next five years, it can start earning revenue from engineering works since it has projected expenses of 729,170 in the 2019 budget, while it does not project to earn any revenue at the same time from engineering works. 


Butler County Tourism and Convention Bureau. (n.d.). Cranberry Township. Retrieved from https://www.visitbutlercounty.com/attractions/cranberry-township 

Cranberry Township Organization. (2018, November 14). 2019 Budget. Retrieved from https://www.cranberrytownship.org/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/1655 

Westinghouse, B. W. R. S. A. NF-FE-0034.  Cranberry Township, PA 16066

Yao, W., & Qian, Z. S. (2019). Real-Time Traffic Monitoring and Prediction for Cranberry Township. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). The Operating Budget: How to Create an Operating Budget.


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