23 May 2022


The Three Characteristics of a Great Leader

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Various factors characterize leaders. For one to be a successful and great leader, he/she needs to possess certain characteristics. These characteristics enable them to be accepted by the society. It enables them to know how to handle the demands of their subjects. Thus, for a person to be a great leader, they need to have compassion, integrity, and ethics. 

Compassion is an instrumental attribute because it guides a leader's actions on how they relate with their followers. A compassionate leader is considerate of others and demonstrates the right intentions in their words and actions. For instance, when an employee makes a mistake, such leaders offer constructive criticism with an embodiment of positivity. Compassionate leaders listen with a willingness to assist. Leadership requires acknowledging different ideas that are integral in accomplishing goals and objectives. Therefore, compassionate leaders are concerned with the success of their followers without fear of inferiority (Basran et al., 2019). Compassionate leadership inspires and motivates followers with an understanding of their shortcomings. Hence, without compassion, a collaborative working environment would be challenging.

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For leadership success, integrity must be the guiding moral principle to build trust and credibility. Leaders with integrity demonstrate honesty in their dealings and in the treatment of their followers. Such leaders value fairness in assigned tasks without discrimination. Demonstration of integrity means they are dependable and honorable regardless of the circumstances. Integrity guides moral actions not to engage in corrupt dealings in a quest to get the financial breakthrough needed. Leaders with integrity are truthful with a firm belief in what is right not, what is comfortable (Engelbrecht et al., 2017). Thus, integrity helps to build trust with clients and employees in organizations. 

Finally, ethics encourage value-based leadership towards appropriate actions in line with the code of conduct. Such leaders demonstrate altruistic service behavior based on a need to mentor others (Ahmad et al., 2017). They acknowledge that employees learn to be ethical, depending on the conduct of their leaders. For instance, when there is a conflict among employees, leaders have to listen to both sides and impose just punishments to suit the situation. Ethical leaders set examples for their followers by doing what is righteous while expecting the same.

Conclusively, a leader who possesses the above characteristics is most likely to be successful in what they do. These characteristics enable them to be acceptable by the society. This is because they show that they understand what their subjects require. Hence, making them great


Ahmad, I., Gao, Y., & Hali, S. (2017). A Review of Ethical Leadership and Other Ethics- Related Leadership Theories. European Scientific Journal . 13.

Basran, J., et al. (2019). Styles of Leadership, Fears of Compassion, and Competing to Avoid Inferiority. Frontiers in psychology , 9, 2460. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02460.

Engelbrecht, A., Heine, G., & Mahembe, B., (2017). Integrity, ethical leadership, trust, and work engagement. Leadership & Organization Development Journal . 38. 368-379.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). The Three Characteristics of a Great Leader.


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