5 Dec 2022


What is Net Neutrality and Why Does It Matter?

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 269

Pages: 1

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Network Neutrality is the policy that requires all internet service providers such as Verizon and Comcast, to serve all internet consumers equally without criticism and interference. Besides, net neutrality is not debatable and may be considered as a democratic right. Therefore, everyone is entitled to access and share information of their choice whenever they want it and wherever they are. Currently, debates in the US are heated up on the idea to reinstate the Obama-era net neutrality rules, which focused on ensuring that big broadband internet providers do not misuse their powers.

Net Neutrality has become a divisive political problem whereby the republicans opposed the Obama-era net neutrality laws and even managed to overturn it in 2017 to Restoring the Internet Freedom Act. Besides, both sides are in the idea of the free and open internet, but the divisive factor is the best way to go about it. For instance, the Democrats suggest that Net Neutrality should be about enabling the federal government to have the upper hand in regulating telecom companies. On the contrary, the Republicans understand net neutrality as allowing the free market to regulate internet providers without the government’s involvement. Also, Democrats suggest the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) as a good controller to internet providers, whereas the Republicans propose Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Generally, the different opinions of the two groups are what make the issue on net neutrality more sensitive.

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To summarize, the state of net neutrality is that the main aim of the agenda is yet to be achieved. Both the republicans and the democrats should come up with better ways of regulating internet providers and protecting the public from exploitation. For example, offering internet providers sufficient incentives will promote the expansion of networks and will enable them to serve more customers, thus promoting net neutrality.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). What is Net Neutrality and Why Does It Matter?.


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