5 Sep 2022


World Class Shipping - The Best in the Business

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Academic level: College

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Words: 532

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World Class Shipping company offers a variety of cargo services to companies of all sizes and capacities. The company provides solutions for air freight services. The WSC provides both full air charters and express air cargo. The complete air charters cater for significant shipments and projects. The company uses software to monitor each load, and their staff coordinates the loads. The company may appoint a manager to endure the transition between offloads and until delicate cargo arrived at its designated stop. Examples of organizations that use full air charters are humanitarian organizations seeking to deliver relief food and other aid. Express air cargo ensures that other goods are transported without delay and at affordable prices. These types of cargo have a sense of urgency to them, so they are transported in the shortest time possible. This list often includes small packages such as letters, documents, and hand luggage. 

The types of cargo service that are available can be classified according to their type and safety category. Container cargo is shipped by stacking plenty of packages that have been filled in containers with items such as computers, clothes, DVD players, TV sets, children's accessories, books and even meat. Products such as meat are shipped in refrigerated containers. The WSC offers this service through their Ocean Freight Expertise unit. This unit transports goods all over the globe. They partner with other logistics companies to ensure security and efficiency. They handle all the importing requirements as well as smoothing over the customs and legal requirements. WSC offers a customs brokerage service that allows one to fulfill all the requirements of their transactions with just one simple payment. The brokerage services include letters of credit, customs entry, application for an importer, continuous bonds, personal effects entry, coordination of custom exams among others. 

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One of the exclusive categories offered is the projected freight. Here large, extra large or even out of gauge cargoes may be cleared and forwarded. Humanitarian relief is an additional service that is offered through airlifts and ocean freights. They ease delivery of essential goods to &most in need in society. WSC also help its people to deal with the ISF filling. This forms the basis for the shipping process. WSC has a reputation for being the best on efficiency arising from Shipping. They promise fast delivery with a seamless and error-free transaction. The WSC provides outsourcing services that ease export and import processes. They help customers by choosing the best and cheapest service. Ocean and air freight such as wing aircraft and rotorcraft are chosen based on the customer's needs, budget, and type of cargo (Waters, 2016).

The group has experts who offer disassembly and reassembly services for aircraft owners. Maintenance servicing, as well as repairs, are provided too. The group has designed some of their aircraft to be able to accommodate containers. Besides, they offer flight simulator and shipment services. In case a third party logistics provider is needed, WCS avails such parties in New York. Freight is forwarded on their behalf, and all extra errands may be catered for. They include extra security and emergency visits and pickups during the transition. All Amazon resellers can rely on WCS for product disbursement. Each seller is assigned to an agent who handles their case and tracks their progress. 

Other categories are assigned based on safety concerns and weight considerations. An example is livestock chipping. Ranchers and farmers get to purchase animals and transport them through WCS. They are carried within a short time and with all the comfort necessary. The information above shows the services offered by World Class Shipping company. 




Waters, C. (2016). Seaforth world naval review 2017 .

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). World Class Shipping - The Best in the Business .


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