29 Sep 2022


10 Best Careers in Accounting

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Academic level: College

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There are various careers in this world that somebody can pursue according to his or her interest. One of those careers is included in the course of accounting. Accounting can be said to be a systematic way of noticing, taking records, making measurements, classifying, giving verifications, drawing summary, interpreting and communicating information pertaining finance.

There are various career options for an individual who has pursued the course of accounting. Foremost, that person may end up becoming a financial analyst. The person will automatically operate with the financial services industry. That is one of the most coveted careers in that industry. The heavy work of a financial analyst is to do research about macroeconomic and microeconomic conditions in a place then he or she comes up with recommendations.

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The other career option that somebody who has acquired the knowledge of accounting can do is by ending up as an accountant. An accountant is someone who is professionally required to undertake accounting functions. The duties include auditing and drawing financial statement. However, accounting has more than a single designation and may perform multiple functions thus it depends on the interest of a person.

One researched accounting position in the field of accounting is the position of accounting manager. That is an individual who is in charge of sales and relationship with customers. That’s the person who takes the risk for the company and is ready to bear the consequences. The accounting manager maintains the connection of a client or customer with the place of his or her work (Short, D.2007).

Some essentials skills are required by the accounting manager to succeed while in that position. The first power that that person is required to have is the skill of managing time. Time is money as usual. The other skill that an accounting manager should have is the power of adaptability. He or she should always be ready for anything that might come their way and adapt immediately. The other skills include excellent communication skills, openness, smart leadership skills and responsible.


Chaplin, S. (2016). Accounting Education and the Prerequisite Skills of Accounting Graduates: Are Accounting Firms’ Moving the Boundaries?. Australian Accounting Review . doi:10.1111/auar.12146

Libby, R., Libby, P., & Short, D. (2007). Financial accounting (1st ed.). Boston, Mass.: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). 10 Best Careers in Accounting.


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