Whenever you have had occasion to reward or punish someone, which of the three theories have you drawn upon, and why?
The theory of retribution can be identified as one whereby the offenders get punishments that they deserve (Bernstein, 2016). This theory similarly implies to rewards. This theory is based on the premise that the offenders should be punished according to the offenses they have committed and not simply because they have committed an offense. With this theory, satisfaction will be obtained since the offender will be punished in accordance to their crime.
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Seal Hunting
Do you think what the villagers are doing is morally right? Why, or why not?
The action of killing baby seals by villagers is morally wrong. The animals being killed are innocent; moreover, the method used is also painful and gruesome. Sadly, these animals are being killed solely because they have fur that is admired by the female population in the modern world.
Can the needs of the villagers be balanced against the lives of the seals? How?
According to Thiroux & Krasemann (2017), many people still hold the belief that apart from human beings, no other creatures or even nature itself is capable of reasoning or analyzing. Therefore, many of the people do not believe that the animals have the same capability as humans thus, it does not matter how the animals are killed. However, even though the animals should not be killed brutally, the villagers should not be le to be left to die in poverty. Therefore, to promote morality and at the same strike a balance between the villagers and the lives of seals, the animals should be left to die naturally. Hunting of baby seals should be done for good reasons and also under strict regulations and licensing.
What solution to this problem would you suggest?
The manner in which baby seals are being killed by the villagers is inhuman. This notion is one of the key reasons that make the actions immoral and wrong. Therefore, a viable solution to this situation would be to make the killing of baby seals as painless as possible and for legal reasons. The villagers should also put an effort into identifying alternative sources of income that would help reduce the rate of dependence on this immoral business. These alternatives will provide effective income substitutes once the business of killing seals for their fur is reduced or still banned all together.
Bernstein, R. (2016, November 28). Addressing Transgressions: Types of Criminal Punishment. Retrieved from https://online.pointpark.edu/criminal-justice/types-of-criminal-punishment/
Thiroux, J. P., & Krasemann, K. W. (2013). Ethics: Pearson New International Edition: Theory and Practice (11th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson Higher Ed.