14 May 2022


Analysis of the piece in content level and stylistic level

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 479

Pages: 6

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Clarence Nathan was someone with three part-time jobs who earned about $45,000 annually, and yet a bank credited him $540,000. The bank never looked his income. Homeowner Clarence Nathan had failed to pay his mortgage and was in the process of foreclosure. He mourned that the "no-income verification loan" that his bank had approved, to the tune of $540,000 – despite of he worked three part-time jobs and made about $45,000 a year. "The bank made an imprudent "I wouldn't have credited me the money, and no one that I know would have loaned me the cash," Nathan said.” I mean, I know people who are lawbreakers who wouldn't lend me that money, and they'd fracture your kneecap."

But this kind of crediting happened, over and over again since 2003, thus leading to the mortgage crisis which has damaged the global economy.

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Content analysis:

Tonality analysis: it involves the determination of either favorability or unfavourbility of the content in an article. The story of Nathan prompted mixed reactions in different people; some liked it whereas others did not. 

How did the author tell the story?

The article is well written and brings out the intended purpose of its publication which was to inform the public about the life of the famous Clarence Nathan. The story makes use of simple English making it easy for the readers to comprehend. It also utilizes different journalistic styles in bringing up the story. 

Did the storytelling paper over bad reporting?

The writer obtained his information from reliable sources and even in some cases, he made follow-ups to get firsthand information from individuals who were on the ground. Nothing is exaggerated in his narration hence the article gives a clear picture of Clarence Nathan. Alex blumberg uses good communication and different styles in presenting his work. Therefore the article met the threshold of good reporting.

Stylistic analysis:

The writer uses a combination of different styles in this article. They include expository style, descriptive style, and narrative style. 

Descriptive style: this style has been used several times when the writer tries to give us the appearance of El Chapo, his lavish lifestyle, description of his hideouts and

Content analysis:

Tonality analysis: it involves the determination of either favorability or unfavourbility of the content in an article. The story of Nathan prompted mixed reactions in different people; some liked it whereas others did not. 

Nuts and bolts of my piece in relation to the role of storytelling and meaning-making journalism 

Among the fundamental role of storytelling in journalism is to inform how Davidson and Blumberg arranged to master what happened and why. What they found is astonishing. But more remarkably, they tell their story in a fascinating, compelling way that anyone can understand.

Did it enhance a good story?

"What makes this story fascinating is that it's not an easy case of some bad actors, some lawbreakers victimizing people," said Davidson, who began operating with Blumberg on the story in February. “Sure, there were lawbreakers at every stage of the chain. But the central of this case is that almost everyone from borrowers, to bankers to Wall Street investors and brokers, effectively worked together: misleading themselves into believing that they could generate huge property with little threat. Almost everybody included was a victimizer and victim at the same moment.”


Blumberg, A., Davidson, A., & Glass, I. (2008). The giant pool of money. This American Life .

Gutiérrez, A., & Gutiérrez, G. C. (2007). Narcotráfico: el gran desafío de Calderón . Planeta Publishing.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Analysis of the piece in content level and stylistic level.


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