14 May 2022


What Makes an Effective Executive?

Format: APA

Academic level: University

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 705

Pages: 2

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Contrary to popular opinion that all executives are leaders, Peter Drucker presents a different view pointing out that not all executives are leaders, but most of the executives are only made effective through eight practices (Drucker, 2017). He further adds that executives have different personalities that make them different. This paper delves into Drucker’s summary of eight methods that make an effective executive. It also gives an example to illustrate how effective leadership impacts the lives of other people and an individual .

Drucker’s Eigth Practise Followed By Effective Executives

Understanding What Needs To Be Done

Effective executives sought to find an aswer on what needs to be done to achieve overall success. When an executive fails to ask and seek answers on what needs to be done, then their style would be rendered weak and unable to drive success. Self-ledership comes in where a determination of what needs to be done is sought and after that compelling ideas on the course of action.

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Asking What is right For The Enterprise

While an enterprise may comprise different parties involved in the running of the enterprise, a competent executive prioritizes the enterprise first in identifying its needs, delving into the desired results if such obligations are met and settling on a decision (Collins, 2017). Even though some decisions may go wrong, a prudent executive ought to ask questions that give the enterprise priority.

Developing Action Plans.

Taking action on a decision made describes an effective executive. This is done once a potential plan has been settled upon. Before anything else, executives analyze the idea in the manner of desired results, constraints and weaknesses that may arise in the course of execution,and future activities that can be done, and finally executing action. Planning also helps in career development to ascertain what career path to take.

Taking Responsibility For Decisions.

While success is a measure of a pool effort from different angles, Effective Executives play a more significant role in assessing wrong decisions in the enterprise (Dinkmeyer, 2015). They reiew decisions before taking action and remain strict on non-performance that may affect the results of the enterprise. Every form of leadership calls for responsibility for decisions taken especially if it touches on other people.

Taking Responsibility For Comunicating

Effective executives ensure dissemination of information, clarity of the information and understanding. When plans are not understood as well as seeking opinions on the plans, then they remain vague and personal. Executives inquire and pay attention to what other professionals in the enterprise suggest and combine this into one piece.

Focusing on Opportunities.

Growth is a product of thriving on challenges. Executives who look for opportunities can stimulate growth in their enterprises. Although there may be setbacks, excellent executives choose to overlook what brings them back but that which propels them forward (Tushman, 2017).

Making Meetings Productive

The productivity of meetings relies on the agenda that the executives present. Effective executives plan and decide when the meeting would be ideal and what is going to be discussed. They also make follow-ups on resolutions of previous conferences and guide members on the same.

The ‘We’ Thought rather than ‘ I’

For effective executives, they are trustees of the company; hence their needs and personal aspirations come after determining the opportunities of the organization. They act on behalf of others and not an individual.

How self-leadership can impact personal effectiveness- Example

Brian Rose share a story on the Power of Self Belief in the Ted Talks (Rose, 2015). In the talk Brian talks of how self-belief made him do things he never thought he could achieve to the point of getting an award. He exhibited self-leadership strategies of having the self –worth and confidence of being able. Using this confidence in himself he built a reputation with personal values which helped in decision making. He learned to trust his instincts and how to deal with challenges. His childhood stories further point out how he felt worthless but believed in himself in having the ability to impact change. This saw him run a successful career life and motivating others amid challenges in his childhood.


Drucker’s eight practices followed by effective executives shows how executives in any setting can become leaders. The methods are also a revelation of self-leadership strategies which can help any enterprise to succeed.


Collins, J. (2017). Turning Goals into Results (Harvard Business Review Classics): The Power of Catalytic Mechanisms. Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States: Harvard Business Review Press,. Retrieved January 17, 2017

Dinkmeyer, D. &. (2015). Leadership by encouragement. Boca Raton, Florida, United States: CRC Press.

Drucker, P. F. (2017). What Makes an Effective Executive (Harvard Business Review Classics). Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States: Harvard Business Review Press. Retrieved January 3, 2017

Rose, B. (2015). The Power of Self-Belief [Recorded by B. Rose]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKVSjIIt8t0

Tushman, M. L. (2017). Innovation Streams and Executive Leadership: R&D leadership plays a central role in shaping a firm’s ability to both exploit existing capabilities and explore new technological domains. Research-Technology Management, 60 (6), 42-47.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). What Makes an Effective Executive?.


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