23 Dec 2022


Analyzing Value and Impact of Employee Survey Results

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Analysis of employee survey results is very crucial in human resource management. Effective analysis offers important information for sound decision-making related to employees welfare, performance, and development. Currently, HR office is working with the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to identify and address the training needs of employees. The aim of this cooperation is to ensure better performance of employees and to prepare for advancement to management positions in the organization. The responsibility of the Office of Personnel Management OPM is to conduct and oversees significant survey details and use such details to provide recommendations and consultancy services ( Burkholder, 2007). OPM experts concentrate on evaluation and survey methodology in order to provide accurate data that can be used for governmental decision making. The survey practices range from survey design, communication and releasing the results. The purpose of this paper is to analyze on the feedback of the most recent year that is presented in the OPM report and explore how survey findings are used for strategic management and planning. 

Data Analysis and Documentation in 2015 

The purpose of OPM is to engage, attract and enhance a workforce that is effective. One way of achieving this is by understanding the view of employees and developing strategies to facilitate employees’ productivity based on the findings from different surveys the conduct. OPM conduct several surveys related to employees. Each of the surveys should offer crucial information that can be used for strategic planning. The quality of information from every survey depends on many factors. Some of these factors include the number of respondents. 

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One of the surveys conducted by OPM is the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS). The response rate was 72 percent. This is 30 percent greater in contrast to the response rate which covered the government. The findings from the analysis of the responses reveal that employees had a positive attitude while working with OPM. The positive outcome is attributable to the skill levels of the hired individuals. Analyzing the outcome, it is clear that OPM report on employee survey had improved by 4 percent in contrast to 2014. From the survey, it can be deduced that human resource management should ensure hire qualified and skilled employees. The survey reveals that there is a correlation between the level of skills and employee motivation. 

The second survey conducted by OPM is a global survey. The survey was designed to measure on the satisfaction index of workers. The survey results indicated that majority of the workers became satisfied with the firms which they worked with. This was clear when 69 was a percentage that reflected their satisfaction. As a result, OPM was ranked as the 8 th agency out of 67 that were engaged in this procedure. At OPM, the Employee Engagement Index is rated as 71 percent. This reflects the high rate of priority that this agency imposes when involving its workforce. 

However, as OPM puts its efforts in maintaining its Employee Engagement Index, it led to a 4 percent decline between 2013 and 2015. Analyzing this year’s outcome, it is apparent that it had strong positive feedbacks. This response included various questions that were in the New Inclusion Quotient IQ index. In addition, this feedback involved efforts of the agency to upgrade supervisory kind of leadership. From 2014, supervisors of this agency were taught modern IQ. The training was meant to offer all supervisors experiences to initiate a surrounding that supported an inclusive and diverse job place. 

In 2015, supervisors recommend small acts of inclusion to boost learning. This made employees to view their supervisors as a workforce representative that reflects all segments of the community. The move resulted in a 76 percent feedback that was positive. In addition, employees develop more positive perception towards their supervisors. They responded that their supervisor offered them with constructive suggestions to advance their performance at the work place. Subsequently, OPM received 12 percent higher positive responses as compared to government-wide range outcome. 

Additionally, OPM's outcome concentrated its focus on training of employees . Approximately, 56 percent of the workers revealed that their training requirements were reviewed. This implies that the satisfaction of training among workers had improved by 2.6 percent, which depicted great success at OPM ( Edwards, 2003). However, in spite of the progress, OPM encountered various problems. This is because a significant number of workers did not feel the independence to initiate a positive outcome at the job. For instance, in this context, 41 percent of workers felt that they were rewarded due to innovation and creativity. 

Analyzing the response that OPM received from employees during their survey, 49 percent which is less the half population of workers felt that they had a connection with personal empowerment. This was in respect to their work procedures while others felt that their resources did not fulfill their needs. Individuals who responded in this manner marked 55 percent which was a positive response. OPM intends to handle these challenges in the following year which is the current 2016. 

Furthermore, OPM used survey results to depict details about the perspective of workers. Its responsibility is to note ways that enhance performance in an agency to upgrade satisfaction among employees. In this regard, the 2015 EVS results that were released by OPM were shared with leaders of various agencies including their workers and supervisors. They incorporated divisions that dealt with multi-projects and various activities which enhanced its concern and strengths. To improve on employee’s survey results, managers and workers intend to initiate these changes to facilitate positivity in firms. 

It is the concern of OPM to keep employees updated on this progress. This is because their feedback is valued and beneficial when it transforms the working environment at the agency. The impact of evaluating employee survey results is significant when it increases the levels of employee engagement and satisfaction. 

Analyzing the way the recent 2015 survey was conducted, it is clear that it was done on online platform starting from May 5, 2015, and ended on June 12, 2015 (Lee, 2016). This sample was described to be both part time and fulltime whereby workers were surveyed by OPM in a permanent manner. It was a census report with a total of 3, 378 surveys that were conducted and completed. The number of surveys that OPM administered was 4,695 of which their rate of response was ranked as 71.9 percent. 

Questions Analysis of 2015 OPM Employee Survey Results 

Analyzing this report, it is apparent that employees were asked various questions. For instance, some of the questions that I sampled were; 

Am I given a real opportunity to advance my skills in my firm? 

Based on the outcome of employee survey as indicated by OPM, workers responded positively to this question with a percentage of 63.69. This implies that out of 3, 375 employees, those who strongly agreed with this concept were 699 representing a percentage of 20.31. Employees who responded positively by simply being in agreement were 43.38 percent which translated to 1,462. A section of them failed to agree or disagree with this question and was 579 reflected as 17.31 percent. The number of workers who disagreed with this notion was 442 which were 13.08 percent. Conversely, those who disagreed with the notion were 193, with a percentage of 5.92. 

The significant result of this question on professional life is that it enhances positivity and motivates workers to handle their duties accordingly. For instance, employees who get the chance to upgrade their expertise learn more on protocols of the organization. In this regard, the firm also grants their employees a chance to achieve higher education as they work. As a result, these employees advance positively in their career life hence increases their expertise. 

Are my training requirements assessed? 

The total number of employees who responded to this item was 3,330. The response from workers was positive at 56.06 percent. Those who strongly agreed with this notion were 570 in number which was equivalent to 16.81 percent. The number of employees who only agreed was 1,305 that depicted as 39.25 percent. A worker who did not agree or agreed was 761 that are represented as 22.93 percent (Canada, 2013). A total of 421 respondents failed to agree with the question which was equivalent to 12.57 percent. Only 273 employees an equivalent of 8.43 percent disagreed totally with this question. 

Evidently, a firm that puts its efforts to assess training needs of its employees enables them to progress in their career life. Furthermore, employers will be in a position to identify the number of workers who qualify to work in that organization. Equally, this aids employees to stay focused and concentrate on their work. As a result, this increases their creativity and performance when their needs are valued. 

There were also a group of questions that were based on demographics. They include; 

What is the highest degree or the level of education that you achieved? 

The total number of workers who responded to this question were 3, 196. Employees in the category that was below high school level of education were 4, indicated as 0.13 percent. Individuals who had a high school diploma were 192 equivalents to 6.01 percent. Those who owned trade certificate were 61, represented as 1.91 percent. A total of 436 employees had attended college and their percentage was 13.64. Degree owners were 207, which were reflected as 6.48 percent. A total of 1, 433 employees, equivalent to 44.84 in this demographic group had a bachelor’s degree. A section of 744, also 23.38 percent of this population had a master's degree. Employees with a doctorial degree were 199, represented as 3.72 percent (Simpson, 2016). 

In this regard, the level of education also contributes to progress in the professional life of an employee. This implies that those with a doctorial or master degree have a chance of getting into job place in contrast to their counterparts with a low level of education. It further improves their professional life because they learn the new concepts that apply in their career. This knowledge also enables employees to seek jobs in various firms and work effectively by relating with aspects that they learned at the University. 

How long have you worked with the federal government? 

In this case, the total number of respondents was 3,234. The employees who have worked than a year were 37 in number which was equivalent to 1.14 percent. Individuals who spend three years were 202, an equivalent of 6.25 percent. Those who took 5 years in employment were 475 or 14.69 percent. A total of 849 or 26.25 percent workers took ten years. Additionally, 405 or 12.52 percent of the population had achieved 14 years with the federal government. Employees who took 20 years were 331 in number or 10.24 percent. A section of workers who spend more than 20 years were 935 which is an equivalent of 28.91 percent. 

Evaluating this question, it is apparent that it has a significant impact on professional life. This is because when employees have worked for a long duration in a firm, they gain experience. This is vital when it enables them to recruit faster in contrast to other employees who lack sufficient expertise. As a result, this allows them to advance their career life after they work for the organization for a long duration. 

Effectiveness of the Selected Questions 

The four selected questions above intend to measure the value of employees in a firm. For instance, the first question that articulates on whether employees are given the real opportunity to advance their skills is effective when it determines their progress. Evidently, employees who work for an organization for a long duration without gaining skills tend to be stagnant in their career. This implies that employers who fail to give them a chance to advance their skills through education decrease the performance of an organization. The impact of this action is that employees will feel that they are not valued hence it reduces their morale at work place. 

The second question reflects on if the training requirements of workers are assessed. It is essential to measure effectiveness that will facilitate progress in an organization. Clearly, this kind of assessment is essential for employees to determine the capability of their workers in handling duties professionally ( Kavanagh, 2009). Through this evaluation, it is easy for owners of the firm to determine the efforts and contribution of various workers. In this regard, employers learn to motivate individuals who work hard by valuing and awarding them. 

The third question on the level of education that is accomplished can also be used to measure the effectiveness of employees in a firm. This implies that employers should value and recruit highly qualified individuals to determine the success of a firm. To further increase the effectiveness of this question, owners of the firms should value qualified employees by promoting them at the workplace. As a result, this generates positivity and encourages them to work hard to facilitate progress at the company. 

The fourth question analyzes on the duration that employees worked in the federal government. It intended to measure if workers could benefit from extending their time in this firm. This turns out to be effective because employees who worked in such organization for a long time gained more experience and skills (Edwards, 2003). 

Value of OPM Report Questions 

Analyzing the above questions, it is evident that they depict value of employees and their contribution towards the organizational goals and mission. Evaluating results of Employee survey, it is the responsibility of managers to ensure that they are valued. This is accomplished through giving them support to enhance success in their group and entire firm. Through these questions, we learn about various roles of Human Resource and Information System when it aids in compiling electronic information. HRIS is significant when it keep track of employees by recording their details. It reduces risks of potential accountability and facilitates training and progress of initiatives. The responsibility of human resource metrics gives an effective report about performance. It also incorporates business strategies that add value and determine effectiveness in an organization. In essence, these aspects advance organizational life by increasing morale, retention, and performance among employees. 


Burkholder, N. C. (2007).   Ultimate performance: Measuring human resources at work . Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley & Sons. 

Canada, J. G. (2013).   The impact of technology on management control: Degradation, empowerment, or dominance? . Orlando, Fla: University of Central Florida. 

Edwards, J. E., Scott, J. C., & Raju, N. S. (2003).   The human resources program-evaluation handbook . Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage Publications. 

Fitz-enz, J. (2000).   The ROI of human capital: Measuring the economic value of employee performance . New York: AMACOM. 

In Bondarouk, T., & In Olivas-Lujan, M. R. (2014).   Human resource management, social innovation, and technology

Kavanagh, M. J., & Thite, M. (2009).   Human resource information systems: Basics, applications, and future directions . Los Angeles: Sage. 

Lee, C.-F., & Lee, J. C. (2015).   Handbook of Financial Econometrics and Statistics . (Handbook of financial econometrics and statistics.) New York, NY: Springer. 

McConnell, J. H. (2003).   How to design, implement, and interpret an employee survey . New York: AMACOM. 

Simpson, H. R. (2016).   Federal Employee Engagement and Performance . Hauppauge: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Analyzing Value and Impact of Employee Survey Results.


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