17 Nov 2022


APN Professional Development

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Case Study

Words: 2137

Pages: 8

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A professional development plan (PDP) is a practical career roadmap that outlines the process of achieving professional goals. The APN PDP is written to enhance a smooth transition from registered nursing to advance practice nursing roles. According to Bryne et al. (2017) The plan is planned with the primary goal of outlining several tasks that are required to determine the best path to achieve career goals as an advanced nursing practitioner. The first goal of the PDP is a documentation of governing requirements of APN practice in Florida. This objective entails a good understanding of governing regulations that explain the scope of practice in Florida. The second goal involves aptitude tests to gauge the skills need in APN practice. Aptitude tests are done using personal appraisals that measure the strength and weaknesses and goals of an individual (Raghubir, 2018) (Schober, Gerrish & McDonnell, 2016). The other third goal revolves around documentation of potential employers plus marketing and self-networking strategies that could lead to potential employment (Schober, Gerrish & McDonnell, 2016). Lastly, a resume is created to provide my professional profile, which includes my skills and achievements

APN Scope of Practice 

An ARPN Development Plan involves listed or certified nurses in the United States who have acquired a master’s degree. Also, the plan is limited to nurses who have completed three years of nursing practice. The governing regulations are aimed at ensuring that patients receive the best care (Fitzgerald et al., 2012). The governing rules entail ethical protocols, practical guidelines, and safety procedures that enhance a safe practice (Bryant-Lukosius et al., 2017). These features explain the scope of APN practice. Different states have distinct views and regulations that outline the scope of APN practice in their jurisdictions. The following is a breakdown of governing regulations in Florida.

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In Florida, to practice as an APN, you must have a valid nursing license. A postgraduate degree is also a mandatory requirement. Educational requirements ensure that individuals are equipped with clinical knowledge, scope, and skills to ensure effectiveness at work. Furthermore, advanced nursing practice deals with scientific problems that require a deep understanding of clinical expertise and research (FLBON, 2017). Therefore, in the state of Florida, one has to have national certification and a postgraduate degree. The state of Florida uses the reduced/collaborative practice model in advanced nursing practice. Reduced or collaborative nursing agreements mean that the state of Florida reduces the APNs capability of nurses to practice by at least one component. In the state of Florida, advanced registered nursing practitioners are required to have a cooperative arrangement with a physician or a health care provider before they can practice. The Florida administrative code, Rule 64B9-4.010(1), states that an ANP shall only execute medical procedures such as diagnosis, treatments, and operations only in collaboration with a licensed medical doctor. Therefore, the state-required delegation and supervision of nurses by a health provider or licensed medical doctor (FLBON, 2017).

Ideally, in Florida, the supervision of the delegation is defined by a supervisory agreement, which is referred to as a collaborative agreement. The collaborative agreement involves protocols such as clinical procedures that the APNs can perform and conditions that they can be allowed to treat or manage. The agreement also contains the practitioner information, the health provider’s information, medications that APNs can prescribe plus instances where the APN must contact the physician (Jakimowicz & Stankiewicz, 2017). Physicians or supervisors should be reachable by phone for consultations, and patients must be notified when they will not be present (FLBON, 2017). In addition to that, in the states of Florida, ANPs are also restricted from signing the Baker Act. Baker Act, according to Florida Statute, allows involuntary examination of individuals who possibly have mental illnesses and are in danger of self-harm or harming others (Sánchez-Gómez et al., 2019). The examination is initiated by physicians, mental health professionals, or judges. Furthermore, in Florida, APNs are also restricted from signing death certificates because they are not recognized as primary caregivers (FLBON, 2016). However, some practices in Florida adopt more precise guidelines while creating collaborative agreements. These specific guidelines allow practices to define different conditions that ANPs may manager under Florida law, such as hypertension.

In 2016, the state of Florida in a legislative session gave authority to advanced registered nurse practitioners (ARNPs) to offer prescriptions on controlled substances. Florida was the last state to enact this legislation and synchronized its law with what other states allow. However, the prescriptions must be approved by the supervising practitioners (FLBON, 2017). Also, the ANPs must have a registered protocol with the Florida Board of Nursing (FLBON), showing that they have the authority to prescribe controlled and regulated substances. Also, ANPs must have completed at least three education units on safe prescriptions of controlled substances (Melnyk & Newhouse, 2014). The ANPs are also required by the new legislation to indicate in their profiles that they administer controlled substances. Also, unless the ANPs are certified as psychiatric practitioners, they cannot prescribe psychotropic medicines to individuals less than 18 years. The new legislation allows ANPs to apply for a DEA license (FLBON, 2017).

The above governing regulations explain the scope and nature of advanced practice in Florida. Understanding these regulations is essential because they are the guidelines and requirements for licensure and certification of advanced registered nursing practitioners. Synchronizing with these guidelines is the foundation of professional growth because they define professional and ethical boundaries of advance nursing practice. Furthermore, nurses work in a technical and fast environment. They are supposed to learn how to make quick decisions and efficiently communicate with their patients and colleagues in this environment (Schober, Gerrish & McDonnell, 2016). Therefore, the guiding principles are professional frameworks will me to learn how to communicate and make decisions in a fast-paced environment

Personal Assessment 

A personal assessment is the second goal of the professional development plan. A personal assessment is a process that identifies skills and aptitudes that enhance learning in different contexts. The aptitude and skills determine how people adapt and apply their knowledge in different contexts (Sánchez-Gómez et al., 2019). Everybody has these skills but some are more evident than others. Therefore, the logic behind a personal assessment in a career development plan is that it allows ANPs to gain a clear understanding of their skills, aptitudes and personalities to offer the best care to their patients (Faithfull-Bryne et al., 2017). The following is a breakdown of my assessment, according to Benner’s Self-Assessment Novice to Expert Model I.

Conferring to Benner’s Self-Assessment Novice to Expert Model I, I am at the novice stage. The novice phase indicates a lack of background experience as an advanced practitioner. I have no experience or knowledge as an advanced registered nurse. I lack confidence in establishing a safe practice, which means that I require verbal consent and physical cues while executing my duties. In other words, I am unable to make discretionary judgments. However, I have background knowledge as a registered nurse in Florida, which is a solid foundation for my advanced nursing career. In addition to that, I have gained clinical, theoretical, and research knowledge through my bachelor’s degree in science nursing (Caryl et al. 2017). I have also coordinated patient care with physicians and nursing staff as a team player while working as a critical care nurse at Baptist Beaches Hospital.

The areas of practice that I am interested in are critical care, medical prescriptions, and forming solid relations with patients and colleagues. I am ready to learn and adopt different skills that are required at an advanced practice level (Twine, 2017). I am prepared to emerge myself in different contexts to expand my realities about roles of advanced nursing practitioners and to understand different cultural concepts that determine the formation of relationships within the practice (Honig et al., 2019). In addition to that, I am excited to begin working with patients, assisting in their care programs, and learning from my superiors (Vincensi, 2019). This strategy will help me gain analytical skills in handling different issues in multiple settings. The analytical skills will allow a deeper understanding of how I can help patients manage their conditions both at the hospital and at home (Raghubir, 2018). The fears that I have in my new career expedition include making wrong decisions and patients failing to respond to the care. However, working with experienced individuals will help me to overcome these fears (Caryl et al. 2017).

Short term goals in advance practice role include understanding my role and other skills that are required for a successful transition from a registered nurse to an ARNP. Short term goals, in this case, revolve around understanding the advanced nursing practice environment such as duties and roles, patient relationships, plus the scope of advanced nursing practice (Judge-Ellis & Wilson, 2017). In other words, short term goals entail understanding my role as a novice in the advanced practice. The preliminary goals will help me position myself within the practice by forming a solid educational, professional, and ethical background. Long term goals, on the other hand, revolve around becoming an asset to the medical facility and advanced nursing practice (Judge-Ellis & Wilson, 2017). These objectives are such as gaining life-long skills that I will use in my career as an ARP. In the long run, I am looking forward to starting seeing patients and implement the knowledge that I have gained in my entire career (Lamb et al., 2018). I am looking forward to becoming an ANP who provides primary care to patients and who makes decisions that affect the practice on every level. In short, long term goals revolve around making a career as a competent advanced nursing practitioner (Judge-Ellis & Wilson, 2017)

Networking and Marketing Strategies 

Advanced nursing practitioners are required to market themselves to potential employers after obtaining necessary licensing and certification. Developing effective marketing strategies is a critical asset in professional development. Individuals are encouraged to begin networking while in school to position themselves at a competitive advantage in the employment market. In Florida, several platforms help individuals advertise their skills. These platforms are such as Tampa Bay Advanced Practice Nurses Council (TBAPNC), the Florida Association of Nurse Practitioners (FLANP), and the Florida Association of Nurse Practitioners (FLANP). These establishments provide crucial information such as employment opportunities and events where new ARNPs can meet potential employers. The platforms also offer other pieces of information such as legislation, passed and rejected bills plus rules and regulations that help new ARNPs to synchronize with expectations of employers. Furthermore, these organizations provide volunteer and internships that individuals can use to showcase their skills.

Additionally, the Florida Nurses Association (FNA) has a website where individuals can find employment and other resources that can lead to employment. The FNA belongs to the American Nurses Association (ANA) and provides validated information on nursing employment (Jakimowicz & Stankiewicz, 2017). The American Association of Nursing Practitioners (AANP) is also a practical point to begin employment search. The AANP is the principal membership organization of nurses in the United States. The membership provides full services to nurses, such as policy updates, current practice topics, and advocacy at state and national levels (Jakimowicz & Stankiewicz, 2017). The organization provides new graduates with resources that enhance their professional growth. Fresh graduates or new ARNPs need to join this organization to access information that could help them in the job market. For example, members of AANP can access job postings and links five days before non-members. Therefore, being a member of the AANP is an added advantage to fresh gr

In addition to that, using the internet is another crucial networking and marketing strategy. The internet is changing every aspect of life because of its ability to connect masses of people. Many employers use the internet to reach a diverse pool of talent (Lavin et al., 2015). Therefore, one can use the web to seek potential employment. Primarily, there are different online platforms where individuals can create profiles to attract potential employers. Most of these platforms allow people to upload their resumes and provide additional information that attracts employers. For example, LinkedIn is an online platform that enables individuals to network and market their professional skills. Creating a profile on LinkedIn is a strategic step towards meeting potential employers (Lavin et al., 2015). Furthermore, the internet has also led to the creation social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter that can be used to find employment. Social media platforms enable individuals to connect in the modern world. These platforms have features that enable users to upload video resumes to reach potential employers. Following relevant organizations on social media helps one to remain up to date on job opportunitiesn(Lavin et al., 2015).


The professional development plan outlined governing regulations that define the scope of advanced nursing practice in Florida. The PDP also created an overview of my education, skills, and strategies required to achieve professional goals as an advanced nursing practitioner. The plan contains an in-depth evaluation of governing regulations that define licensure, certification, and practice in Florida. Also, the PDP has an assessment that reflects on aptitudes, skills, strengths, weaknesses, goals, and objectives of individuals. Lastly, the PDP has networking and marketing strategies that can be used to reach potential employers. The PDP provides a clear framework to ensure a smooth transition from registered nursing practice to advanced nursing roles.


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Sánchez-Gómez, M. B., Ramos-Santana, S., Gómez-Salgado, J., Sánchez-Nicolás, F., Moreno-Garriga, C., & Duarte-Clíments, G. (2019). Benefits of Advanced Practice Nursing for Its Expansion in the Spanish Context.  International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (5), 680.

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