5 Oct 2022


Applied Biodiversity: Button mushrooms, invasive species in Alabama, mice and fruit flies in research

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 524

Pages: 2

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Prompt Section 1 


From the edible mushroom group, I have chosen Button Mushroom. The scientific name for Button Mushroom is Agaricus Bisporus. The fungi fall under the division basidiomycete (Hopes, 2009). Before it matures, the mushroom has two types of color: white and brown. This type of mushroom is also referred to as portobello mushroom. From the categories of cheeses, I have chosen Brie. The microorganism used in the production of Brie is Penicillium Candidum . Brie is a type of cheese made from soft milk produced by adding an enzyme called Rennet to raw cow milk. The milk is warmed to a maximum temperature of 37 0 c. The product undergoes inoculation using a culture containing Penicillium Candidum (Hopes, 2009) . It kept in a controlled environment for four weeks and consequently results in brie. From the category of fermented foods, I will choose beer. The microorganism involved in the fermentation of beer is yeast. Its scientific name is Saccharomyces Cerevisiae. (Hopes, 2009) Beer is a type of drink taken for its alcoholic content. There are four stages in the production of beer such as malting, washing, boiling fermentation and downstream processing. Yeast is used at the fermentation stage to convert sugar into alcohol. 

Prompt Section 2 


Several species are considered invasive within the State of Alabama. A good example of an invasive species within this state is Avena Sterilis L U.S (Department of Agriculture, n.d.) . The plant highly invasive by spreading into many parts of the world dispersed through prolific seeds. The grass type of plant also referred to as an angiosperm can hardly be eliminated using chemicals ( ISSG, n.d.) . The most suitable ground for this plant includes arable areas, roadsides, and disturbed grounds. Each plant of this species can produce 200 seeds making it easy for the species to spread quite fast. 

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Invasive species are harmful in the sense that they often colonize local habitats by spreading quite fast and occupying a larger space. Consequently, invasive species kill local species and make it hard for them to survive within the habitat. As such, they kill local biodiversity within a given ecosystem. Several steps can be taken to prevent the spread of Invasive species. These include constantly monitoring a given region to eliminate any invasive species before they spread. Moreover, it is important to clean all the material used during a hike to prevent any potential invasive seeds from spreading. 

Prompt Section 3 


The two main examples of animals used in scientific research include mouse and fruit fly. The mouse belongs to the phylum Chordata while the fruit fly belongs to Arthropoda. 


The two animals have facilitated scientific research in various ways. For instance, the research and subsequent scientific discoveries of the polio vaccine were achieved through the mice ( National Institute of General Medical Science, n.d.) . Research has further identified ways of modifying genes in a human being using mice. As such, mice have been very powerful tools in scientific research and have held in the development of significant scientific findings. Fruit flies have equally facilitated great scientific discoveries. The most notable discovery made from the fruitfully relates to the study of genetics. The understanding of the inheritance of genes and genetic traits was largely made using a fruit fly ( National Institute of General Medical Science, n.d.) . As such, the fruit fly largely facilitated the success of scientific research in genetics. 


National Institute of General Medical Science. (n.d.). Using Research Organisms to Study Health and Disease. Retrieved December 10, 2018, from https://www.nigms.nih.gov/Education/Pages/modelorg_factsheet.aspx 

ISSG. (n.d.). Global invasive species database . Retrieved December 10, 2018, from http://www.iucngisd.org/gisd/ 

U.S Department of Agriculture. (n.d.). Introduced, Invasive, and Noxious Plants . Retrieved December 10, 2018, from https://plants.usda.gov/java/noxiousDriver#state 

Hopes, T. (2009). Enzymes from GM microorganisms used in food processing.  Food Processing Technology,    14 (18), 870-872.  

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Applied Biodiversity: Button mushrooms, invasive species in Alabama, mice and fruit flies in research.


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