10 Aug 2022


Applying the Nursing Process

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Case Study

Words: 369

Pages: 1

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The patient demonstrates difficulty communicating through her restlessness, shaky voice and her failure to make and maintain eye contact during the conversation. She has difficulty explaining herself presumably as a result of shock arising from the new revelation that she has breast cancer. She has deep communication needs to assist her to build trust with the caregiver. The patient is psychologically distraught and anxious, which has resulted in a reduced appetite for food and interference with her sleeping patterns. Another risk factor for her stressful condition is the emotional instability created by her concerns about how she will look or feel once her breasts are removed if it is deemed necessary (Treas & Wilkinson, 2014). The patient lacks sufficient information on the management of breast cancer. She requires informatory assistance on the different existing intervention methods that do not necessarily call for breast removal, and on how to cope with the disease through the development of a positive attitude towards the treatment and care processes.

To achieve the most desirable outcomes for this patient, she needs to see a trust-building therapist or counselor who will help her alleviate her fears, stress, and anxiety, allowing her to communicate better and more efficiently with her caregivers in the other stages of treatment. The patient also needs to be taken through a stress management program where she will be taught stress management techniques such as relaxation and meditation (Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses, 2012). An assessment of whether the anxiety she is suffering from requires pharmacological intervention should be carried out. She is encouraged to join a cancer education program and social groups that offer support to cancer patients.

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This diagnosis and interventions are imperative to the wellbeing and survival of the patient. Addressing her communication needs helps her to be more participative in the treatment process as she can constructively engage the caregivers as they try to determine the most appropriate course of therapy (American Nurses Association, 2015). Stress management helps to alleviate the injurious effects of stress which are known to facilitate the faster development and spreading of cancer cells. Patient education helps the patient cope with the problems associated with the treatment efforts, and the knowledge she acquires helps her to make informed decisions on how she would like to have her health condition handled.


American Nurses Association. (2015). Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (3rd ed.). Retrieved from http://web.a.ebscohost.com.vlib.excelsior.edu/ehost/ebookviewer/ebook?sid=5ce4de87-786b-4d32-9c22-d3f8f1fc6a4f%40sessionmgr4006&ppid=pp_C1&hid=4212&vid=0&format=EB 

Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses. (2012). Scope and Standards of Medical-Surgical Nursing Practice (5th Ed.). Retrieved from https://www.amsn.org/print/practice-resources/scope-and-standards 

Treas, L. S., & Wilkinson, J. M. (2014). Basic nursing: concepts, skills, & reasoning. FA Davis.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Applying the Nursing Process.


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