25 Sep 2022


Are Protective Orders Effective in Preventing Domestic Violence?

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Pages: 10

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Affecting many families in the society domestic violence remains a severe epidemic. Every year a lot of females are bodily harmed by their partners, previous partners or the stay with spouses. Their close associates have committed annually domestic aggression resulting in various cases of visits to the emergency room, resulting to almost a third of the entire women murder casualties. Domestic abuse impacts various features of the society, including additional expenses to regulation enforcement. Reaction to household violence requests receive up to a third of the entire officer occasions and are the major regular kind of appeals to law officers. The exploitation also has a significant monetary effect as non-attendance of abused women in their duties lessens their work productivity and causes employers to lose a lot of profits annually. A predictable 50% of all homeless females and children looking for refuge on the roadsides are the resultants of family exploitation (Ko, 2002). The community has been trying to deal with this common challenge ever since the Women Movements through the end of the 1960s along the early1970s bringing the subject to the national program in addition to encouraging administrations to respond.

In recognizing the insufficiencies of the lawful preparations to help abused women accurately, many states endorsed restructuring on the legislative, technical, and institutional stages to enhance civil and criminal reprieve to casualties. Some reform strategies have included executing compulsory detain or pro-arrest police processes, forming domestic abuse divisions in prosecutors' administrative centers and creating treatment plans for violent partners as well as reprieve projects for sufferers like counseling. A lot of states sketched the step of implementing public protective order regulation to offer a public cure for violence sufferers. Protective orders persist to be the major structure of protection for sufferers of domestic abuse. For example, in the year 2000, Los Angeles County issued 11,623 protective orders (Ko, 2002). In Philadelphia through the year 1996, more than 10,000 restraining orders were documented. The persistent offering of protective orders put it essential that they attend to violence plus effectively contain batterers.

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The consequence of abuse misfortune is that the community should spend for the expenses of accommodation, therapy plans, as well as foster care projects to help these females and children. Family violence also causes psychological challenges for ladies and young ones. Research has found that domestic abuse frequently evident itself in a propensity for a person to become either a casualty or abuser. For example, females going through violence have a higher rate of abusing their children, while young men who observe family abuse has an advance probability of becoming batterers themselves. Besides, young ones who witness domestic abuse frequently plunge into social in-proficiency and emotional challenges.

The public protective orders, in theory, perform to give an immediate reprieve to the sufferer by instructing offenders from further abuse. In many states defiance of the regulation constitutes a criminal felony permitting law enforcers to apprehend and consequently convict the offender for violating the order provisions. Protective orders are striking and essential options to offender arraignment due to their instant accessibility to eligible sufferers and their wide array of security. Nevertheless, the orders have been criticized by many for failing to discourage the re-violation of victims sufficiently. Restraining orders are in certain cases seen as piece of paper that offer casualties very little solution. Impacts of protective orders remain inconclusive as simply a small amount of researchers have evaluated the subject of efficiency. Though the personal impact of protective commands seems to be optimistic, experimental conclusions about the restriction impact on after-order violence stay undetermined because of the methodological errors.

Literature Review 

Efficient from a Subjective Standpoint 

Notably, domestic abuse involves bodily exploitation but is as well mental and sensational exploitation. Abused women possess serious mental suffering, frequently expressed as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which consequences from recurring bodily abuse. Sufferers experiencing PTSD have various symptoms comprising paralyzing shock, constant nervousness, uneasiness, caution, in addition to feelings of imminent disaster. Continuous violence and escalation make the victims drained, unreceptive and unable to perform. PTSD could also change self-opinion and the sufferer's view of the batterer, comprising viewing the offender as an individual with complete authority. Also, PTSD is also associated with disconnection, depression, alcohol as well as drug misuse and individual disfigurement, which could persist still when the violence stops (Ko, 2002). Various researchers have defined the efficiency of protective guidelines by viewing their effect on the sufferer's mental wellbeing, i.e., by assessing efficiency from victim's viewpoint.

The nature of abusive affairs comprises a system of supremacy and in charge by the batterer. With an instance, the batterer manages every feature of the sufferer's existence, i.e., outlining who she is, what she believes as well as her necessities. Because abuse on the female is frequently calmed in their efforts to fight aggression as a result of mental impacts of violence and the consequent vulnerability formed by such kind of partnerships, lawful procedures are the only way to give victims their right again. Researchers on victim fulfillment frequently show positive psychological impacts from acquiring protective orders. Through research conducted by Anne Horton along with her associates, they were pleased with outcomes of protective guidelines, with 94% women feeling good about their decision to acquire a protective order (Ko, 2002).

Researchers on victims’ satisfaction, however, encounter methodological challenges. The studies utilized qualitative method depending on questionnaires in addition to personal selective interrogation, which could be an unpredictable resource for concluding mental profits. For example, the research conducted by Horton along with her associates pointed those females that articulated the major approval with protective guidelines holds powerful assurances to attaining transformation at any expense. The research also established those sufferers that were undecided on terminating affairs with spouses were lesser pleased with the outcomes. The discovering of an elevated number of pleased females in the individual-directed survey could replicate a tilted statistic model formed from a larger majority of the female who are extremely devoted and aggravated to end domestic exploitation. These females most likely hold a superior feeling of purpose to entirely use the procedure and craft it perform for them rather than the commonly abused sufferers looking for court of law involvement (Ko, 2002). Therefore, the stages of fulfillment articulated by the ladies in the research reflect more greatly as the invention of their purpose than what protective guidelines give. Studies on casualty fulfillment, also, run the threat of replicating approaches that are not essentially symbolizing the other abused female populace.

Benefits of Legal Intervention in the Prevention of Violence by Partners 

In spite of modifications to enhance the lawful reaction to family abuse, there are severe restrictions on access to statistics on the efficiency of restraining approaches. There are a small number of studies on results after restriction orders. Nevertheless, there exist no Australian statistics on effects following police involvement or at all research within or abroad that contrast the profits of police officers involvement along with a court of law commands (Young, Byles, & Dobson, 2000). Also little is known about the route of domestic abuse without the legal protection. It is hard to establish the level of reduction in domestic exploitation against women with protective orders.

The research presented here tried to seal some of the breaches in accepting the outcomes of protective orders in family abuse within the populace. The comparison results for ladies who seek a protective order and those who did not seek to give strong evidence on the relative profits of protective orders. The purpose of the research was to enlighten regulation and practice on the utilization and efficiency of restraining orders. The major focus was bodily injury and abuse rather than psychological and emotional violence. In the research women who had previously taken part in an assessment by Australian Longitudinal Study on Women Health (ALSWH) were used (Young, Byles, & Dobson, 2000). Through the use of the qualitative system of the questionnaire, process women were asked about violence in a relationship and seeking of legal protection. Through the interview, there were essential variations amongst women who had sought protective orders and those who did not seek the orders. Approximately half of the women who sought protective orders were not bodily abused after they obtained the orders. A few of women were still subjected to abuse even after they had sought the restrictive orders with no change in the harshness of the violation.

Though there were significant improvements after protective orders were issued, there were variations in results depending on whether both the police as well as the court of law protection were acquired or the police order alone. The outcome of the study was essential and had a positive implication for women who were experiencing abuse associations. The result was that violence should not be allowed to continue, and that lawful channels could offer effective protection. Requesting the police was the major efficient approach utilized by females, but the approach solely was lesser productive than after being joined with the judicial orders. A harmonized strategy which methodically associates the judicial restriction commands with police involvement could be the finest method to guard females from abuse.

Victims' Safety, Characteristics, and Enforcement of Protective Orders 

Researchers on the insight of victims’ protection, fulfillment, and emotional well-being reveal the victims’ well-being and safety appeared to enlarge when protective orders were given. Studies of analysts, features of victims, executors and the giving of restraining orders are not common. In the studies of analyzing various subjects linked victims and offenders of violence, have established that married and unmarried violence are the same but wedded victims are less probable to look for restraining orders. The best evidence of offender and violation of previous protective orders is the severity of criminal charges involved. The study was conducted exploring the impact of protective orders on family abuse plus the probability that the police are detailed and detain as the conclusion. The study used a quantitative approach where participant's statistics from various households and respondents accounted for various incidents of domestic abuse which were recorded (Russell, 2012). Police were informed of the incidents with one of the six reported incidents ending with an arrest.

The data was used to test the how regulation affects domestic violence rules. The aim was to weigh whether the orders lessen or prevent domestic abuse through the involvement of the police in the arrests. The author measured police involvement in arrest together with fifty states associated changes including violation of protective orders. The study used logistic analyst representation, also, to control changeable (Russell, 2012). The outcomes outlined that relationships, where state awarded instant custody to victims following a restraining regulate, were extra probable to experience abuse than those without it. States, where restraining orders were allowed on sufferers living separately from their offenders, were less probable to undergo abuse. States where domestic violence was considered crimes were more probable to include police officers intervention, but allowing detains essentially reduces the possibility of law enforcers knowing on the occurrence.

Protection Orders for Battered Women in Israel 

An evaluation of the approaches the society utilizes in the means of lawful process to deal with the subject of abuse inflicted on ladies outline major apparatus, defense, treatment plus penalization. The regulations require that judges are allowed to give instant restraining guidelines to guarantee security and safety of women who are endangered by their partners. In Israel studies on the subject of domestic violence is principally sparse, it seems the attitude of court officers is not standardized and often inclines upon criticism and lessening of challenges faced by abused females. This lifts the question on the benefits of a restraining order or whether the orders help abused women to petition to the court of law and appeal for a restraining order.

In the year 2002, permission was granted by Chief of Courts to research on the hearing concerning appeals caused by abused ladies for restraining commands which are carried out privately (Yassour-Borochowitz, 2016). Protection orders were collected, and a content evaluation is done to get quantitative statistics on the research. In the forty-seven cases, the trials were finished after the first appeal. The major cause for these were in thirty-five occasions the primary appeal was deprived, in about eight occurrences the requester or the offender did not appear on the second appeal and in four occurrences no cause was given in the case documents. Evaluation of the instructions revealed that most general basis for the original appeal was modest bodily abuse, a threat of killing and severe bodily abuse. However, it is evident that even in occurrences which did not account for bodily exploitation, there was even emotional and psychological exploitation. The pertaining subject found in the research is that court officers as manifested in their judgments, in a large majority of appeals the adjudicator granted the order at the first hearing. Even though the number of given appeals within Israel is lesser than explained in researches of other Western nations, it is silent significantly upper than the number of occurrences where the victim illustrated bodily exploitation.

Public Protection Orders: Victims' View on Efficiency 

Research conducted by Susan Keilitz and her associates outlined that in various cases, victims sensed restraining orders guarded them against the repeated occurrence of bodily and emotional violence and were essential in adding them regain the feeling of well-being. However, a restraining order alone was not probable to be efficient against offenders with a record of abuse felony. Female in these occurrences were more probable to account more problems with disobedience of the restraining order. The research verified previous studies that there existed a strong connection between the seriousness and period of violence. The more intense the conduct is likely to occur, the higher probability of women becoming injured severely by their offenders. The research by Susan Keilitz and her associates was initiated after a series of reforms were conducted across the country and enlarged the availability and capacity of reprieve offered in public restraining orders. The research selected three authorities utilizing dissimilar procedures and amenity forms for offering restraining instructions, comprising the family unit Court of law situated in Wilmington, the County Court of law found in Denver as well as the District of Columbia Superior Court (Keilitz, Davis, Efkeman, Flango, & Hannaford, 1998).

Two main assesses of efficiency were used, with the first being self-accounted progress in quality of living after acquiring restraining orders. The second was the extent and kind of challenges associated with the restraining orders accounted by females, comprising repeated bodily and emotional violence. Four statistic sources were utilized in the research including telephone interviews done with 285 female requesters for restraining orders roughly a month subsequent to getting the order. Trail interviews were consisting 177 of the same females' six months afterward (Keilitz, Davis, Efkeman, Flango, & Hannaford, 1998). In the findings, the scholars believed that more need to be done to certain victims are offered with user related information on existing services together with information concerning restraining orders. The scholar suggestion was that judges and police should both make these a priority when handling domestic abuse victims. It was noted by the researchers that civil restraining orders were only one element of the struggle against domestic exploitation.

Research Hypothesis 

Defining effectiveness for protective orders is a challenging assignment. Some survival victims, efficiency could particularly indicate the stoppage of exploitation but a continuation of the partnership, or association to major universal transformations in their safety. Furthermore, survivor victims might view efficiency as the architect being condemned for the violence, which could indicate that they might involuntarily view protective orders as lesser advantageous results. Through an institutional perception, efficiencies are again compound given the various institutions concerned in the procedure each having their specific examination criteria for weighing effectiveness (Hillier, & Nicholas, 2013). Partakers from spotlight groups including police services and other organizations identify the essence for an impartial plan to be utilized when assessing protective orders, offering hope to victims and enhancing appropriate report of groups' perceptions.


Various crime laws enabled the evaluation of a survey of restraining orders undertaken to weigh the efficiency of the provisions. The assessment also planned to analyze the effect of protective orders, review implementation measures and sketch out sessions learned. Thus the assessment was proposed to concentrate on the various inquiries comprising a closed questionnaire.

While the assessment could not anticipate evaluating everything, the research considered various sources where focus was mainly on awareness of the study, experiences with protective orders in addition to domestic abuse victimization as assessed by police audience on domestic abuse. In meeting the objective of the study, a combined method plan was followed, engaging secondary evaluation of statistics based from police accounts, home office monitoring documents, court services in addition to original information generated in the process of assessment. The project involved survey, qualitative and quantitative features, which in association offered a broad acceptance of the protective orders and added to the based evidence on the efficacy of the instructions (Hillier, & Nicholas, 2013). Interviews, spotlight groupings, and surveys aspired to obtain an understanding of how protective orders have been executed, procedure concerns, victims' views as well as offenders and practitioners. The qualitative threads of these features of the assessment were evaluated from a wide thematic perception.

The assessment of the effect was meant to evaluate the facts of the protective orders effectiveness on domestic abuse victims, and enable the exploration of profits to link the value of expenses in the study. In consultation with practitioners, various strategies were considered for assessing the effect of protective orders. Following a practicability practice, associations organize research was regarded as the best of the accessible options (Hillier, & Nicholas, 2013). The practice involved corresponding protective orders occasions to other domestic abuse occurrences with the study areas being where protective orders could have been utilized but were not used, weighing the differences among the cases. Case corresponding strategy implies how confidently association any observed results with the intrusion being assessed. It is essential to reflect on the potential restrictions in interpreting the outcomes of the effect research, while also considering that the evaluation offer best accessible evidence on the effectiveness of protective orders.


Primary Data Analysis 

A total of 10 women were interviewed: Summary of the results are as followed 

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
Q1 0 1 5 3 1
Q2 0 1 1 2 6
Q3 3 1 2 4 0
Q4 0 1 0 1 8
Q5 1 1 6 0 2
Q6 0 1 3 4 2

How the community resources adequately fit in needs of protective orders? 

From the ten women interviewed, five women reported neutral response, 4 agreed with one being a strong agreement, while one disagreed on the community resources being adequate to fit in the necessities of restraining orders. The women alleged that organizational chances for association amongst communities and states should been created with strategies that promote cooperation with each other (Balos, Henry, Player, & Phipps, 2012). There was also need to for practitioners to recognize the viewpoints and working with various society groups in ensuring a model reaction that reports on the culture and multiplicity.

Knowledge of when individual protective orders are being violated? 

Through the interview 6 of the 10 women interviewed were in strong agreement on understanding when their retraining orders were being violated, 2 agreed, 1 response was neutral while 1 woman disagreed on the matter. The women understood that the violation of the orders would be a contempt of court which could lead to various consequences on the offender depending on the velocity of the violation.

Does Police officers understanding individual situations of abuse? 

Through the interview of the abused women, 4 women agreed that police seem to understand their situation of domestic violence through issuance of immediate orders, 2 were neutral while 4 disagreed on the subject of police knowledge on the condition. However, they were allegations of a tedious process when the officers required orders issued by courts in their authority to enforce the restraining orders, as not all public protection orders provisions could be enforced by police officers.

Does a person understanding the impact of violence aggravation in their life? 

There was strong agreement on women understanding the impact of domestic abuse on their life, with 8 of the interviewed women having a strong agreement on the knowhow of the effects, with one disagreement on the knowledge. The women agreed to have information on the effects of violence, reflecting much on physical, emotional and mental wellbeing (Ko, 2002). They also reflected on individual and children health and feeling of security.

Is there a feeling of empowerment through protection orders? 

In conducting interview on the question of restraining orders empowerment, there was neutral positive response. There were 6 neutral responses, one disagreement, one strong disagreement and 2 agreements on women feeling of being empowered by restraining orders. Although the orders help in lessening abuse, there is need of improvement in the policies to give way for women to protect themselves from offenders.

Is there protection under the guidelines of protective orders? 

In a total of 10 women interviewed 4 agreed to having feeling of protection under the protective orders, 2 strongly agreed, there was one disagreement with the notion, while 3 women were neutral on the case. The orders seem to be observed well by individuals who are good in followers of policies and who fear the results of violating the orders, but offenders who have proven to be unlawful or are not good at following policies do not observe the orders. This undermines the aspect of protection that is supposed to be provided by the restraining orders to the abused women.

Secondary Data Analysis 

The outcomes of research analysis directed to an unconvincing answer on the efficiency of protective instructions, which supports additional studies in the subject. The main challenge with the research was the lack of control groupings with casualties not getting any protective instructions. Control grouping facilitates applicable inferences on the basis when other insignificances exist. It aids in separating the impacts attributable to the independent changeable from the impacts element to other aspects of the research. The research methodologies had challenges locating precise kind of victims, like those capable but reluctant to get protective orders, for comparison of their attributes with those of females who got protective orders. Furthermore, female who pursue getting a protective order frequently trust in the authority of lawful involvement. Besides, they could have neglected the plan, therefore getting fatalities which have protective commands, but are prepared to ignore the lawful security is possibly not achievable. However, it is essential to note down that all the females in the research model were family abuse plan partakers, which lessens the uneasiness that the features of added help impacted results and annulled the authority of the manage grouping.

Still, if females in the manage grouping accessed help, the effectiveness of the protective orders could still be established if there is any decrease in abuse through the study group. Women appeared to know when their orders were being violated, recognized the impact of abuse on their daily activities, but partially felt that police understood their conditions. As a result they believed security offered by the orders was not fully guaranteed nor did they feel fully empowered. It was more favorable to utilize court and police documentation as well as interviews to establish the efficiency of protective orders than the usage of one aspect (Benitez, McNiel, & Binder, 2010). Police and court accounts are likely easier to find and evaluate, with the likeliness of offering information on the legal record of the offender and the victim that interviews might not effectively give. Nevertheless, associating court and police accounts with interviews could lessen challenges under-accounted cases.

Interviews offer broader individual details, like emotional and different statistics on the violence that the police and court may not account. The victim, also, is in attendance to reply to queries and might assist in a more sensible acceptance of her situations and occurrences. The below table represents a comparison of Australian women on abuse after lawful protection evaluated for exploitation in the three months earlier than obtaining protection orders.

Adapted from Australian Institute of Criminology 

The table below estimates the average change in domestic exploitation victimization linked with restraining orders.

When PO is employed PO occurrences change gains Harmonized cases change gains General impact linked with PO
At first occurrence 0.47 0.26 0.2 more occurrences
A second occurrence -0.64 -0.27 0.4 fewer occurrences
After the second occurrence -4.78 -3.01 1.8 fewer occurrences
After the third occurrence -5.69 -3.52 2.2 fewer occurrences
Combined examination -2.58 -1.63 1.0 fewer occurrence


The study offered an opportunity to analyze various challenges in the implementation of protective orders. The challenges were treated in various ways throughout the research, each donating to the new probabilities for making the procedures more efficient. In spite of the challenge that only a few types of research have reflected on the effectiveness of protective orders and that those surveys are incapable of giving specific conclusion because of methodological challenges, there are, however, various lessons that can be obtained from them. The protective orders are efficient in lessening re-violence in occurrences that engage lesser abuse offenders. This suggests that courts should keep on to give protective commands to females who seem to hold gentle occurrences of abuse as there are probabilities of deterioration in those occurrences. In their activities courts should make themselves aware of the individual features and record of both offender and victim before giving orders, as the features facilitate the best method of guarding.

Judicial workers should use adequate period with sufferers to clarify the repercussion of their spouses' background and accounts on a repeat of violence and support stern observance of conditions and processes of the orders. There should be alert on courts and law enforcers about the group of fatalities who are at a greater threat and should oblige them to be given severe stage of guarding accessible. Guaranteeing adequate guarding of the female from domestic violence comprise of offering them social and financial aid (Ko, 2002). In helping women with low socioeconomic conditions to expand economic freedom from spouses, nations need to employ projects that offer short time financing to females after they get protective orders. States could consider associating with and subsidizing neighborhood businesses to offer temporally employment for abused women. States, also, could institute special occupation centers that precisely assist abused women with social support and counseling. Utilizing these steps would certain that sufferers who are recognized to be at greater threat of re-violence will possess sufficient protection.


Benitez, C.,McNiel, D., & Binder, R. (2010). Do protection orders protect? Journal of theAmerican Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online September, 38 (3), 376-385.

Hillier, J., & Nicholas, S. (2013). Evaluation of the pilot of domestic violence protection orders. Home Office Science . Retrieved on 11 May 2018, from https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/260897/horr76.pdf.

Keilitz, S., Davis, C., Efkeman, H., Flango, C., & Hannaford, P. (1998). Civil protection orders: Victims’ views on effectiveness. National Institute of Justice . Retrieved on 11 May 2018, from https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles/fs000191.pdf.

Ko, C. (2002). Civil restraining orders for domestic violence:the unresolved question of efficacy. Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal , 11 , 361-390.

Russell, B. (2012). Effectiveness, victim safety, characteristics and enforcement of protective orders. Partner Abuse, 3(4), 1-10.

Yassour-Borochowitz, D. (2016). Protection orders for battered women in Israel. Department of Human services, Emek Israel College , 5 (32).

Young, M., Byles, J., & Dobson, A. (2000). The Effectiveness of Legal Protection in the Prevention of Domestic Violence in the Lives of Young Australian Women. Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice, 148 , 1-6.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Are Protective Orders Effective in Preventing Domestic Violence?.


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