16 Nov 2022


Behaviour Science: Alcohol in U.S. Society

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Academic level: High School

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Words: 718

Pages: 2

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Describe in detail the six assessment dimensions of the ASAM patient placement criteria. Discuss their impact on proper placement and treatment planning. 

The six assessment dimensions of the ASAM patient placement criteria explores a holistic, as well as, biopsychosocial assessment approach through which to plan for services and treatment across different levels of care. The use of the assessment dimensions helps in providing a much better understanding of the expected intensity of care services to be provided while considering every aspect that is likely to affect overall service delivery (Williams, Steinberg, Kenefake, & Burke, 2016). The assessment dimensions think a patient's physical, mental, and spiritual recovery as a way of achieving holistic treatment. The impacts of the sizes can be seen from the fact that they provide much better insight into some of the critical aspects of consideration when dealing with individual patients. That means that they explore the different elements that may aid in the recovery process to achieve the best possible outcomes as part of advancing health and wellness for the patients involved.

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Describe in detail group therapy. Include a discussion of its therapeutic factors, history, and processes. Note the various types of therapy groups and how they work. 

Group therapy refers to a psychotherapy approach in which one therapist can work with several persons at the same time as a way of creating an environment within which patients can open up regarding their conditions (Garland, 2018). The idea behind group therapy is to give patients a sense of comfort and satisfaction as part of their engagement in psychotherapy, as this would serve as a determination of whether indeed the patient would be willing to change. Group therapy was developed in early 20 th century by Alfred Adler (1870–1937), an Austrian psychiatrist, who viewed this as an approach that would help build a platform through which therapists and patients engage much more effectively. Some of the critical types of therapy groups include psychoeducational, skills development, support, and cognitive-behavioural groups, among others. Each of these groups is designed in a manner that seeks to provide individual patients with the help that they need in their bid to adopting change.

Describe in detail the Stages of Change denoting each stage and describing the paths and processes associated with this model and each step. 

When dealing with the issue of alcoholism in society, it is essential to analyze the stages of change, which allow an individual to overcome alcoholism behaviour. The different stages help in promoting the transformations of individual practice, which helps in overcoming the issue of alcoholism in society. The first stage is the contemplation, where individuals do not consider their behaviour as being problematic and often live in denial (Prochaska, Redding, & Evers, 2015). The contemplation stage, where individuals recognize an issue with their behaviour and purposes to start living a healthy life based on the foreseeable future, is the second stage of change of behaviour. The preparation stage is next to where individuals are ready to take action towards behaviour change. After the preparation stage, there is the action stage, which involves taking action and implementing factors that concern the transformation of the behaviour denial (Prochaska, Redding, & Evers, 2015). Lastly, the maintenance is a stage that involves sustaining of a behavioural change to help in creating a long-term solution.

Describe how you would help a friend, colleague, or family member who is completing a research project regarding Alcohol in U.S. Society. What type of information, advice or research would you share with them to achieve their project? 

Breslow, Dong, & White (2015) argue that alcoholism remains as one of the critical mental health issues affecting a significant number of Americans today, especially when dealing with the youths. Engaging in a research project regarding alcoholism in the United States requires an individual to have all the relevant information concerning the issue in society. The type of information that would be relevant to an individual engaging in the research includes the severity of the problem, the most affected population, and the cultural aspects of people living within the society. The information on the given elements may help a researcher to have an understanding of what to expect when engaging in the study. The data would allow the researcher to focus on the factors that are necessary regarding the issue of alcoholism in the U.S. The information on culture may help the research to develop recommendations that would be appropriate considering that cultural factors have an essential role in defining the ways of life of people in any given society.


Breslow, R. A., Dong, C., & White, A. (2015). Prevalence of alcohol‐interactive prescription medication use among current drinkers: the United States, 1999 to 2010. Alcoholism: Clinical and experimental research 39 (2), 371-379.

Garland, C. (2018).  The groups' book: psychoanalytic group therapy: principles and practice . Routledge.

Prochaska, J. O., Redding, C. A., & Evers, K. E. (2015). The transtheoretical model and stages of change.  Health behaviour: Theory, research, and practice , 125-148.

Williams, J. M., Steinberg, M. L., Kenefake, A. N., & Burke, M. V. (2016). An argument for change in tobacco treatment options guided by the ASAM criteria for patient placement.  Journal of addiction medicine 10 (5), 291.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Behaviour Science: Alcohol in U.S. Society.


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