6 Jul 2022


Biomass: Harvesting Garbage for Power

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Term Paper

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Pages: 8

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Energy is an indispensable factor that is basic for the economic growth and development of a country. The consumption of energy is increasing at a rapid rate worldwide due to energy demands. Fossil fuels are the primary sources of world energy, and with the increasing calls against this source of power due to its negative influences linked with greenhouse emission, the gap has to be filled with renewable green energy exploration. Renewable energy is currently becoming more prevalent as the electricity generation is set to increase, and green energy alone will be responsible for half of the energy that is produced by 2050. A perfect example of green energy is Bioenergy that is derived from biomass. Biomass-based thermochemical conversion technology has been hailed as one of the top options of converting bioresources into bioenergy. As a result, this assessment seeks to complete an overview of Biomass energy resource, the principles behind its energy generation and use, and the groundwork for the selected energy resource that will enable the United States to one day achieve energy dependence from fossil fuel imports. 

Overview of Biomass Energy Resource 

Biomass is a collective term used to explain the context of energy for a variety of products which have been derived from photosynthesis. According to Pimentel (2012), the products include products from the wastes of agricultural processes, with regards to grown crops like sugar crops, starch crops, trees, hydrocarbon plants, and oils. The products may extend to aquatic plants like water weeds and algae (Pimentel, 2012). The implication, therefore, is that everything which has been derived from the process of photosynthesis is a potential source of energy. Atabani et al. (2012) are categorical that what therefore differentiates solar energy from photosynthesis products is that radiation in solar energy production is intermittent. In our regards, Biomass converts the power that has already been stored from the solar using the process of photosynthesis. 

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Biomass is an example of Bioenergy. Bioenergy systems, therefore, present opportunities for countries with land resources suitable for energy crop cultivation to develop national support for renewable energy. Pimentel (2012) states that countries including the US who are encouraging the development of bioenergy have the policy objective of increasing energy security, reduce g the impact of energy use to climate change, and improving the environment as a general objective. Its development, therefore, presents the opportunities of developed countries with the chance of increasing energy security. As a result, it is encompassed with both opportunities and challenges as far as economic development is concerned (Atabani et al. 2012). The background of fostered Biomass energy production is dependable on the rate of Agricultural development; In return, it significantly saves the energy that is derived from forests and fossil fuels. According to Atabani et al. (2012), the potential advantage it creates, therefore, entails the opportunities for increased Agricultural development and this alleviates poverty since the rate of employment is enhanced, while there is an automatic guarantee of a reduction on energy and food prices. Solid biomass is, therefore, the principal source of energy, and it accounts for more than 95 percent of the total primary sources of bioenergy that is used worldwide (Pimentel, 2012). As the modern uses for heat and energy production are projected to increase, Biomass production provides the best alternative for energy production. 

The Principle Behind Biomass Energy Generation 

Biomass is a renewable source of energy that is derived from biological materials that are currently living, like recently living organisms including crops, trees, animals and plants materials. The organic products may also be obtained from the urban and industrial wastes. Biomass entails the stored solar energy that takes the form of carbohydrates (Atabani et al. 2012). All living organisms depend on that kind of power. 

Biomass can be converted into heat or electricity (energy) or energy carriers like oil, gas or charcoal using both the biochemical and thermochemical energy conversion technologies. Obtaining biomass energy requires the frequently used process of combustion process since it incurs low costs and it is highly reliable (Atabani et al. 2012). Combustion technologies continue to get deserved attention from its developments for it to maintain its relevancy amidst the competition that other options of Biomass production (Panwar, Kothari, & Tyagi 2012). The other options are inclusive of gasification, anaerobic digestion, and pyrolysis. Gasification produces a synthesis gas with energy that is usable. The whole process entails the heating of the biomass with less oxygen that is required for the complete combustion process (García-Maraver et al. 2012). The next method is called pyrolysis which yields bio-oil through the rapid heating of the biomass entirely without oxygen. Anaerobic digestion is the next process that produces renewable natural gas when organic matter is decomposed using bacteria in the absence of oxygen to form biogas. 

The various methods work best with the various types of biomass. In an ordinary situation, wood biomass like pellets, chips, and sawdust are gasified or combusted to generate electricity. Wheat straw residues and corn stoves are baled for combustion, or they get converted into a gas through an anaerobic digester. Wet wastes like animal dung and human wastes get converted into medium energy content gas in an anaerobic digester (García-Maraver et al. 2012). Additionally, other types of bi0omass get converted into bio-oil through pyrolysis, and this sets them ready for use in furnaces and boilers. 

Compared to other renewable energy options, biomass has the advantage of dispatch ability. According to Carneiro, & Ferreira, (2012), this means that it is controllable and readily available. The process of generation is similar to fossil fuel electric generation systems. The demerit of biomass only includes the aspect that it has to be delivered, stored, and purchased. Besides, it may also produce emissions which have to be carefully monitored and controlled to comply with regulations. 

The biopower materials especially plans use direct-fired combustion systems. The biomass is directly burned to produce high-pressure steam that drives a turbine generator to produce electricity. The power plants are then responsible for the heating process of buildings. According to Carneiro, & Ferreira, (2012), a combination of biomass power, and the existing traditional forms of energy like hydroelectricity power increase the overall energy efficiency to an approximate 80%. Several components make up simple combustion items like fuel storage and handling equipment, boiler, furnace/Combustor, fans, pumps, steam turbine, and cooling towers. 

Generally, Biomass energy is the release of energy ordinarily through combustion or oxidation. The energy that is stored in carbon-hydrogen is converted to power, and this is the basic principle that energy production gets initiated through biomass (Panwar, Kothari, & Tyagi 2012). It should be noted that fossil fuels can also be considered as biomass but they are fossilized or refined and this makes them more reactive. 

Biomass ss The Future of US Energy 

The emerging United States bioenergy industry provides a secure and growing supply of transportation fuels, bioproducts, and biopower from a range of biomass resources. Chu & Majumdar, (2012) state that available renewable bioenergy can spur America’s energy future by reducing its dependence on foreign oil. At the same time, it ensures America’s prosperity remains protected as they take the front seat towards environmental conservation. Bioenergy derived from Biomass can aid in the mitigation of growing concerns about climate change by having an impact on the decreasing greenhouse gas emissions (Chu & Majumdar, 2012). The decrease of greenhouse emissions is essential for America since it aids in the improvement of their environmental sustainability. 

The official goal of developing biomass plants for America is to develop and transform America’s renewable biomass resources into commercially viable, bio-products, high-performance biofuels, and bio-power through targeted research, demonstration, development, and deployment. 

The Economics Behind Biomass Energy 

The main capital cost items require for a biomass power system entails the fuel handling and fuel storage equipment. The system cost intensity decreases as the system increases in size. For an exclusive power-only steam system in the 5 to 25MW range, the costs generally vary between $3,000 and $5,000 per kilowatt of electricity produced (Carneiro, & Ferreira, 2012). The Leveled cost of energy for such a system would be approximated at 0.08 to $0.15 per kWh, but this could significantly increase with fuel costs (Carneiro, & Ferreira, 2012). Large systems, on the other hand, require extensive amounts of material, and this leads to increasing haul distances and material costs. The implication here is that determining the optimal size for a particular application is an iterative process. 

Several incentives exist for biomass power and that is the essence of this topic, but then it varies with the Federal and state legislation policies. According to Carneiro, & Ferreira, (2012), it is therefore essential to correctly time the lists of incentives for biomass, and this is also vital for the construction time needed for biomass projects. 

The Significance of Availability of Resources 

For a biomass energy system to operate, the most critical factor that has to be put into consideration is resource assessment for the whole planning and procurement process. It is therefore vital to identify the potential sources of biomass and to approximate the fuel quantities to be produced. Consequently Mao et al. (2015) state that if possible, it is significant to determine in detail the capability of potential suppliers to produce and deliver the energy that meets the requirements of the biomass equipment. The process entails determining the fuel specification and contacting suppliers to determine if they qualify for the specification. 

There is no traditional wood chip distribution system in predominant parts of the United States. Moreover, at times it is difficult to find suppliers. Mao et al. (2015) state that it is, therefore, necessary to contact the U.S Forest Service and the state forest service offices. Other resources to contact are lumber mills, landscape companies, landfills, wood processors, wood furniture manufacturers, and arborists (Mao et al. 2015). It is essential to consider the Biomass Assessment Tools to determine the extent of the Biomass to be produced. The tool enables the users to select map locations and the quantification of the available biomass resources within the radius that the Biomass manufacturing process is to take place. The tool is, therefore, the preliminary source of biomass feedstock information. 

Lastly, it is significant to develop the process of receiving the biomass delivery as well as the assessment of fuel properties. The specifications entail physical dimensions, energy content, fuel moisture range, and ash mineral content. Besides, it is significant to note other factors that impact fuel handling or combustion (Mao et al. 2015). Procurement contractors should then purchase price inversely with moisture content since this ensures a fair value (Mao et al. 2015). This is since the whole process is inverse with the moisture content as a higher moisture content significantly lowers combustion efficiency and it increases the weight of the materials to be transported. 

The recommended critical procurement necessities for a typical biomass energy project in the United States must endure that specific processes have adhered. First, Powell, & Lenton, (2012) states that decision makers should be fully involved during the general public planning stages. As steady progress is made, the system should be fully installed. Moreover, it is vital to work closely with a biomass equipment manufacturer or vendor to collaborate on the building design and equipment requirements. It is also vital to coordinate building scheduling with the equipment delivery, and lastly, it is significant to identify a fuel delivery route as this ensures the trucks used for transportation reach the storage area quickly. 

At A Glance 

Biomass is the sole renewable energy source that can offer a viable substitute for petroleum-based liquid transformational fluids like diesel and jet fuel in the near term for the United States. Biomass can be additionally used to produce valuable chemicals used for manufacturing, and power supply the grid (Powell, & Lenton, 2012). The Federal Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 has set aggressive goals to curb greenhouse gas emissions and America’s dependency rate on fossil fuels (Bracmort, 20100. The Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) is one of the goals that seeks to produce 36 billion gallons of renewable fuels in the US by 2022 (Bracmort, 2010). To meet the demand, technological innovation, explicit government support, private and public investment is required in the United States in the preceding decades to facilitate the advancement of biofuel production. 

It is also significant to note that the sustainability efforts of biomass production are pivotal in the conservation of economic and social issues throughout the entire bioenergy supply chain. Biomass production projects by the United States federal and state governments display the commitment to maximize environmental benefits. Consequently, it also mitigates the environmental concerns, and it reduces the potential negative impacts of greenhouse gas emissions (Bracmort, 2010). The life cycle impacts of biomass production ensure that the development of energy promotes the sustainability of fiber, food and water hence this is a significant positive aspect that deserves to be established in the US. 

Bioenergy especially biomass production is an industry that is a source of a variety of jobs in the United States. It is instrumental across several sectors starting with the farming sector to trucking to microbiology, and biochemical engineering. Schnepf (2011) states that the beneficiaries of the US Biomass production sector will steadily increase the rates of jobs, and this is positive from the economic aspect of growth. According to Schnepf (2011), the Ethanol production sector of the economy is currently responsible for more than 401,000 jobs, and any added project that will be tied to this sector including the production of biomass can stimulate job growth and creation for the future American generations. 


The future of America’s energy is dependent on the Bio-derived sources of energy like wood, grass, alcohol, and dung. Currently, the green energy has solar, wind, and geothermal sources of energy productions as leading producers of clean energy. The most considerable market space that still carries the hopes of clean energy is biomass (Schnepf, 2011). Even so, there have been debates that tie biofuel with the addition of carbon emission since it may take the cutting of forests to ensure the sustainability of such projects. This is indeed far from the reality since biomass energy still retains the most extensive market presence, and it has a tremendous positive economic impact than the existing renewable energies in the clean energy production sector. The American society, therefore, has an obligation of effectively mitigating climate change by connecting biomass production to be a positive biological strategy of energy production 

Biomass energy use is as old as the existence of humanity. In a way, it still dominates as the world’s reliable sources of clean energy. The cost of solar wind and geothermal power are also set to drop, but the American society still stands the chance of benefiting from the transition from hydrocarbon and fossil-fueled economy if they embrace biomass production as the next source of its energy. The positive incentives are guaranteed since other platforms like agriculture and transportation industries are set to be expanded. 


Atabani, A. E., Silitonga, A. S., Badruddin, I. A., Mahlia, T. M. I., Masjuki, H. H., & Mekhilef, S. (2012). A comprehensive review of biodiesel as an alternative energy resource and its characteristics. Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 16(4), 2070-2093. 

Bracmort, K. (2010, July). Meeting the renewable fuel standard (RFS) mandate for cellulosic biofuels: questions and answers. Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress. 

Carneiro, P., & Ferreira, P. (2012). The economic, environmental and strategic value of biomass. Renewable Energy, 44, 17-22. 

Chu, S., & Majumdar, A. (2012). Opportunities and challenges for a sustainable energy future. Nature, 488(7411), 294. 

García-Maraver, A., Zamorano, M., Ramos-Ridao, A., & Díaz, L. F. (2012). Analysis of olive grove residual biomass potential for electric and thermal energy generation in Andalusia (Spain). Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16(1), 745-751. 

Mao, G., Zou, H., Chen, G., Du, H., & Zuo, J. (2015). Past, current and future of biomass energy research: a bibliometric analysis. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 52, 1823-1833. 

Panwar, N. L., Kothari, R., & Tyagi, V. V. (2012). Thermochemical conversion of biomass–Eco-friendly energy routes. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16(4), 1801-1816. 

Patel, B., & Gami, B. (2012). Biomass characterization and its use as a solid fuel for combustion. Iranica Journal of Energy & Environment, 3(2), 123-128. 

Pimentel, D. (Ed.). (2012). Food and energy resources. Elsevier. 

Powell, T. W., & Lenton, T. M. (2012). Future carbon dioxide removal via biomass energy constrained by agricultural efficiency and dietary trends. Energy & Environmental Science, 5(8), 8116-8133. 

Schnepf, R. (2011). Renewable fuel standard (RFS): overview and issues. Diane Publishing. 

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