31 May 2022


Challenges facing Nurse Practitioners in Florida

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Academic level: College

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Words: 351

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Nurse practitioners in every city experience different kinds of challenges in their scope of practice. Even though the venture is growing in the country, some of the cities still have strict rules and regulations that limit nurse practitioners from carrying out their work in their regions. In Florida, even though the recent statistics show an increase in the number of nurse practitioners, there are set rules that still limit the free entrance of the nurses into the venture. No nurse practitioner is allowed to carry out any prescription or offer services independently (Buppert, 2007). 

There are several set of rules that have been put in place to stop the independent practice of the nurse practioners in the state. This is evident through the joint set of rules that the physicians have agreed upon regarding the control of the activities carried out by the nurse practitioners (Kaplan, 2016). Statistics show that the almost 50 percent of physicians in the state will be retiring in the next five years. This will lead to a rise in the dependence level of patients per physician. Even though the nurse practitioners will help in reducing the dependence level, the rules of the state still prohibit their independence practice claiming that their practice will put patients at risk. 

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In the state, the idea of independent nurse practitioners service is not allowed. This does not only occur because of the patients’ safety but it is more of tying the nurse practitioners to the physicians. Economically speaking, when physicians work together with the nurse practitioners, the cost of administering health care services to the patient rises and the nurse practitioners do not get fair returns hence making their existence in the health sector hard. 

In conclusion, the rules and regulations put in place to limit the services that the nurse practitioners can offer is affecting the society negatively. If the nurse practitioners are given more powers to write and administer prescription to the patients the society will get faster services and at convenient cost. This will also reduce the pressure on the physicians in the state. Thus improving the general health sector and the health of the people in the state. 


Buppert, C. (2007). Florida Restricts NP practice. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners , 3 (4), 222-225.doi: 10.1016/j.nurpra.2007.02.006 

Kaplan, L. (2016). Florida NPs advocate for controlled substance prescriptive authority. The Nurse Practitioner, 41 (5), 14-16.doi: 10.1097/01.npr. 0000482379.75229.a5 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Challenges facing Nurse Practitioners in Florida.


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