21 Aug 2022


Code of Conduct (Business Ethics)

Format: APA

Academic level: University

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Words: 935

Pages: 3

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As a way of welcoming new individuals to Gap Inc. company, the CEO narrates the success journey for the organization. The firm was started as a simple idea by Doris and Don in 1969. The main reason for them coming up the first Gap store was to make it easier for jeans lovers to find them easily. Since then, the business has grown to a global fashion market. Currently, the company has five business brands; Gap, Old Navy, Banana Republic, Intermix and Athleta. For an efficient supply of Gap clothes, are 3,100 company-operated stores, e-commerce sites and almost 400 Franchise stores, that are used product's distribution. As a result, Gap products are available in 90 countries globally (Gap Inc. 2018). According to (Spiro 2010) A code of ethics, being a collection of practices and principles that a firm believes in and is determined to live by, should work in concurrence with the values and mission statement of an organization. In relation, the mission statement and values should give partners, employees, outsiders, and vendors an idea of what our organization stands for, and how our members are expected to conduct themselves. Gap company has experienced the benefits of doing their business based on the code of ethics. 

Mission, and the Values of the Organization 

Gap Inc. is known for its brand building. According to Gap Inc. (2015), their mission statement is, “We create emotional connections with customers around the world through inspiring product design, unique store experiences, and compelling marketing.” While developing the mission statement, the idea was to simplify and ease the way customers express their style throughout their life. The company’s core values, diversity, inclusion and equality, helps it in ensuring that there is an ethical culture. Besides, the firm’s mission and values also helps in expanding and extending business and horizons. Both the mission and the core values are compatible, hence working efficiently for the corporation. As a result, employees, shareholders, clients, and vendors, among other members, become happy with the farm thus helping it grow. 

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According to Betterteam (2018), ethical values and principles are meant to govern behaviors and decisions of employees in a firm. They show how workers are expected to behave and guides them on how to handle emerging issues such as discrimination and harassment. At Gap company, all employees are aware that no any kind of discrimination or harassment allowed. Consequently, the employees feel respected and appreciated by both the organization and their colleagues. As a result, they gain inner peace, hence being more productive and efficient. For instance, decisions made by employees on advancement, hiring, training, discipline, scheduling, compensation and termination has to be done fairly without a regard to individual’s race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, age, color or any other factors that is prohibited by either Gap Inc. policy, or by law (Gap Inc., 2018). Also, any conduct that can lead to the working environment being offensive, intimidating or hostile by any way is prohibited. Disciplinary action is usually taken on those who go against these rules. 

Safety to both employees and consumers of products should be every firm’s priority value. A safe working environment should be provided for organization’s employees and ensured quality and high standard production of goods and services for the consumers. Through employees specializing in different areas, they ensure that integrity is achieved. Gap Inc. has safety rules set in place to ensure that health and safety issues for both their clients and employees are on a top notch. For instance, any threat or act of physical violence is prohibited. The company policy goes further in preventing any purchase, sell, possession or transfer illegal drugs within firm’s premises or using company’s vehicle. The vendors are also advised to follow health and safety regulations set for them (Gap Inc. 2018). Through that, health and safety hazards within the organization are eliminated. 

If a firm is a profit-making organization, profit maximization can also be one of its values. The workforce is expected to make wise decisions that will help the business grow. For an organization to achieve an excellent code of ethics, the work environment has to be perfect. Through workers complying with the set laws, acting with integrity, meeting the firm’s policies and by them ensuring that they remain professional always, a conducive working environment can be created (society for human resource management, 2018). According to Gap Inc. (2018), no kickbacks, bribes or any other kind of improper cash payments to either to civil servants, government officials or anyone else is allowed. In other firms, such corruption acts take place to influence a certain decision to on their favor. Honesty, legality, and fairness among staff members maintain a good reputation and trustworthiness. As a result, bribery and any other form of corruption should be prohibited in the corporation. 

Despite an organization having a set of the ethics code that is well embraced by employees and senior management, it is significant to have an ethical officer (Spiro, 2010). The firm's top management ensures that the officer is fully empowered to undertake the task. Giving the officer easy access to the senior management can be one type of empowerment since it will make it easier for them to be updating the administration periodically. However, at Gap Inc. (2018), everyone is given an opportunity to report any form of misconduct identified. Use of an open door process is one way that an individual can use to report any breach of the code of conduct and ethics at Gap Inc. A confidential phone call, web report, contacting code of business conduct (COBC) or emailing at Global Integrity are alternative channels provided by Gap Inc. for individuals to report any unethical behavior. 


The community members value a company with a good reputation. Employees behavior and code of conduct is what builds and maintains a firm's reputation. Therefore, code of ethics is essential to any organization in ensuring that employees’ behaviors are impressive. At Gap Inc. employees are treated in the right manner and rules set to guide them to ensure that their actions and decisions are in line with the code of ethics. When staffs enjoy their working conditions, they reflect their joy to the clients through offering them quality services. Therefore, while developing the organization’s mission and values, they should be linked to the code of ethics. As a result, Gap company has developed an ethical culture. 


Betterteam. (2018). Code of ethics and professional conduct. Retrieved from https://www.betterteam.com/code-of-ethics-and-professional-conduct 

Gap Inc. (2015). Retrieved from https://www.slideshare.net/asponir/gap-inc-47564388 

Gap Inc. (2018). Integrity is always in style. Our worldwide code of business conduct. Retrieved from http://www.gapinc.com/content/dam/gapincsite/documents/COBC/COBC_english.pdf 

Society for Human Resource Management. (2018). Code of ethics and business conduct. Retrieved from https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/tools-and-samples/policies/pages/cms_014093.aspx 

Spiro, J. 2010. How to write a code of ethics for business. Retrieved from https://www.inc.com/guides/how-to-write-a-code-of-ethics.html 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Code of Conduct (Business Ethics) .


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