It is evident that the public health’s influence on cognitive decline and dementia has continued to increase in the same way as the population ages. For example, several studies have explored certain therapies and risk factors for cognitive impairment. The intention of these studies is majorly to provide a deep understanding of the anticipated cognitive decline which is linked to age. Therefore, the purpose of the following research paper is to explore factors (social and biological factors) that result in the cognitive decline in the society. In addition, it finds out how the development of cognitive impairment causes a reduction in financial capacity. For example, it is speculated that cognitive decline affects an individual’s retirement benefits.
In line with Krendl & Wolford (2013), mild cognitive impairment (MCI) means an immediate period between the expected cognitive decline of usual aging and the severe decline of dementia. It may be associated with various challenges such as memory loss, disrupted attention and difficulty in finding words among others. There are certain striking social factors that significantly affect the research in depression in the elderly individuals. Some of these factors include stress and social support. In addition, the importance of the following research paper is to assist the reader understand that improved stress levels affect cognition positively. However, deteriorated social aid influences cognition negatively because it serves a critical role in offering proper care for the elderly persons in the society.
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Belbase & Sanzenbacher (2017) Found that cognitive decline, and affects about 9% of people in their early 70s and 37% of those aged 85 and above. This is however altered as the likelihood of suffering cognitive decline increase. Though assistance is required with complex tasks, MCI patients are in a position to handle routine tasks. Dementia, on the other hand, results in more severe challenges. The financial capacity of dementia patients is highly diminished. Thus, the financial retirement of this group is highly vulnerable. Various scholars have sought to study this and other related phenomena.
P2. Dickinson (2011) the levels of stress and social support are significant determinants of cognitive decline. This resarch was important to show that social interaction and social support was also associated with a reduction in cognitive performance. The two trends were found to be significant even on using the depression status, education, age and sex as controls. Increases in stressful events in life, as well as a reduction in social support, subsequently led to a cognitive decline amongst old adults suffering from or free from depression.
P3. This study is important since it proves that besides biological factors, social factors also play a crucial role in the development of depression later in life and the increased incidences of cognitive decline. Also, it also identifies the striking social factors that influence research in depression in the older people. These factors include stress and social support. Moreover, the importance of the conclusion that improved stress levels affected cognition positively, while deteriorated social support influences cognition negatively. This is because it will play a critical role in shaping care for the elderly. From a structural functionalism perspective, promotion of social cognition through reduced exposure to stress and improved social support is a key determinant of societal advancement. This is because the elderly play a vital role in promoting the stability and solidarity of the society, especially due to their role in guiding and providing stability at the family level. It is important to the society since it extends past research on the crucial role played by such social factors as depression and aging.
Krendl & Wolford (2013) Found that established that the OA portraying an impaired executive function were found to place more emphasis on controllability in the evaluation of stigmatized individuals
P1. This research is important because it confirms that low-functioning OA indeed are reliant more on perceived controllability in the formation of their first impressions of stigmatized targets. From a structural functionalism perspective, this discovery is instrumental in understanding stigma in the society. For instance, it points towards weak support systems in cases where a stigmatized individual is a direct dependent of a low-functioning OA. In this case, the OA can be viewed as key drivers of stigmatization. This is important to the society because it helps in shaping policies geared towards safeguarding stigmatized targets.
P2. According to the research study findings, compared to their high-functioning counterparts, low-functioning OA seem to hold stigmatized persons more responsible for their condition. However, this raises a pertinent question. This is whether or not the increased emphasis on accountability significantly impacts the low-functioning OA’s perception of the stigmatized individual. Thus, it is necessary for future research to explore this with the goal of ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between cognitive decline and OA take on stigmatization. Nevertheless, it is clear that cognitive decline is a key determinant of OA perception of stigma and its controllability.
P1. Vestjens et al. (2016) found that both the implementation and evaluation of integrated care has proved to be difficult. This is because multiple actors and elements are involved in the process. Informed by this, the scholar sought to present an alternative theoretical model for facilitating the evaluation of the existing primary care approaches particularly those meant for frail community-dwelling older people.
P2. .This research is important to show that although integrated care has been recognized as a strategy for transforming the current primary care systems with the goal of ensuring better care for older people dwelling in the community, the degree of the effectiveness of approaches to integrated care varies.
Sheffrin, Cenzer, & Steinman (2016) found that desire for predictive testing for Alzheimer’s disease and impact on advance care planning: a cross-sectional study. The sampled citizens were willing to take a definitive and free test for the future occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease. Also, the researchers found that the older individuals who were willing to take this test were of the same educational levels and race. However, most likely, they would be aged 75 years or less. In the U.S, the older adults have exhibited mixed reactions about taking tests predictive of the future likelihood of suffering from the Alzheimer’s disease. Likewise, the impacts of this testing on behavior are under-documented. In their study,
P2.This research is important because it has fostered an understanding of the demand for predictive testing of Alzheimer’s disease. This is useful in guiding the implementation of both the availability and administration of the tests once they are available. Likewise, it is important in preparing for the various likely setbacks. These include the need for large-scale testing, education as well as counselling of patients. Others include discrimination at the workplace, worry and ineligibility for care insurance, especially in the long run amongst other setbacks. On the other hand, the findings are important in exploiting the opportunities presented by the demand for testing. From a structural functionalism perspective, this is essential in ensuring preparedness for the various concerned stakeholders for the effectiveness of testing process and future curative measures. This research is important to the society because it informs the steps need in advance care planning.
P3.The high number of citizens willing to carry out the tests is also an indicator of willingness to start acting early. For instance, the study also established that 87% of the respondents were willing to make future health plans with their families and loved ones. Thus, the high demand and interest in these tests is an opportunity for the concerned stakeholders to direct efforts towards advance care planning. This will be instrumental in comprehensively dealing with the ailment.
II Finance and Retirement
Belbase & Sanzenbacher (2017) P1 found that; in the United States retirement is a tough and risky phase. As a result, the citizens pay a particular emphasis on accumulating enough savings to ensure that comfort is assured in this phase.
P2. While this is important, there another risk that is just as important. This remains intact even as one grows old if their health status is unaltered. However, the development of cognitive impairment in an individual leads to a decline in financial capacity. Financial understanding facilitates management of finances even in retirement. This is because the performance of financial tasks is dependent on two forms of intelligence. These are crystallized and fluid intelligence. In the former, knowledge is necessary. However, in the latter, judgements are made using memory and attention. It also requires the processing of information. Knowledge begins to decline at the age of 70s and 80s. Conversely, fluid intelligence begins to fall gradually and slowly at the age of 30. Thus, retirees depend more on the financial knowledge they have accumulated over time.
P3.I don’t have experience, but looking at my grandma. I see that her SSI is not enough for her to survive that’s why she still lives with my uncle to survive or else on 810 monthly she can’t pay rent eat and do other stuff , it is not even enough for rent .
III -Care Giving, Case Management
Walker et al (2016) found that the concepts of proposed model included proactive case finding, case management, self-management support and multidisciplinary teams. It also entailed the cognitions and behaviours of the delicate community-living older people and healthcare professionals and productive patient-professional interactions. The authors argue that this model provides an analytic approach to understanding how components of integrated care affect such patient outcomes as well-being.
P2. This research is important because it is aimed at improving the quality of care, as well as the wellbeing of the fragile community-living people. Thus, it is crucial to develop a theoretical model whose core components are defined, the processes underlying its effects are clarified and whose expected outcomes well known. From a structural functionalism perspective, this is vital in ensuring the health and wellbeing of not only the fragile community-living people but also the health of the society as a whole. This is because the old are key pillars of the society. Moreover, this research is important to the society because it is geared towards an improved primary care for this vulnerable group. This would ensure that the informed and active older patients can productively interact with their proactive and prepared primary caregivers.
Previously, research has proven that both the behavioral and cognitive components of patients and health care professionals are responsible for ensuring effectiveness. This is both in terms of well-being and the productivity of patient-professional interactions. The proposed model, therefore, is aimed at incorporating different interrelated components of integrated approaches for the older people. Thus, adoption of the proposed model is critical in ensuring the health and well-being of the weak people in society. Further, the researchers identified two different patterns of multi morbidity. This research is important because it identified two patterns which affected HRQoL. The two were related to deteriorated health of bones and mental illness as well as a decline in mental and physical HRQoL. From a structural functionalism perspective, these discoveries are essential to societal advancement due to their use in clinical research. This research is also important to the society since the illness scores can be used to control the impacts of multi illness on the HRQoL of patients, thus ensuring their health.
By conducting the following research, it has been established that there is no medication either proposed or approved by the United States to cure the mild cognitive impairment. However, the research has found different strategies that are helpful in coping up with the condition. The first coping strategy involves engaging in regular exercise. It benefits the heart and blood vessels and nourishes the brain. In addition, a person should take part in mentally simulation games and social activities as they help to sustain the proper working of the brain. Therefore, I would propose for further research to increase the likelihood of predicting cognitive decline outcomes. It would help design effective equipment for detecting and measuring specific brain alterations connected with particular types of dementia.
The research on cognitive decline and retirement is important since because it would help readers understand the cognitive aging process. For example, people would be able to understand the diagnosis of dementia which involves the presence of several cognitive deficits Walker et al (2016). Also, behavioral studies made here would help the reader know some of the approved strategies to manage cognitive decline. For instance, it would assist in the diagnosis during clinical tests and practice.
In conclusion, from the following research, it is now evident that cognitive decline affects the entire elderly population and increases with one’s age. Therefore, I am strongly convinced that there should be improved communication between researchers and clinicians. How would the approach be helpful in addressing cognitive decline? It would assist in finding out the necessary data for neuropsychological procedures. These procedures would be used in various populations to support reliable and consistent study designs and analysis. As a result, it is intended to aid in the quantification the correct rate of the decline among the elderly population.